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Everything posted by Breenild

  1. Good morning, I actually have the problem, when I use "show addon airports only", then I ONLY get the yellow rings: I would appreciate, when for these addons, the airport symbols (with all its context menu options) also getting displayed.
  2. Would'nt it be possible to save a traffic pattern, which I created for my destination airport, with the flightplan in the .lnmp file? I would appreciate that!
  3. but this could get to compliate compared to simply paint freehand. Especially when you have a controller giving you the taxi clearance very fast.
  4. Hello Alex, I have a little idea you might consider: I would like to simply draw the assigned taxi route on the map using the mouse in littleNavMap. Then it would be useful to have this "painting" move in sync as the map moves and changes size as I zoom in or out. Of course, this painting does not need to be saved.
  5. I'm using FSLTL now for some days and I can seen all of them in Little Nav Map! But I can't see any MSFS Multiplayer aircraft in LNM. Why's that? Could you maybe do anything to make them visible? This would be quite useful to me for groupflights!
  6. Hello Alex, please allow me to come back to this topic after a lot of months, I would like to ask again, if it would be possilbe to simply mark those encryped airports as "addon-airports" even without getting detailed informations. This would be important for me because I like to generate random flights from an addon-airport to an addon-airport. But when this generator doesn't notice the majority of my addons because of this issue, then its sad. Ok, I have the ability to select airports manually as addon airports, but these airports were not chosed in the random flight generator (imho). Maybe you can check again if there is something changed in the api or you have now time to implement this.
  7. But: In the real world we sometimes use IFR waypoints for vfr flightplans! In case of vfr flying, the associated altitudes does not matter. Of course, we do not fly complete procedures, but we use single waypoints.
  8. Yes, you were right, there were some error messages. The message said, my cruising altitude is to low for a chosen waypoint. But in vfr flying, those ifr altitudes does not matter. Would it perhaps be possible, that LNP just ignore that waypoint altitudes, when my flightplan is in VFR mode? I only like to see, if my cruising altitude and descent path fits to the terrain.
  9. And by this way, could you maybe please have a look into the msfs API, if you could also show multiplayer aircraft in LNP? I can see my plane and a lot of AI Traffic, but I can't see the planes of my buddys ín our groupflight.
  10. Hey Alex, I have another idea, which I think is sometimes very useful. Acually we can start measurement lines at VOR, NDB, Waypoints or simply everywhere. But they are static! I would love to have the ability, to start measurement-lines at my aircraft and to a fixed point. And this line should follow my plane and be redrawn, whenever my plane gets redrawn. This is useful for VFR flying to permanently see course and distance to a given location.
  11. sometimes I got a incorrect vertical profile, like that: the destination Airport has an elevation of 2929ft, but it does not show it in the diagram. Whats the problem here?
  12. Hey Alex, I would find it really useful,if I could see the wind at the selected airport in this panel: Nothing serious, but convenient! And also here would be great!:
  13. Good Morning, I have a little wish for a new LNM option: You built in the option to mark addon-airports, which are not recognized automatically, since the cfg file is encrypted: I would really like, if they could treated exactly as addon airports in the search dialog, so that I could filter for ADDON-airports: And also I would like, that they work with the ADDON-Map filter like this: okay, I can see the outer yellow circle of the user-marking, but nicer would be, when the inner part appears as well, like for the "normal addons":
  14. Could someone of the Moderators/Administrators please have a look at this problem? Its VERY annoying!
  15. Sorry for my late answer! Yes, of course, the "keep me logged in" is checked! And even I get logged out every time and I'm unable to relogin. Its says evey time my passwort is incorrect. And for every Login I need to reset my password, which is VERY ANNOYING!! Maybe there is something wrong with the boards cookies? I have used may forums in my live and I'm still using several forums. But I never had such a problem! Its only with AVSIM.
  16. when I think about that, there must be a way to get more informations. GSX is able to get informations about parking positions, taxi lines and so on out of this .bgl's!
  17. ohh ok. but perhaps this would be enough to mark this sceneries as ADD-ON in the Map with that yellow circle around the symbol?
  18. Hello Alex, I have another little wish for a future version of LNM. It would be awesome, if I could see the "course to steer to the next waypoint" ..... .... next to my plane on the LNM-Map Display, like this: I think it would be useful to have the option to setup this here: there actually already is a "Steuerkurs", but its a different one. greetings and a healthy new year to everybody Burkhard
  19. We all know, that LNM actually can't read the sceneries bought in the MSFS store, because they have encryped .bgl-files. And actually I have quite a lot of them. So it would be really nice to see them in LNM like the other ones... Little Excursion: Until a certain Version GSX had the same problem. For encrypted sceneries it worked quite BAD, because it also couldn't read the data from the .bgl-files. But since a newer version I can check an option in the settings and then GSX is able to read the encrypted .bgl-files. As far I have heard, there is now an API function in msfs to get the important values. Alex, can you maybe check, if there is the opportunity for LNM to use this API as well to get the needed information from the encrypted sceneries? This would be GREAT!
  20. Thank you Alex, its interesting, but as far as I understand, I can only see all multiplayers, which are using this tool?! A different Idea by me: When I use the GTN750 addon for example, I can see the other planes on the TCAS display. So it should be possible, for addons to get the multiplayer locations. How about to create a little addon, which collects all the multiplayer locations around me and send this to LittleNavMap itself? Just a little idea. I'm not a developer, so I cannot say, if this is possible.
  21. maybe any Idea about that? Because its quite annoying!
  22. Thank yoiu very much for thinking about that! 🙂 I would really appreciate that. And I think I'm not alone with that wish. And annother idea related to that: When I'm flying MSFS multiplayer I can't see any of the other pilots in LittleNavMap. I can only see AI-Aircraft and AC injected via JoinFS. But no msfs Multiplayer Aircraft. Would it be possible to see them as well?
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