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  1. HI Ray, It just stopped working. FSUIPC V4.9.7.6 paid. RC Version 4.03.3845. Ed
  2. Hi Ray, No I'm running it on the same PC as FSX. I even did a clean download and install. Happy Christmas, Ed
  3. Hi, I've run into the Runtime 75 error message, here's what I get. Runtime 75 RadarContact.rcv4module.atc_ack All paths are correct FSUIPC is up to date. I've done multiple reinstalls, Even cleared the registry. I'm stumped!!!. Happy Holidays 🌲 Ed
  4. Thank you both Ray and Ian 😊 Ed
  5. Hi, I am reinstalling Radar Contact, I removed the voice files and went to replace them with the Meatwater ones, after completing the process and launching Radar Contact I get an error message saying voice folder 99 is missing. The program closed. I did a thorough search both on my computer and online couldn't find folder 99. In all my previous installations everything worked fine. I would appreciate some help. Thanks, Ed Kammerman KMAN
  6. Hi, I went and installed FSDreanteams' GSX and got the following message - XML entries - exe.xml SUCESS DLL.xml SUCESS -SimObject Path Entries- Fsx.cfg (Main) CFG file not found This is for the FSX boxed verson (not the steam edition Anybody got any ideas?
  7. Hi, I had to do a complete reinstall of both Windows 11 and FSX. After installing both PMDGs'777 and Quality Wings'787, I got the following error message. 777--200 $WINGLIGHT$FLAPSTCLLIGHT$CABINLIGHT$MLGHB777--300 $WINGLIGHT$CABINLIGHT$FLAPSTCLLIGHT$MLGHBx3 $FLOODAMBIENTI have run a repair and uninstalled/reinstalled both aircraft. I am still having the same issue. Assistance would be much appreciated. This applied to both aircraft. Thanks, Ed Kammerman
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