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  1. sorry for my late reply. Can be I was kind of blind. I tried today, and its works. Sorry for disturbing 😉
  2. Since a while there is a problem with the function "copy coordiantes" In Settings - Units I could configure which format the coordinate should be copied. When I do a rightclick in the map, it shows me the coordinate in the right format. But in the clipboard it is always the this format: 41° 23' 21,02" N 19° 40' 36,05" E no matter what I configured.
  3. Good morning, I actually have the problem, when I use "show addon airports only", then I ONLY get the yellow rings: I would appreciate, when for these addons, the airport symbols (with all its context menu options) also getting displayed.
  4. Would'nt it be possible to save a traffic pattern, which I created for my destination airport, with the flightplan in the .lnmp file? I would appreciate that!
  5. but this could get to compliate compared to simply paint freehand. Especially when you have a controller giving you the taxi clearance very fast.
  6. Hello Alex, I have a little idea you might consider: I would like to simply draw the assigned taxi route on the map using the mouse in littleNavMap. Then it would be useful to have this "painting" move in sync as the map moves and changes size as I zoom in or out. Of course, this painting does not need to be saved.
  7. I'm using FSLTL now for some days and I can seen all of them in Little Nav Map! But I can't see any MSFS Multiplayer aircraft in LNM. Why's that? Could you maybe do anything to make them visible? This would be quite useful to me for groupflights!
  8. Hello Alex, please allow me to come back to this topic after a lot of months, I would like to ask again, if it would be possilbe to simply mark those encryped airports as "addon-airports" even without getting detailed informations. This would be important for me because I like to generate random flights from an addon-airport to an addon-airport. But when this generator doesn't notice the majority of my addons because of this issue, then its sad. Ok, I have the ability to select airports manually as addon airports, but these airports were not chosed in the random flight generator (imho). Maybe you can check again if there is something changed in the api or you have now time to implement this.
  9. But: In the real world we sometimes use IFR waypoints for vfr flightplans! In case of vfr flying, the associated altitudes does not matter. Of course, we do not fly complete procedures, but we use single waypoints.
  10. Yes, you were right, there were some error messages. The message said, my cruising altitude is to low for a chosen waypoint. But in vfr flying, those ifr altitudes does not matter. Would it perhaps be possible, that LNP just ignore that waypoint altitudes, when my flightplan is in VFR mode? I only like to see, if my cruising altitude and descent path fits to the terrain.
  11. And by this way, could you maybe please have a look into the msfs API, if you could also show multiplayer aircraft in LNP? I can see my plane and a lot of AI Traffic, but I can't see the planes of my buddys ín our groupflight.
  12. Hey Alex, I have another idea, which I think is sometimes very useful. Acually we can start measurement lines at VOR, NDB, Waypoints or simply everywhere. But they are static! I would love to have the ability, to start measurement-lines at my aircraft and to a fixed point. And this line should follow my plane and be redrawn, whenever my plane gets redrawn. This is useful for VFR flying to permanently see course and distance to a given location.
  13. sometimes I got a incorrect vertical profile, like that: the destination Airport has an elevation of 2929ft, but it does not show it in the diagram. Whats the problem here?
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