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  1. Updated for rapid learning: https://sonicviz.com/2023/07/04/the-power-of-repetition-and-interleaved-learning-in-msfs/
  2. Hello! I want to have a poke at creating a skydiving/parachuting addon, which is a little different from powered aircraft. Some of the issues were discussed here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/paid-parachuting-addon-i-know-there-is-an-fsx-freeware/552750/5 I have a lot of real world experience in it, as well as development, but finding it difficult to find good resources on getting started with doing a custom WASM flight model, which is what is needed for this type of "aircraft" scenario(s). eg: (from link above) Skydiving/parachuting is unique in the sense that the flight model geometry of the human body/parachute morphs into many possible states, wheras the current SDK CFD implementation is based around a static geometry underlying the aircraft model, which makes sense for the use cases it was designed for but that doesn’t actually cover the full range of aerial use cases. I've got some bits and pieces from different places, but was wondering if anyone had some good starter projects/guides for that here? Thanks!
  3. Hello! I wrote a couple of addons to scratch a few itches I had with the main MSFS UI, such as: Favorites Tags Notes Auto control preset switching Custom location saving ++ The videos below are a bit long winded (ha!) but go into most of the detail. If you want to cut to the chase just check out the benefit/feature list on the website links below: Aircraft Manager for MSFS Location Manager for MSFS Free lite versions available as well. Any question, fire away! Happy flying!
  4. Fix is to go into Options/Controller settings and reset ALL the sensitivity settings for the XBox controller back to defaults, which will add the dead zones back in. Don't forget to scroll down to get the Y-axis for the right stick as well. It seems they reset them with no deadzone, so it's especially sensitive and causes drift with any movement of the stick, which includes subtle off center position even when you're not touching it.
  5. Lower cache size doesn't seem to be working (and really doesn't solve the location issue anyway), and having to reset the folder continually isn't really optimal. If it had a "set folder" dialog" it would be more consistent with other similar cache functionality, and an optimal UX.
  6. Hi, Great app, ty! One issue I'm having at the moment is the Marble map cache defaults to C:\Users\paul\AppData\Local\.marble\data and it's chewing up my system drive. There's no way to change the cache location to a custom one I can see. Is it possible to do this, or implement a custom cache location? ty!
  7. Hi, Great app, thanks! Testing it with MSFS now, and doesn't seem to have any problems apart from the scenery db you're working on. Q: How can I lock the zoom level so it doesn't auto zoom when my position changes. Say my use case is doing a landing challenge, but I want to zoom out LNM on my 2nd monitor to hold the initial a/c position and track all the way to land. But LNM keeps zooming in on me, and I can't see an obvious option to leave zoom at manual. Ditto for position. When you go back to the menu in LNM it seems to reset the maps position whereas I'd like to keep it where I last was. Use case is for exploring the locale a bit more for flight planning. Even using the back arrow it stays for a while then ping pongs back to some random location, probably because the coords sent by MSFS when back in the menu are literally off the charts. Maybe you could use that bogus position as an indicator they the user is no longer in flight but in a MSFS menu state, so ignore map changes?
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