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Posts posted by MarcG

  1. A few points;

    1) Asobo are capable of offering decent live weather, they did just that pre-SU7 before it all went wrong.

    2) As above it's not our place to ask Asobo to hire an individual without that individuals consent or thoughts on the "Vote".

    3) Who knows they may well open up the Weather API for MSFS2020 once MSFS2024 is out, then Active Sky could get even better than it currently is (I love it).

    4) I'll await and see what Asobo do with live weather in MSFS2024 before I ready my pitch fork, they screwed it up with SU7 and history shows they don't learn from their mistakes so time will tell and proof will be in the pudding, I'm however willing to give them a chance to redeem themselves.

    5) I've said it before and I'll say it again, Meteoblue are not the best weather data provider but MS are clearly tied into a contract with them, that much is obvious.

  2. I can understand the intrusion in this sense as that particular "advert" is shockingly in your face and so out of place with the scenery, other than that advertising has been in games for well over a decade now. Racing Sims have it (track adverts which are actual real adverts for example), I think Far Cry or some other First Person Shooter had it with Product Placement once (Monster Energy Drink as a consumable).
    So yeah it's nothing new but when it looks as bad as that thread links too then yeah it needs some sort of moderation from MS I would agree, can't see them worrying about it though.

  3. 15 minutes ago, fsiscool said:

    Regressions are a considerable part of the large number of open bugs in any large software. There is no sign, that MSFS is below average in that regard. I have quickly double checked the official forums, and the percentage of obvious regressions is small. So I am not sure what you're getting at?

    I'm getting at the fact there's regressions that unfortunately have remained unfixed for years, at the end of the day this is a computer game and it's pretty standard to fix things you break during active development.


  4. 10 minutes ago, flightyjoe said:

    Point being, MSFS captured me, and still won't let go...

    Same for me, I've been an avid racing Sim fan since the mid 2000s and Geoff Crammonds Sims back in the 90s, with hundreds of hours in all the top racing Sims including AC, RF2, AMS/2 etc. I had also dabbled with flight Sims in the past but nothing hooked me like F-19 Stealth Fighter did back in the 90s, then this came along in 2020 and it's certainly eaten a huge chunk into my racing time that's for sure 😄 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, fsiscool said:

    Do you really think something is wrong if such a complex application has logged a larger number of bugs at any time? 

    E.g. An established and stable platform like Google Chromium has more than 400 open bugs right now, so why do you think MSFS is worse than average? Besides that many instruments in MSFS are browsers too, the sim has vastly more and more complex functionalities.

    Not sure what you're getting at, we were talking about regressions - that is new bugs that appear during a SU and still awaiting a fix - of which there are many. Again the official forums bug section has them clearly on view for all to see, some of them basic mouse/UI issues so no more complex than anything else. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Noel said:

    If you don't mind remind me of a few of those outside of the downturn in cloud depiction quality that happened around SU5/7, that I'm aware of.  I ask genuinely because I really can't think of any meaningful or memorable regressions or issues.  If it was reduction in LOD right now it seems better than ever to me.  I thought after SU15 loaded LOD had really deteriorated but a reboot and run of Accuseason seems to have restored what I had become accustomed to.  I love the Render Scale at 160 now, along w/ AMD FidelityFX really has sharpened image quality.  IOW, in large part my experience has been very positive overall so when I read about regressions and issues it's largely a puzzle, except as I say change to cloud depiction.  Performance, stability, etc all are very good here.  I don't use VR though.   I'm amazed Self Loading Cargo which integrates w/ GSX Pro does as well as it does it's quite sophisticated yet is largely flawless.   I recall early on the heinous spinning data transfer indicator (or whatever it was doing in communicating w/ the server or what have you) that would appear on the lower right part of the display was fixed and I had done 2 or 3 zen-desks on that to try to get attention to it because it was associated w/ stuttering.  Audio, for example ATC, sometimes caused a stutter but that too seems to have been addressed some time ago.  I remember the really bad yo-yoing with the default ATC when flying mountainous approaches seems to have vanished as well.  I still use it and will see if any meaningful improvement comes w/ 2024 and if not decide which 3rd party to pick up.  

    Just go to the official forums and read the bug reports, there's plenty reading there. (I've already had this discussion multiple times, excuse me for not wanting to repeat myself every single time)

  7. The good thing about SU15 being the last update until next year is we shouldn't have any more regressions and new issues to worry about, the bad thing about SU15 being the last update until next year is we've got to live with the regressions & issues from past updates that still remain unfixed....for years.

    Oh and not forgetting the next World Update could break something, as they have been known too in the past (last WU broke certain toolbar windows in VR....quelle surprise!)

    • Upvote 1

  8. Further Observations;

    • DX11 is performing worse than ever, huge drops in performance/FPS for no reason. *Could* be server load at the weekend/update period so willing to persist in the week to see if it improves (tried with no mods, same result).
    • Alongside the above any AI Aircraft seem to hamper performance much more so than before, I used to love using the GAMod from Corsten but even on 1% Aircraft settings I notice a big drop in FPS, which in VR is unfortunately not good. Having tried a mix of that and FSLTL and the latter on it's own I've had to lower settings in FSLTL quite dramatically to maintain decent FPS - but then Point 1 above comes into play as well so it's a mess.
    • DX11 Tile Loading bug remains alongside the "shadow" Tile Bug, thought they might've fixed this alongside the DX12 Tile issue but that's seemingly something completely different.
    • I fly the C208B Caravan a lot and it may well be placebo but the ground handling on take off/landing is a lot easier than it was before, flown in some gusty winds but my understanding is that this wasn't one of the planes to get the improvement, maybe there was something else under the hood and not mentioned in the patch notes, dunno, either way it feels better on control than previous pre-SU15 flights last week.

    Gonna give DX12 a decent run, so far that seems to be more stable than DX11 now which is a complete reverse of how it used to run on my system.

  9. 28 minutes ago, BWBriscoe said:

    I'm currently on approach to EGLL and this is what I see...

    The scenery just isn't loading in properly and makes London look like it's been hit by a nuclear bomb.

    I know it's a high density area, but my FPS are good so it's not even as though my machine is struggling, it just doesn't load it in. By the time I get down to about 1,000ft everything has loaded.

    But this looks truly appalling...much worse than it ever did in P3D even!

    Can anyone help?

    could be a server overload, it is the weekend so potentially more people in the air causing more strain on the servers which isn't anything new, therefore stuff loads slower.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Corsten said:

    If you put traffic method to off, there is no gamod models used. Fsltl doesent use them, they have own ga models. 


    My recodemdation: put traffic method ai offline with density 1%. And enable only gamod models and ga flightplans. Do not enable aig flightplans. You should have little gamod ga traffic with fsltl comercial traffic. Disable fsltl ga traffic.

    Ok thanks, I've been round so many settings with so many apps doing so many different things I forget what's what and where what works with what 🤦‍♂️😆 

    I'll give your suggestions a go, thanks 👍🏽 

  11. @Corsten I've been tweaking FSLTL to gather back some FPS lost in recent Sim Updates, using VR I need every FPS available so I have set 'Air Traffic Type' in game to OFF which means FSLTL controls all injections, so am I right in thinking as per the wording on your flightsim.to page then that's all I need to do to not only control IFR/VFR aircraft but have your models used as well? (I've removed the default bgl file of course).

    Currently my settings are as follows, further tweaking may be required but this is a nice balance that gives me some traffic and still a healthy FPS;


      "ifraircraftlimit": 10,
      "vfraircraftlimit": 10,
      "staticaircraftlimit": 0,
      "staticaircraftlimitmax": 30,
      "staticaircraftgalimit": 0,
      "staticaircraftgalimitmax": 15,
      "spawnradiusair": 100,
      "spawnradiusground": 10,
      "secstilremove": 90,

    AI Flow:
    OptInMode=1 //turns off everything in AIFlow
    AICullMaxBoatsAllowed=30 (I don't think this makes any difference as with 50+ boats there's never a drop in performance anyway)

  12. 14 minutes ago, bobcat999 said:

    At this stage I have more or less given up on them, and MSFS2024 isn't in my thoughts at the moment. 

    I gave up on them long ago with respect to certain areas of their organisation & management of this Sim that clearly need vast improvement, it's so obvious it's become funny!

    I'll no doubt get the next sim day one, I'm a sucker and even though I dislike their ignorance towards VR and their ineptitude in understanding Users complaints they have delivered a truly groundbreaking simulation here - what pains me is that it could've been so much better with a little more understanding & common sense.

    Anyway, back to SU15, I have more DX12 flying to do!

  13. 12 hours ago, Farlis said:

    Martial made it very clear that they have no plans allocating any working hours to fix it a few Q&A's ago.

    That's because his response was extremely irritating, saying he couldn't reproduce it properly on the first try (clearly suggesting he didn't spend much time looking for it) and that it has to so with frame rate (complete nonsense it's to do with the Shutdown Window that used to pop up).
    A prime example of yet again Asobo not fully understanding the issue presented even though before that Q&A there was already hundreds of Votes and reports of it, since that pitiful response the Votes count has gone up a considerable amount to show them that this is an important issue to fix but alas it will be ignored forever, I bet it's still present in MSFS2024...!


    • Upvote 1

  14. 58 minutes ago, Krakin said:

    Oh wow, I didn't realize you and @MarcG doubled down hating on Martial for something he didn't even do lol.

    I wasn't referring to that particular one, his general demeanor during Q&As is one of someone who doesn't want to be there but has too. Generally he comes across as arrogant, ig norant (why is that word blocked here!?!) and like he doesn't want to answer anything.

    Also, and not his fault at all, but his strong french accent when speaking English is sometimes hard to fully understand, another reason why someone else would be better suited to the Q&As.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Fielder said:

    The pauses in map zoom was happening for me while stuff in the content manager (world updates) was downloading and installing. I think that is the problem. The world updates are doing stuff to files that the map is reading.

    EDIT: Yep, now that the new content has downloaded (world updates) the map zoom is back to normal.

    Still happens for me, nothing downloading on the background.

  16. First impressions based on performance (benchmarks taken, no mods);

    • Average FPS slightly down on SU14 which itself suffered a significant performance loss
    • DX12 now performs solidly, this was a stuttering mess in past updates then gradually got better over time but not to the point it was flyable in VR for me, but that's changed now so I may continue to use it.
    • DX11 definite stutters and performance a fraction down on DX12

    Bearing in mind server load possibly plays a part in performance (has been discussed ad infinitum elsewhere) so this evening may be heavy due to the update of course, therefore I'll revisit DX11 another day. Overall though I'm disappointed the SU14 performance loss wasn't fully addressed as it's still lower than previous Sim Updates.

    As mentioned earlier the Menu UI is a stuttering mess with DX12, whilst it's perfectly fine with DX11.

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