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  1. Just remember garmin is slow to update, so you may start to see discrepancies between P3D at airac 1901 and your GTN at 1803, I decided to not update P3D past 1811 so I could try to keep everything in sync.
  2. So im not too sure why there is a discrepancy between some chart's and the approach names we see in the default GPS, perhaps they are just abbreviated term's for the approaches. I haven't noticed any approaches not working since I've updated AIRAC's but admittedly lately I have just been doing complex approaches like VOR/DME or NDB so less using a GPS though when I do I haven't noticed any problems.
  3. Hey Greggy Im honestly not sure, but I just want to state it isn't a requirement that you run FSAERO, but if you don't upgrade P3D AIRAC to 1811 (todays AIRAC) then P3D wont have all the right waypoints in there and when your running some approaches you wont be running them right. It's just like if you were to get a roadmap in 2018 and go back in time to 1955 and try to drive on the roads, sure some of the roads will likely be there but you will be having a hard time navigating through the soup. If this aero.sors can upgrade the AIRAC to 1811 for you then you should give it a try, i will say that I dropped my sub to FSAD because I only needed the 1811 AIRAC from them for now, because it takes so long for garmin to update their trainers to a new database so it will probably be 2~ years before I need to get a sub to FSAD again, I want to keep FSAD and all my AIRACS at the same 1811 so i wont need any of the upgraded AIRACS for a while. But for me FSAD is only 8 bucs and I only need to pay once to get the upgrade installed in P3D.
  4. Awesome REM1 that's great news, and now P3D will also be updated and should work perfectly with all your planes using the latest AIRAC, so PMDG 737, and any other using FMC you upgrade with AIRAC! Really glad it worked out for you I was pretty worried cause I didn't want to advise anyone to go spend their money just for it to not work.
  5. Also if you only had to roll back to Airac 1611 on GTN that may mean FSAERODATA wasn't installed correctly, when I installed FSAD I noticed immediately in P3D if you open maps you will see there is a ton of new stuff, airways both V and J, new vor's boundries really everything. And if FSAD was loaded and you rolled back to 1611 on GTN then you would likely get problems, unless FSAD wasn't loaded and you rolled back to 1611, then p3d would be at 1511 and GTN would be at 1611 which isn't a big difference. Also let me know if you're using scenery in those airport's so I can test and see if we can figure this out. When you install FSAD you need to also have a navigraph account, you open the FSAD configuration tool, select your flight simulator (for me its P3D v4) then click download AIRAC cycle. NOTE: You cant just use an AIRAC you got on navigraph or somewhere else because it needs to be compiled by the FSAD team to work with their tool. So click Download AIRAC cycle, then log in and click Unlock and Download, this will have you verify your navigraph sub and then it will let you download the AIRAC file named: FSAD_AIRAC1813r2 (may be different if your reading this in the future) Once the file is downloaded go back to the FSAD app and click install cycle then find the FSAD_AIRAC1813r2 file and it will go do its thing, after that go into p3d and make sure you can see all the new airways, jetways vor's and everything, check every box so you can make sure you have everything. After that you will be able to tell us what the difference is between your GTN airac 1811 experience and ours, just let us know what is in the wrong place or not there at all and we can figure it out.
  6. I've been flying every night since download with nothing but perfect results, following the navigraph charts pefectly to the T. I've been running NDB approaches, Vor approaches and GPS all which are amazing and exactly to the charts. ill run some approaches in PANC and KTEX to figure it out, do you have FTX vector, i use FTX vector and i made sure that I ran the FTX Central so check if thats updated.. (open FTX central - settings - configure FTX global vector - Airport elevation corrections - Run Auto-Configuration) It will take time to get all the airport corrections correct, then click apply. But most likely the problem is FSAERODATA below. And also REM1Driver do you have FSAERODATA? Please note, FSX/P3D default use the Airac 1511 database, this is ancient, so you have to use FSAERODATA to update FSX/P3D to the current AIRAC which the world is at today, because you may have been flying an approach from today, but P3D is still setup from years ago. They need to be in sync, but ill go to KTEX tonight and test all the approaches and make sure they are correct. Thanks for the info. It's important to know this update isn't from me, this is straight from Garmin, all I did was find it and figure out how to load it into our GTN, if your getting an error when your trying to run an approach if you could post a video, or a screenshot of where you should be and where you are it would help. Also are you running Aftermarket scenery for PANC/KTEX cause I use orbx for KTEX and i know it runs perfectly. NOTE: I have concluded testing on KTEX, i have ORBX scenery though I have ran it on plenty of default airports around the world and it works perfectly, which it should because this database is straight from Garmin iteself. I went ahead and made a video of a LPV approach into KTEX and have screenshots of me using Real jeppeson charts with gps to make sure both GTN and the actual charts for the airport are correct. Here is the video, excuse the bad flying was focusing on making sure GTN was working correctly, this is an LPV approach to KTEX.
  7. It is so worth it, being able to setup a flightplan on Navigraph using the latest charts, and then run the flight plan on P3D using the built in flight plan tool and have it actually have all the procedures airways and everything is so nice, i never thought this was possible a while ago.
  8. As long as you have Navigraph sub (Fsaerodata uses Navigraph latest Airac to model the changes in P3D) you will be good to go to get FSAD. Go over to: https://www.fsaerodata.com/ Click buy and i got a 3 month sub for 8.50 euro, which is pretty cheap, just download the installer, install as it says, then follow the instructions, it will say you need to download the latest Airac and it will ask you for your Navigraph account info so it can verify you own the Airac, then it will install the latest airac into P3D or FSX which is 1813, the Airac i got you for the GTN 750 is 1803 which isn't exact but it's way better than using the 1611 Airac when P3D will be at 1813, you will find that with these addon's all the approaches will work in P3D/FSX and will work in sync with the GTN 750. NOTE: FSAeroData also updates airways, jetways, obstructions, vor's NDB's, everything. When you run it go into P3D/FSX and open map to see how everything is changed and updated with the latest charts airways and everything. You can use your navigraph sub to get the up to date charts and fly correctly! NOTE: If you don't install the GTN 750 update to cycle 1803 like i showed, your GTN will be at cycle 1611 and alot of the stuff will be out of sync with P3D and you will get alot of problems cause P3D will be at 1813. NOTE: FSaerodata comes out with updates every 3 months, I would highly suggest not updating it after you get 1813 because GTN cycle updates that garmin releases for training are extremely rare, so I would suggest leaving everything at 18XX for now and save the zip you get from FSaerodata because once they come out with a new airac they dont allow anyone to download old ones.
  9. Note flight1 GTN 750 is now upgradable to airac 1803!! Garmin released a new trainer https://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=14141 This has the latest AIRAC trainer so you need to install this to the directory it wants you to. Then goto folder C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Trainers\Databases Copy everything in that folder Then goto folder: C:\ProgramData\Garmin\GTN Trainer Data\DB And paste everything in that folder and press yes to replace the stuff. NOTE: I never deleted anything from C:\ProgramData\Garmin\GTN Trainer Data\DB I just pasted everything on top of what was in there and it worked perfectly, everything is updated 100% now including terrain, weather, charts, everything at 1803 and straight from garmin! I would suggest going over to https://www.fsaerodata.com/ and running FSAD so Prepar3d and Flight1 GTN 750 will finally be on the same AIRAC and actually Jive, no more dealing with SID/STAR that prepar3d default Airac couldn't support. This file will make Prepar3d itself have the correct VOR's Sid's Stars ECT in the correct spots, and have the correct airspaces and really everything that is in navigraph (requires navigraph sub to work since its basically installing navigraph airac to upgrade p3d default airac). It will be installed in the current navigraph Airac and once navigraph comes out with the next one they will delete the 18XX and it may be years before you can get p3d/fsx and Flight1 GTN 750/650 to all work correctly.
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