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Everything posted by actrade

  1. Mind you it does this even if I have P2A say it via the say it function.
  2. I cannot get ATC to acknowledge IFR release even if I repeat it back via P2A own format...Keeps telling me to say again departure runway even though I'm reading it back exactly at P2A says via the ? feature.
  3. Ok strike that...it DID disconnect...no green light. Once I reconnected yellow plane came back. Sorry for confusion.
  4. Funny thing is that Little Nav Map tracks as well and has no issues.
  5. Getting again tonight...the connect button stays lit and ATC still talks to me, but I think there's a point where P2ATC checks and doesn't have a good connection...any way to get it to check again? I'm sure I'm not the only one out here in the verse with crappy internet 🙂
  6. Ok, working atm...didn't change anything...question, could a poor internet connection cause this issue as I am on very poor DSL.
  7. I don't have enable hidden aircraft checked...never did. I will check when I get home about the 3 positions, but remember I didn't change anything. I'm sure I've clicked the center on aircraft button many times to no avail, but will check again. After deleting my config settings per your instructions, it worked fine. Next flight, it was gone again. As far as flying out of sight, I'm doing 50nm or less hops and am zoomed out far enough to see much of the country I'm flying in so that certainly isn't the issue.
  8. sigh...very next flight doing it again.
  9. will that get rid of my imported taxiways and voices? the voices I can add back...the 90 min to add taxiways not sure I want to do right now 🙂
  10. question...for troubleshooting purposes is there a "set default" option anywhere in P2A?
  11. 1. I didn't have that checked to begin with. 2. I then tried it both ways...neither brought my yellow plane icon back.
  12. No talking a a very small red X where the yellow plane should be that tracks on the map along your route.
  13. What is the file name? Does it store just your last flight?
  14. All of the sudden, I can't see my plan on the map when clicking on center on aircraft. I do see a red x, but it doesn't move. However, if I click/unclick it shows where the plane is with the red x, but again, it doesn't move until I again click/unclick. Beta 6a.
  15. I've seen this issue on the forums, but I don't think I've seen any resolution to this. Very annoying as I'm already on the heading requested. Using beta 6a.
  16. To be honest, I think the problem is with P2A. For example, I set my voices to random and added all the MS voices (not Polly) because I was frustrated with Polly voices not activating and just getting MS David. However, I'm having the same issue, sometimes it works, sometimes I just get MS David for all speakers, same thing that Polly does so I doubt it's Polly as the issue.
  17. Hmmm...I got Amazon polly all set up and can assign voices as Sims did in his post, but they appear to be hit and miss...sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. A restart of P2A sometimes resets them working again. Ideas?
  18. Hmmm...having the problem too...works sometimes, sometimes not. A restart of P2A sometimes fixes, sometimes not.
  19. I had an issue with P2A that Dave worked on over the weekend and we finally solved. You don't get that kind of service anywhere. Thanks a million for the help!
  20. Furthermore, if you look at the info tab inside of P2A of these airports, they list the arrival and departure runways as none, yet on the runways/gates tab it lists the proper runways? Valid landing runways list the proper arr/dep runways in the airport tab.
  21. After much trial and error, I've come to the conclusion that if the airfield in NOT in the current AIRAC, then it will NOT allow you to validate and file and flight plan to land...you can take off from there no problem. I thought, perhaps incorrectly, that makerunways would add airfields from MSFS2020 and import them to P2A, thus allowing flight planning even without ATC and/or frequencies. While makerunways does indeed import airports that would otherwise not exist in P2A, for some reason you can't validate/file a plan that involves landing at one of these airfields. The question is whether or not that is working as intended inside of P2A?
  22. Thanks Dave. My sanity thanks you too 🙂
  23. Pete, First off, thanks for all you do for the flight sim community. I have a question on Makerunways and P2A. I fly a lot of bush pilot airstrips around Papua New Guinea, many of which were not originally in P2A. Makerunways did import all of them but for some reason, some airstrips I simply cannot land at and get P2A to file the flight plan. I can take off from these airstrips with no problem and the P2A program will accept the flight plan. Dave has told me that "P2A uses the Destination Runway for many purposes and if you destination doesn't have a runway, it will cause problems." Well, I must be dumb as a post as I can't wrap my head around the fact that a) the runway is clearly visible and I can use them all for my departure point, yet b) many of these airfields cannot be used for destinations....P2A accepts them in the planning part, but will not allow the FP to be filed. Since you are the makerunways programmer, I wanted to ask you (and Dave) why some of the airfields being added by makerunways are not accepted by P2A as destinations. If you want a single example, use AYXE. Thanks!
  24. Now I'm really confused. I can take off from these runways, I just can't land at them. The runways are there (most were added via MakeRunways). When I look at these runways (the ones I can take off from but not land, that is if I want to file a flight plan) in TaxiMnt, they look exactly like the ones I can land at. I actually was doing that last night, looking for differences so maybe I could figure out how to make them "landable" for the flight filing.
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