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Everything posted by Ink-With-Gold

  1. Yeah that's been an issue with me as well, only the WT CJ4 "fixed" that No idea why it is forced in the first place
  2. India / Pakistan South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua! ) Middle East (Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi, Yemen, Jordan) China Russia (Yes, it's still on the world map last I checked and it's huge) Baltic Region and Turkey (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland) Mediterranean (Morocco, Greece, Malta, Egypt, Jerusalem, Lebanon, Tunisia) Horn of Africa (Cape Town, Johannesburg, with Mozambique and Madagascar added) Safari regions and more fauna as part of a general Africa update Central America (Mexico, Panama, Honduras, and all of the Caribbean region, Jamaica, Haiti, etc...) South America (Take your pick.. Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia) That's all and good, but alas, no, let's release a Halo space craft and do USA again so we keep exploring the same places over and over, defeating the entire purpose of the sim and the discovery tours. I'm shaking with rage and anger. Okay, maybe not that much, but it's disappointing. Off to Florida again I guess...
  3. You do know there are other places than USA and Europe....
  4. Yes, old MD-11 pricing is way higher than the best simulation we've got in any platform yet... unless you will beat that and put a new standard for other devs to look up to which I hope and wouldn't mind paying for in that case Any plans for marketplace release or 3rd party only? I ask because marketplace keeps things in one place (even though it takes a week to update), and so far, it's been very good against piracy
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