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  1. I know Carenado have a good reputation but looking through this forum it seems there are still a few outstanding queries. I am curious to know if using Windows 10 has thrown up a few more problems? Thanks Don
  2. Thanks for the quick reply Gentlemen - I can stop fiddling :) Regards Don
  3. Hello I am back again..... I have the PMDG737-800NGX in LINDA working a treat. However, the CWSB button always stays in 'Flight Info Mode' regardless how many times I press it. It displays AP/CWSB but after 3 seconds reverts to INFO/v-00. It just means I have to monitor the MCP for correct selection. I am sure the CWSB should toggle between Flight Info and AP. I must have done something wrong - your assistance will be appreciated. Thanks and regards Don
  4. Thanks Artem for getting me started and your tip Andy. First hurdle over as LINDA is now working with the default aircraft. Now too sort out the PMDG737NGX. Regards Don
  5. Hello, I am really baffled because when I start LINDA the 'Configuration Checklist'states 'Everything is OK',especially the VRinsight MCP Combo .Device enabled.COM port assigned.FSUIPC setup done BUT When I review the LINDA Console it reports in RED [E] VRI port 2 "com3" failed to open[E] VRI port 5 "com3" failed to open[E] VRI port 4 "com3" failed to open[E] VRI port 3 "com3" failed to open I am lost what too do next! Am I right in thinking that by using LINDA I no longer need to use SerialFP2? Confused as usual Regards Don
  6. Thanks Kim, tried it with controls override checked and unchecked - it didn't make any difference. I have even tried it with max null but still the same - all very strange!Don
  7. Thanks StevenP but I have checked all options and cannot find one to override the AP. Still hoping someone has the answer:)Don
  8. I am using a CH Flight Sim Yoke and when flying the B737NG, if I accidentally touch my yoke the AP disconnects. It seems very sensitive against the B744. Where can I disable or reduce this from happening.ThanksDon Fraser
  9. Problem fixed - I downloaded them from Navigraph.Don
  10. I have today, just download the 747-400 for FS9 and whilst installing, I discover a 'RunTime Error' which always stops at Sid-StarsKLGB.When I press OK it terminates.Anyone know of a fix please.BTW I have loaded the 747-400 without the Sid/Stars and it works normally. I just need the Sid/Star database.ThanksDon Fraser
  11. I overcame the problem by re-registering FSUIPC.ThanksDon
  12. System : Vista - FS9I have just started to have the same problem. These past few minutes I have re downloaded the latest FSUIPC 3.75 and installed the .dll file but still keeps returning 'FSUIPC version is too old' and closes FS.I have tried loading FS9 and PMDG 747-400 without the FSUIPC.dll installed. The PMDG 747 loads up but is missing many functions like battery power.All the other aircraft I have tried in FS9 are no problem.BTW I removed any reference to FSUIPC.dll files so I know it is the only one in the modules folder.Any other suggestions?ThanksDon
  13. Hi Jim,That is how BAV OSP works - you can generate a FP and convert/save it to your application FS2004, FSNav, PMDG etc - very versatile.I have just tried manually generating the same FP directly in FS2004 and that worked just fine. Yes, you could be right during the conversion something is missing for FS2004. As I mentioned earlier, the workaround is use the OSP generated FSNav FP and export it to Fs2004 then is works correctly.I will post a message regarding this problem on our BAV forum and see if anyone else is aware of this problem.RegardsDon
  14. Hi Jim,I think I have found the problem and to confrim my ASv6 is to build 503.I normally generate flight plans using either FSNav, EU Route or BAV OSP(Off Schedules Program).Being a BAV member I normally use their flight plan generator and I have discovered by saving a flight plan directly to FS9 it omits the various waypoint names in ASv6. However, if I generate one directly to FSNav then convert it to FS9 flight plan it works - all waypoint names are shown!! Very strange FSNav and EU Route no problems.At least it is a work around.Thanks for your interest...RegardsDon
  15. When I import a flight plan, view and print a log, the dep and arrival aiports are shown but no waypoints but the data is there. I understand the waypoints should be shown in the Nav Log. Anyone any ideas on how to fix my problem?ThanksDon Fraser
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