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  1. No doubt I'll buy it at some point in the next few years. I'll give it time to mature and for all the hype to die down and the real would usage to be seen. I thank all of you that buy it straight away, you're the heroes that'll iron everything out for the rest of us. I salute you! My concern is the usual one. Spec required. I've just rebuilt my PC and it's now pretty well up-to-date and very usable for all of my needs (FSX has nearly every slider over to the right, lol!), but it only just meets the minimum spec. I know, it's the same with every release of MSFS, but just for once I was hoping mere mortals, like most of us users, were going to get something we could buy and enjoy straight away. Maybe this will be the case, but as I said earlier, I'll wait for real world usage from you heroes. BTW, this is pretty much copy/paste from every MSFS that's ever been released! Have fun, Rick. EDIT. Ref Price. On the fence. Seems reasonable for all reasons already been given. I wonder, if I buy the basic will I then be able to "Upgrade" to the other versions as a DLC at a later date if I wish too?
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