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  1. When I was starting the backtracking process using voice, the program crashed, and took P3D5.3 with it. I would not have bothered you with this request to review the causes of the failure and possible solution if this was only the first time it had happened, but it is not: The program has crashed several times, and as a rule when it crashes it takes the simulator with it. I am very grateful and look forward to your response. Thank you! Good day, and good luck.
  2. After a problem caused by PC maintenance software, which forced me to uninstall my simulator and its add-ons, I have not been able to reinstall the program FS2CREW - ULTIMATE GROUND CREW X - FSX P3D, because at the end of the process it appears the news, which I attach, of an error that prevents completion. I use Windows 10- 64 and P3D5, and I appreciate any help you can give me. https://imgur.com/ytTGRRcThank you very muchGood morning good luck
  3. Manuel, ya lo he puesto en práctica y parece que ahora todo va bien. Muchas gracias por esa eficaz y gentil asistencia de su parte. Cordial saludo
  4. Manuel, ya lo he puesto en práctica y parece que ahora todo va bien. Muchas gracias por esa eficaz y gentil asistencia de su parte. Cordial saludo
  5. Inicialmente, instalé la actualización sobre el programa, luego desinstalé todo e instalé nuevamente el software. Initially, I installed the update on top of the program, then uninstalled everything and installed the software again.
  6. Estimado Manuel, por el momento he optado por desinstalar y reinstalar nuevamente el software, pero todavía no tengo una visión precisa de las consecuencias. No obstante, puedo avanzarle que durante el retroceso, solo uno que hice, no hubo chispas, humo, las figuras no flotaban ni se deslizaban, los coches de empuje no volaban, pero la barra que se conecta al coche de arrastre se separa de la aeronave y así sigue su marcha. Manuel, tengo dos preguntas: 1. ¿La reinstalación trae la actualización incorporada o debo instalarla por separado? 2. Me has sugerido varias medidas. Te agradecería que las simplificaras un poco un poco que de este lenguaje no entiendo ni pío. También te agradecería que me dijeras cómo acceder a la consola que me permita ejecutarlas. El auto sígueme está funcionando de maravilla. Felicitaciones. Bueno, nada más me resta agradécele y desearle un muy buen día. ¡Gracias! Dear Manuel, for the moment I have opted to uninstall and reinstall the software again, but I do not yet have a precise view of the consequences. However, I can advance you that during the rollback, just one that I did, there were no sparks, smoke, the figures did not float or slide, the pusher cars did not fly, but the bar that connects to the drag car separates from the aircraft and so it continues its march. Manuel, I have two questions: 1. ¿Does the reinstallation come with the update or do I have to install it separately? 2. You have suggested several measures. I would be grateful if you could simplify them a bit, as I don't understand a thing about this language. I would also be grateful if you could tell me how to access the console that will allow me to run them. The auto follow me is working great. Congratulations. Well, I just want to thank you and wish you a very good day. Thank you! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  7. Hello, immediately after installing the latest version of the software ULTIMATE GROUND CREW X, I have noticed that during aircraft pushback the figures of the technical assistants on the ground or the pusher trolleys spark or slide instead of walking. I am grateful for any help Thank you very much and good day
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