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  1. Does this solve the problem? If so, then I'll uninstall the airport first and use the one from Asobo.
  2. I have this massive spikes too,.only in Queenstown
  3. Hi @Fragtality. I bought a StreamDeck+ and I would like to be your beta tester if you want (via PM or Discord?). Unfortunately, your plugin no longer works. I upgraded the SD software to 6.xxx and since then PilotsDeck has disappeared from the menu and the commands all show a ?. edit: Now it's works. You have to copy your Plugin in the folder C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins (before i had this plugin in C:\Program Files\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins). Now I am ready for tests 😉 Viele Grüße Fill
  4. Hey Fragtality, Have you bought the new Stream Deck + | Elgato yet? There are bound to be some great new possibilities with the knobs.
  5. Hey @Fragtality, yea, I have an idea how it all works, but I dont get it really. I try to simple make a Dynamic Button: Beacon Lights on/off für a Cessna. I tried the LVAR variant: Action Adress: LIGHTING_BEACON_1 (dont work) I tried the CONTROL variant: 67186 (has no toggle, send only parameters to 0) I tried the OFFSET variant: 0x0D0C (no idea what is next: Lights, a switch for each one (bits from lo to hi): 2 Beacon???) As Control Status Value i used NAV_LIGHTS_SET or LIGHTING_BEACON_1, nothing works. But dont know, what I misunderstand
  6. Thank you very much for your plugin. I really like the way your plugin works. But I'm new to this business. I would like to support you to create more standard profiles. Unfortunately, I don't understand how I read out the right values when I press a button. For example, I try to operate the landing lights on the Cessna. I use FSUIPC to read out the LVAR values, but it is very difficult to find out what the relationships are. I press the button, load the LVAR values and look into the list to find out, what changed. laborious.... I find out, the value LIGHTING_LANDING_1 changed. But if i use that value as lvar command, only the image on the stream deck button change, but not the landing lights status in the sim. What do I wrong? Can you explain very simply what beginners need to do to find out the correct values which needed to create a dynamic button?
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