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  1. Of course you can request a lower cruize altitude but that only works until ATC takes over your descent guidance, which has been happening at something like FL100 for me. Past that point unless ATC clears you down quickly enough you come in too high. It was fine when the app came out. I don't understand how the managed to make it so much worse since then. I will file a ticket as well.
  2. I'm sorry I have to say this but since I bought the app which was about 2 months ago the descent path calculation has actually deteriorated. Every flight I end up coming in high because ATC won't clear me down early enough. I fly the PMDG 737 and with the 700 it is actually just about manageable albeit unrealistic. However with the 800, which happens to be quite a bit slippier it's not even manageable. I think the descent path calculation needs some serious revisiting as at this point I can't fly the 800 with your app, which is not the standard I expect.
  3. Hi, I cannot use your program in for flights in New Zealand. I was doing a flight from Auckland and right after I loaded the flight plan the app got stuck with an empty box. I then reloaded the flight and the app with the same result. Interestingly, the same thing happened on a flight starting from Wellington expect it got stuck right after IFR clearance. If you need any more information in order to fix this issue let me know. I hope it gets fixed soon as I love flying in New Zealand.
  4. Thank you for your input, however I cannot make of this whether it works or not. Does FSHud use that content.xml?
  5. Hello, Has anybody tried FSHud with the Sim Update 10 Beta? I want to join the beta but not if FSHud turns out to be incompatible.
  6. I haven't asked FSUIPC support but I just learned it's a sim issue since SU9. The sim struggles to autostart apps via the exe.xml. Fenix also mentioned this in one of their announcements and told their customers to start their app manually if necessary. Anyway, I doubt it's got anything to do with your product and I've found a workaround. Thank you for your input.
  7. Hi, I've had this problem lately where Pushback Express (and FSUIPC as well for that matter) will only start if I defocus the sim during startup. Of course I can simply defocus the sim every time I start it but I don't want to have to restart it if I forget to do that. Do you have any clue as to why this is happening?
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