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  1. Glad you guys like my software! 1. Skalarki SA Driver is a one time purchase. 2. Any and all Addon planes will be a 1 year license. After a year you purchase it again. 3. If you purchased the Fenix addon it is still 100% fully supported and will continue to be supported. 4. It was taken down for sale for the time being due to SKALARKI threatening me. Nothing to do with Fenix at this time. 5. Nothing was, and ever was official. I do not have any affiliation with any other company at this time. 6. Join our discord for more information and if you are interested in the Fenix product you can reach out to me via Discord. https://discord.gg/AD8S3PgPnf
  2. Hey All! After many months of hard work I am proud to announce my new software that allows you to use Skalarki on any plane on any sim that Spad.neXt supports. I am not sure where to post this information, however, if you are interested or want more information you can get a hold of my company at sales@de-flight.com. The product is now for sale at https://de-flight.com
  3. Seems to be doing good. I’ll keep messing with it but so far so good.
  4. I will try again tomorrow. Al I did was go into the game with Fenix. Then I closed via main menu. Loaded back in and picked 737 and it did not inject. It did with the Fenix though.
  5. Sadly same issue. I loaded in with PMDG 737 and nothing injected. SHowing FENIX and in yellow.
  6. Sweet. Thought I was crazy. It has yet to crash though since I messaged you. Maybe I was still on the old update.
  7. Ok just messed with it again. Indeed the issue is when I switch planes it does not seem to reinject. If I close out MSFS and reload a different plane same thing. Maybe I am crazy but give it a try.
  8. I tried it a few times today. While it seems to no longer crash. Which is great. It seems to not inject after I load and reload MSFS or a new plane, restart, etc. ALso it is seeing a different livery, not sure that is the issue. The livery is in yellow and it not the correct plane.
  9. Hello. I updated to latest and it still seems to be crashing when loading into flight. I will keep checking. But not sure it is 100% fixed.
  10. Yep, I finally figured it out also. However how do you Use the FMS setting? Also is there a way to auto land with the auto throttle? Furthermore, has anyone figured out how to get the total ETA instead of just the left ETE?
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