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    Boise, Idaho

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  1. I went online and downloaded another addon for waves, installed it and they appear like they should. Thankfully there are downloads to help with all of the sim's issues and stuff.
  2. I went in and adjusted the weather ie; wind speed. Turned it way up...made no difference. I always had ocean waves without ever adjusting the wind speed. Something has changed. I have added several new airplanes and a few new sceneries. Would that have made a difference somehow?
  3. My MSFSX ocean waves only randomly appear. I have reinstalled ocean waves and also run the gauge effect recover without resolve. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if so, did you find a solution. I'm from Oregon and I really miss the ocean waves living here in Idaho. Thanks for any help that may be offered from the forum.
  4. I followed your instructions without fail! Thanks so much for your help. It just helps to be a risk taker with these kinds of things. Have a nice day.
  5. Thanks again for your response. When I first downloaded the addon sceneries, I tried to add them by copying them from the desk to the MFX addon scenery folder and they would never show up in the Library and would not load when I tried using them. I don't know why that was. I guess I should not have downloaded them to my desktop in the first place or after downloading them to the desktop, moved the entire folder instead of copying it to the addon scenery folder. I'm hoping they will work this time as you have instructed. Maybe I should just try a single scenery addon from my desktop ( removing it entirely from the desktop and putting it into the addon scenery folder in the program) to start with to be sure it will work. I'll give it a try. I just don't want to loose any of the scenery addons and have to go download them again from the various addon sites.
  6. Thanks so much for your quick reply. I should have joined this forum a long time ago LOL. Yes, all of the airplane addons are in my airplane folder and they work fine. So I'll just remove them from the desk top. When I upload the addon airplanes I always unzip them to the desktop and then manually (if they do not automatically) paste them into the simobject/airplane folder. The addon sceneries, most of them, I added using the addon library in the program. Some were automatically downloaded to the addon library. When I look in the program addon scenery folder, it is empty of any sceneries that i have in the addon library. I guess that's why when I move any of the addon scenery folders from my desktop to the addon folder in the program they don't work. How can I get these off of my desktop? Thanks again for your help.
  7. I'm new to the AVSIM forum but not new to MSFSX. I have been confused/frustrated trying to figure out how to move my downloaded addon scenery freeware folders from my desktop to the MSFSX addon scenery folder where I guess it should actually be. I have added several addon sceneries successfully through the addon scenery library and they work fine. But when I try to move these folders to the MSFSX addon folder within the program they stop working. I tried moving them and then they stop working. But I'd like to move all of these (including some airplane addons as well to where they belong. The airplane addon folders are on my desktop as well and also in the airplane folder and they all work fine as well. I'm just trying to cleanup my desktop. Any help would be so appreciated from any forum members.Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions that may be given. GaryG
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