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  1. Just finished my flight. So more experimentation: 1) Using Button control, I can get pushback to start as you described using the parking brake as it should. So something about the Voice control interface and the brakes seem uncertain. Voice control seems to recognize my command because it shows the recognized command in the PBE window ("Ready for pushback and engine start"). But it never acts on it. Edit: And PBE voice control works with every other aircraft I have tried thus far. 2) The rudder axis in the PMDG737 is deactivated when there is no hydraulics. So that was my bad for not making sure System B was on prior to the pushback. Make sure the System B hydraulic pump is on if you want to use rudder control. Thanks for your help. I am disappointed voice control doesn't work though. I will keep experimenting. Voice control is my favourite aspect of FS2Crew products. If I want to just click buttons, I can use any freeware add-on. There has to be a way to get this working....
  2. Interesting, does it read off the nosewheel axis and not the rudder axis for the tug inputs? (Just curious)
  3. I did my own experimentation after thinking about it: I left the Chocks on in the PMDG menu, and FS2Crew was able to advance to the next step ("Release the brakes"), so I was able to almost successfully use PBE with the 737, except the rudder control did not seem to work. I will keep experimenting. But it seems like something is unusual with the parking brakes in the 737. I do not have any parking brake switch on my SaiTek yoke. But I have noticed that tapping my brake pedals releases the brakes, just like back in the P3D days. That is not something any other aircraft does in MSFS that I have seen. I do appreciate the support. Hopefully we can get this fully working. (I should also mention I have been trying primarily with voice control. I will also try Button control and see if it works more reliably.)
  4. I can confirm that I have also had some kind of conflict between PBE and the PMDG 737 in MSFS. I use voice control. When I use the command "We will be ready in a minute" the tug does move and connect to the 737. However, the subsequent command "We are ready for pushback and engine start" does not trigger any action. The command does register in the software (I can see the voice detect recognize the command and display it properly in the PBE window). But nothing happens when the command registers. Yes, the chocks are removed. Yes, the parking brake is set. The voice command does not seem to trigger the action to request brake release. And no, I am not using the PMDG pushback function either. I can also run my alternative, the freeware Pushback Helper, after PBE has hooked up to the airplane and Pushback Helper will move the tug. Something just seems struck trying to trigger the brake release message for me. It could possibly be something I've overlooked. Is there anything else that PBE is waiting for/monitoring for before it asks for brake release? I am pretty sure it checks that the brakes are set before asking for brake release. Is there any other condition it is waiting for?
  5. Could we add an option or at least an option response in the Before Start checklist to passenger signs: "ON-ON"? I don't like leaving the No Smoking sign in Auto and I am tired of the F/O complaining that it isn't in Auto. 🙂 Thanks
  6. So maybe it's just me, but... Seems like the F/O is really eager to call a successful engine start. On my plane, he calls it when we reach about 40% N2. At that point, the start hasn't even kicked off yet..... I assume this call is just based on a timer? Maybe its just because its still winter(ish) in Canada, so the cold starts go slower. He just seems to jump the gun. Any way this can be delayed a little bit longer... P.S. Thank you for the written manual. I know you wanted to move away from it but it really is nice to have, and your comments in the written manual are also very helpful. It's not for everyone, but us old farts prefer something real to hold, and study.
  7. Not sure if this is an FS2Crew problem, or a CRJ problem (or the way they play together), but has anybody else recently noticed that the aircraft will suddenly reset to an almost Cold+Dark state during the pushback or when pushback finishes with Pushback Express? I'll have the airplane engines started or nearly started, and then all the engines and the APU cut out, and most switches in the CRJ reset to their Cold+Dark position. It seems to happen at different points during pushback. Sometimes during the disconnect at the end, sometimes at the start of the push. Its a little hard to nail down what has specifically triggered it. Any suggested tips are appreciated. Rob
  8. I saw that. I tried the printing and it is a very basic printout. Thanks for all the A320 resources, guys. What I was really looking for was a bit of a printable version of the SOPs, focussing on the phrases that FS2Crew is listening for. I always had the previous manuals printed and handy and I found them an awesome reference for what FS2Crew was listening for. Especially when I hadn't been in the plane for a few weeks and there was some particular picky phrase, like how the pitch trim readout is supposed to go. (The print option is an ok interim, but each script has to print to a separate sheet and is not very efficient...) I'll struggle on, but I was one person who read most of your manuals cover-to-cover. (Ok, not the installation intros, after I had read the first one, but all your actual SOPs...) Can I make one suggestion: At least a short troubleshooting manual for getting started with your MSFS products. I had no idea the Command Centre program was supposed to run when MSFS started, so I had no idea what was going wrong with my FS2Crew setup, and I didn't even know where to start. Explaining at least the first few steps in a short manual included with the product would be very helpful. (Yes, I figured it out with the help of the forum, but it honestly took way to long for me to even figure out what questions to ask/search for because I didn't understand how FS2Crew was running within and outside the sim.) Keep up the good work!
  9. So I finally got FS2Crew A3NX working, though the Command Center is still not really doing anything.... I know you said no one read the manuals, BUT I DID! I also would print them out to have a quick reference. Screen real-estate is often precious (the sim is usually not the only thing running when I am simming), and having a hard copy I find is easier to reference than the on-screen assists. So will there ever be a hard copy manual? Even just a reference of all the commands available, the triggers, etc? I saw that you could print each page, but the printouts are kinda plain and lack the formatting and organization of your previous manuals. I read your manuals, and I found them useful, both for learning, and later quick-reference. And they were well organized. I know your development is taking up lots of your time, but I hope you'll consider eventually publishing a manual for the old-timers. Thanks!
  10. Does this mean that, if we choose, the PTT button will not be necessary? I have to say that, so far, pushing the PTT every time I need a command kinda breaks the immersion of just 'talking to my F/O'. So far, that is my biggest gripe with the A32NX addon. That, and I am still trying to work out the installation issues. I cannot get the Command Centre to run automatically with MSFS, nor can I get the Command Center to launch anything. I have to launch everything manually outside the sim. The Command Center launcher just sits there and never does anything...
  11. So I am an I-D-I-O-T, but I hope this helps someone else in the future: I was running AviaWorx using the same old shortcut I created some time ago. In order to use AviaWorx with the CRJ, there is a NEW EXECUTABLE called aviaServer_FS2020.exe. I was still running the old executable through my shortcut, which is why it wouldn't work.
  12. Hello. I was ecstatic to learn that AviaWorx already supports the Aerosoft CRJ in FS2020. However, it doesn't seem to work for me. I installed the updated server version, 13.0. In the compatibility section: Aerosoft CRJ Professional: Product doesn't exist And yes, I have it installed. I have finished a flight with it. Any idea how to make sure AviaWorx finds and connects with the Aerosoft CRJ? Thanks!
  13. Yup. This is true. Incandescent lighting is terrible for distance lighting. Cheap, but not powerful or easily focused. Our company just switched to LED taxi / landing lights. The difference is night and day. No pun intended. There were some planes where the taxi lights were so weak you'd lean forward and flick the light a few times to see a dim glow in front of the plane just to confirm it was actually working. Most aircraft, especially G.A. aircraft, will be the same. Funny all the realistic things Asobo has done that people don't realize and think are mistakes but are actually correct...
  14. This is normal and is exactly what happens in the real airplane. For most of the simple Cessna aircraft (152, 172, and similar - can't recall if the 182 is the same...), when you pull the parking brake knob, one of two things happens (depending on the exact model year, brake designs shifted): 1) The parking brake lever mechanically pushes down the brake pedals and locks the pedals in place until the parking brake lever is released - or - 2) The parking brake lever locks in hydraulic pressure in the brake lines. In order for the parking brake to function, you must push the brake pedals before pulling the parking brake lever, or no pressure will be locked in and the brakes will be 'locked' in release mode. So don't worry about double-axis assignments. The brake pedals are functioning exactly like the real aircraft.
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