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Everything posted by rebrecs

  1. Hi, if this is the wrong place for this post please advise. I thought it should be here, or the "Hanger." Neither seemed exactly right. Here goes. I'm running FSX-SE on Windows 10. I am learning the B737-800 that came with my FSX-SE purchase. I have gained the ability to land the aircraft, and do so at or near 160 knots IAS, flaps 40. I don't load fuel in accordance with a fuel plan. Whatever "gut" algorithm I use is pretty consistent since the gross weight tends to usually be within the range that calls for 160-161 Knots IAS. When I say "calls for," I am referring to the Vref chart in Aircraft--> Reference. That same Vref chart is what motivates my question here today. I would post an image of the Vref chart in question, but I just got through reading the forum rules regarding posting images. Not being clear on what was being asked, I decided I'm too new here to be put in "forum jail." Maybe next time. Basically, I interpret that chart to say I can land this aircraft at gross weight between 90000 and 180000 (pounds), and I have two choices regarding speed. I can either use flaps 40 and land at a speed between 157 -165 knots IAS, or I can use flaps 30 and land at speeds within the range of 109-116 knots IAS. Am I reading this chart right? I have never been able to slow that aircraft to within 109-116 knots IAS with flaps 30, or flaps 40 for that matter. The aircraft will fly at speeds in that range but it will be pitched up radically, even during rapid descent. Note, it does not stall but, in my limited experience, the pitch up is too severe for crossing the threshold. The tail will hit the concrete before the wheels without intervention. But what intervention? Am I supposed to force the nose down with the yoke? That seems counter to every other plane I have flown (SIM) If you have any advice for me on the topic of landing the B737 in the slower speed range, please let me know. I am not in any way opposed to landing at 160 knots, but if there are indeed two viable speed ranges, I would like to know how to use them. Somebody bothered to publish that chart, so I want to infer that there is a reason for choosing slow or fast speed approach and landing. True or False ? Thanks in advance.
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