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  1. Well I'll be darned, so now I know and not to rely on Skyvector, I seem to have pretty good luck with the NDB's which is surprising. I took my commercial training in Thunder Bay CYQT ,vor works there but I'm on my way to Sioux Lookout CYXL and it won't work there but the NDB does. Thanks a lot
  2. Yes Jim, that's what wondering also, I'm gonna check with current charts like you say cause I do keep up to date . Was kinda hoping the old ones would still be active so we can fly these ol' clunkers .Flying VFR in this sim ,there's no comparison. I like to go vrf with Skyvector and I'm using those Vor's . and yes I use Simbrief and import the flight plan right in the GTN 750 and the same with the ATR . Right now I'm going from Sudbury Ont. CYBS to Timmins CYTS . Skyvector gives the Vor's for both and the trip is short -about 120 miles, I fly by hand so I like to stay at about 100 to 200 miles the vor in Sudbury won't grab but the one in Timmins does but I haven't checked the real charts like you say yet .
  3. Hopefully maybe here I can get an answer to why on a lot-but not all of VOR's don't grab the signal. Before I get hit on the basics I do have a real license and have used vor's in real life,. Since I'm with FS2020 I'm into the DC'3 and Beech 18's and completely done with the big jets. I'm not the only one who has notice this .Louis CYYC
  4. Hi Ray . just maybe your the one who can help a pile of us with Go -Flight modules I have 12 of them . With Fs 2020 sounds like the go flight configure tool is no more . Is there some way we go go to a site or forum  where different people can share there settings ? I'm having a heck of a time with this . Such as the Aerosoft Twin otter  .can't no way set the rudder trim with a RP48 rotary ,and with P3D it was no problem. My GF46 , and GF_WP-6 i can't get it  to work at all, and all my lights like Strobe i can't get the light on my T8-2 to light up when i switch my strobe or any light for that matter.  I can get all of them to show when you hit Identify and i can get a lot working but surely not all and totally lost . Polly pot forums i can't seen to find anything there   Thanks Louis  

    1. Ray Proudfoot

      Ray Proudfoot

      Louis, the Pollypot site is the only place where you’ll get software for GoFlight units.

      Have a read of this post. It covers most of the GF units including the ones you listed. Steve is very helpful.


    2. louis8m


      Ok thanks Ray ,ill just keep fighting with it , Louis

  5. Hi I was real hesitant on buying this DC- 6 cause  i knew it would be a night mere and sure enough. I run PFC with the 2 engine quadrant and can't no way get the throttles to work and reading you post I'm a little lost . Any way you can help me out?  I'd even pay you if you want to come in with team view and fix it cause I'm at my wits end with this thing --- hope to hear from you   Louis Alberta Canada  

    1. BlueStar


      Louis have you posted your issues on the PMDG forum?   If so I will go over there and try to help you. 🙂

    2. louis8m


      I did but in 3 days no answer there  I went over to Pete with FSUIPC forums and he don't know either , and wants me to uninstall the dc 6 and reinstall 

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