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  1. Hi translated by Google THANKS I just made scripts for the position of the UFT tablet TABLET_POSITION DEFAULT (L:tablet_pos_ca,·enum)·2·==·if{·0·(>L:tablet_pos_ca,·enum)} TABLET_POSITION CDU (L:tablet_pos_ca,·enum)·0·==·if{·2·(>L:tablet_pos_ca,·enum)} TABLET_POSITION WINDOWS 1·(>L:tablet_pos_ca,·enum)
  2. Good morning same problems for me gmail address
  3. (LOAD_SIMBRIEF)·(SPLIT:2500)· 'C:\ProgramData\Fenix\FenixSim·A320\efb\img\'·(L:simbrief.general.icao_airline,·String)·scat·'.png'·scat·'C:\ProgramData\Fenix\FenixSim·A320\efb\img\bg.png'·(COPYFILE:%s1|%s2) 1·(>L:REFRESH_EFB_CAPT,·Number) (SPLIT:10000)· 'C:\ProgramData\Fenix\FenixSim·A320\efb\img\bg.png'·(DELETEFILE:%s1)· It works very well thank you even though I didn't have a problem before at least now we have a variable to refresh the efb
  4. tube is too loud I looked to see if there was a variable to restart the EFB in configuration files Thanks a lot
  5. I understand that the script will only be valid for one livery. I will test your latest script next week with thank you again for your patient olivier
  6. THANKS I already wanted to test your script but I didn't understand how to read it thank you for your proposal to provide me with the following version I am not in SU15 And I'm going to waste your time.
  7. I made a mistake here is the right test (WSH:jscript|AaoEntry) function AaoEntry(){ var acTitle = (A:TITLE, String); var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var acfg = "H:\\Microsoft Flight Simulator\\Community\\fnx-aircraft-320-liveries\\SimObjects\\Airplanes\\FNX_320_CFM_AFRFGKXS\\aircraft.cfg"; if (fso.FileExists(acfg)){ var tStream = fso.OpenTextFile(acfg, 1, false, 0); var text = tStream.ReadAll(); tStream .close(); var sPos = text.indexOf("Title=\"" + acTitle + "\""); if (sPos > 0){ sPos = text.indexOf("icao_airline=", sPos); if (sPos > 0){ var ePos = text.indexOf("\"", sPos + 15); if (ePos > 0){ var acIcao = text.substring(sPos + 14, ePos); var srcImgName = "C:\\ProgramData\\Fenix\\FenixSim A320\\efb\\img\\" + acIcao + ".png"; var trgImgName = "C:\\ProgramData\\Fenix\\FenixSim A320\\efb\\img\\bg.png"; fso.CopyFile(srcImgName, trgImgName, true); } } } } }
  8. I don't understand the script very well I'm not sure about the modification in the livery the ICAO code is on line 15 I'm trying with airfrance AFR the images all have the .png extension (WSH:jscript|AaoEntry) function AaoEntry(){ var acTitle = (A:TITLE, String); var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var acfg = "H:\\Microsoft Flight Simulator\\Community\\fnx-aircraft-320\\aircraft.cfg"; if (fso.FileExists(acfg)){ var tStream = fso.OpenTextFile(acfg, 1, false, 0); var text = tStream.ReadAll(); tStream .close(); var sPos = text.indexOf("Title=\"" + acTitle + "\""); if (sPos > 0){ sPos = text.indexOf("icao_airline=", sPos); if (sPos > 0){ var ePos = text.indexOf("\"", sPos + 15); if (ePos > 0){ var acIcao = text.substring(sPos + 14, ePos); var srcImgName = "C:\\ProgramData\\Fenix\\FenixSim A320\\efb\\img\\" + acIcao + ".png"; var trgImgName = "C:\\ProgramData\\Fenix\\FenixSim A320\\efb\\img\\bg.png"; fso.CopyFile(srcImgName, trgImgName, true); } } } } }
  9. I just tested your latest script it works fine the ideal would be to read the ICAO code in the livery, aircraft.cfg file Is it possible to rename the title of the post, it would be a little more meaningful like "fenix change the EFB wallpaper automatically ICAO" if a moderator goes through THANKS
  10. (I still don't understand why you are deleting the bg.jpg file?) because during the next loading of another plane (ICAO) I have a file conflict it cannot delete the file example : plane loading with code ICAO = ARF, the script renames the file AFR.jpg to bg.jpg plane loading with ICAO code = AAL.jpg the file cannot be renamed to bg.jpg because it already exists in the img folder I will test your new script THANKS
  11. Hi before using the script, you must load a wallpaper with an image called bg.jpg you will see that by default it is automatically saved in the folder C:\ProgramData\Fenix\FenixSim·A320\efb\img\ it is this image that is called up each time the plane is loaded
  12. Good morning for information AAO stop How to reproduce the crash: Sim running in map no plane loading display AAO from systray open Templates/Edits Config then close button crashes AAO Olivier
  13. sorry I don't speak your language translation gives me BA training What does BA mean? this changes the EFB wallpaper according to the ICAO code generated by your Simbrief OFP
  14. automatically change efb wallpaper with AAO if this interests you https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/643027-icao_airline/?do=findComment&comment=5076868
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