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  1. Same issue with UKHH: P2A shows are 2 ATC services at 118.10 freq: Kharkiv CTR and UKHH Tower, while in Jeppesen I can see only one... That causing inability to contact Tower and get departure clearance.... Please advice how may fix it Thanks in advance! Igor
  2. Got it, thanks. May you recommend other way, may be you know and it was discussed. The matter is: when planning flight in mountains quite often need to have vertical path profile verification. Currently I found only ForeFlight doing this, providing comfortable possibility to make set of user waypoints with different altitudes and to verify then vertical clearance based on plane performance. My idea was to build the plan in FF and then to transfer it to P2A and MSFS. May be you can recommend other solution for this task? And may be you have plans to add Garmin files (.fpl) support? Thanks in advance Igor
  3. Friends, Sorry if it was explained already, but I didn’t find: having flight plan created in ForeFlight (.fpl) but can’t figure out how to import it to P2A. Please advice! Thanks in advance
  4. So if I understood you right: pln file has no way (and plans 🙂 ) to use link to the procedures, but have exporting procedures expanded to waypoints chain? Thanks! Igor
  5. Here are screens: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0a6NfEOTjQf813g9BFGWNqJhA Thanks!
  6. Dear Dave Exporting plan with SID, STAR and APR and having checked option to export procedures in MSFS they appearing in MSFS as standalone waypoints, not as procedures, so in case of need to replace the procedure it takes time and effort. Option "export waypoints for procedures"is off Can't find how to attach images, if somebody helps - will put them here Thanks! Igor
  7. Dear Dave, Continuing question with flight plan export from P2A and import to MSFS2020 (looks relevant to the topic name 🙂 ) Exporting plan with SID, STAR and APR and having checked option to export procedures in MSFS they appearing in MSFS as standalone waypoints, not as procedures, so in case of need to replace the procedure it takes time and effort. Option "export waypoints for procedures"is off Didn't succeed to insert screenshots will try more... Also one more problem found: when reimporting exported flightplan back to P2A usually part of it missing: eaither one of procedures or p[art of intermediary waypoints being lost. Please advice, and thank you in advance! Igor
  8. Understood, thanks! Just friendly advise: may be it make sense to include MR step as mandatory or recommended to Manual? If it would be clear for me from the beginning it would save few days of experiments and frustrations 🙂 🙂 🙂 I did MR procedure finally and everything works perfect, thanks for the great soft, Dave P.S. While I'm already here and already talking to Author - have 2 small instant questions, may you pls probably appoint me where to better to ask them? - Trying to export Flight Plan to use in MSFS2020 I getting very basic version of it - no SID, STAR, no departure and arrival parking positions. May be there is way to have it exactly transferred 1:1 from P2A -> MSFS? - Regarding chatters: when using MSFS ATC chatters we here there are related to current air situation - including flights around us, attitude etc. X-Chatter and other seems to be (if I got it right) just a set of prerecorded files, which doing some background but not really training us to read current situation around. But may be it exist the way to listen to real traffic related chatters? Sorry if asking questions in wrong thread - please appoint to the right place or will be really thankfull for answering here Best regards Igor
  9. Dear Dave, Thanks for the great software, it really immerses deeper to the sim and train me as future pilot to real life communication Just one question I couldn't find an answer: I purchased and installed P2A, I have Navigraph subscription, so updated AIRAC. Succeed to connect it to MSFS. But I do not get taxi instructions via taxiway. Something like " taxi to RW07" - that's it. I tried few airports, including one from free source (UKHH), officially purchased in sin (LHBP) and unchanged default (KTPA). Opening them with "info" button I see first doesn't have TWYs, second and third have something, but I do not getting routed... Also LittleNavMap showing all taxiways are on place in this locations... I got only one idea from searching Inet - to use MakeRunways, but it's reading from MSFS, and I was hoping to have real life TWYs from Jeppesen and not faked ones from MSFS.... Please advise me where to read - what I'm doing wrong ?? Thanks again in advance Igor
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