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  1. Greetings, Where can I confirm the Streamdeck Plugin version that is being used? Thanks
  2. Thank you for the specific instructions. I'm searching for a file or document addendum titled Release Notes. Rereading the documentation for the web API port, I still didn't realize it had to be reconfigured each time the plugin was upgraded. I'm referencing pages 2-3 in document "Lorby 'Axis And Ohs' StreamDeck Plugin Documentation Version 22.01 - 15.05.2023". That's an important concept I didn't garner from the instructions.
  3. Is it possible to revert to an earlier streamdeck plugin version? I updated from plugin com.lorbysi.aao.streamdeckplugin_20_02 to com.lorbysi.aao.streamdeckplugin_23_02 on StreamDeck version and AAO version 3.30 b43. All of the Multiguages, Slidergages, Textguages and knobs immediately went blank with the new plugin version. The code is still there but only a blank light gray button now displays. All was working perfectly prior to changing plugin versions. I'm using the Guenseli H145 StreamDeck XL and PLUS version 1.5 Profiles from Flightsim.to. The broken buttons are also occurring with other profiles using the aforementioned gauges.
  4. Greetings, In the "Change Web API address" settings window, the box to the left of the port address has a check. The box next to StreamDeck Plugin and Lorbysi-content-fippanel do not. Should they also have checks in their boxes? When I turn of and back on the checkbox to the left of the port address the two boxes for the StreamDeck Plugin and Lorbysi-content-fippanel will briefly become checked and then uncheck again. What is this behavior indicating? My Streamdeck is however working with aircraft. I also added lorbysi-atc-bridge to the community folder. Should I see it listed in the area with the other two entries, StreamDeck Plugin and Lorbysi-content-fippanel? It is not listed and did change the port to 9080 in AaoAtcBridge.js. AAO 3.00 b53 MSFS, com.lorbysi.aao.streamdeckplugin_18_01, ATC bridge downloaded 4/26/2023 Thanks
  5. New today with AAO and SDXL on MSFS 2020 On the SDXL I'm unable to get the PFD and MFD softkeys, FPL, PROC, CLR, ENT, MENU keys working on the "Standard Avionics Suite for StreamDeck XL & PLUS" Profile. the G1000NXi Autopilot Keys do work, as do the keys from the "SWS Kodiak profile for StreamDeck XL". I'm at a loss on how to continue troubleshooting. Today I purchased the AAO current version and downloaded the current SD plugin from the AAO website. SDXL software version is The aircraft is the SWS Kodiak 100 current version.
  6. No files are in quarantine. I've rerun the install several times. The data folded exists and contains files and directories. Is there a list of potentially missing files that would cause only the Marble graphic to display?
  7. Greetings, I am running Little Nav Map on a Windows 10 laptop. I've attempted to install LNM 2.16.19, but the map window only displays a graphic with the word Marble and a compass. LNP 2.16.18 ran successfully. LNM 2.16.19 is installed in a fresh directory, and I renamed C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\ABarthel so that file structure would be recreated. Thanks
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