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  1. If you want the best speed and your motherboard supports NVME then it is silly to buy a SATA SSD instead of NVME - because the SATA SSD is limited by the SATA buss architecture and the NVME uses much faster PCI-E. Note that you will often see M.2 and this is a physical specification and you can get SATA SSDs in the M.2 format so be sure you get the NVME drive for best performance. Specs provided for all drives are the absolute best numbers derived under ideal conditions and can be theoretical so are very unlikely to perform at those specs when in your machine!!! Also, the program design reading or writing the data can influence the speeds you attain.
  2. I don't like guaranteeing computer stuff will work on any machine with any collection of apps of any kind. However, the W11 upgrade will store the OS info and allow you to go revert back to W10 if you don't want to keep W11. I think you have about 10 days to make up your mind before the reversion data is deleted. W11 and W10 are not hugely different internally so there have been not too many upgrade problems reported but....
  3. Thanks again to everybody. I had spent a lot of time trying to debug what I thought was my controller configuring. I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and try flying with less assistance and see how that works out. At least I'll know it's my doing and not the FS copilot doing.
  4. Graphical controls do show change. Forgot to look at firmware version just now, but V1 is new and it just did a firmware update to what I assume it is latest. Yes, I did start out by copying a Default profile to keep the camera and similar settings for at least the present. However, I did some searching based on the hard vs easy and did find on another forum where a similar problem was reported and turning off Assisted Take-Off was recommended. This looks like it did fix the problem and it also lets me move the flaps through their 30 degree range when on the ground.
  5. Thanks for the reply, PC is my processor. I tried your suggestion and it did seem better but unfortunately I'm at the stage where what's happening and tried are confused but your suggestion did get me investigating a bit more and I now know with certainty that the program is pulling the throttle back even if I'm touching nothing. I looked in Assists which are all set to the Easy mode but could not find anything specific about the throttle. I did a reset to defaults in the Assists but not sure if that really achieved anything. I was taking off on a grass runway with no flaps so maybe it thought something was wrong and throttled back the engine. I also don't know if the engine RPM should drop a little as speed picks up. Right now it drops about 500 to 2000 RPM but then picks up - this is much better than before when I was having the trouble. Setting the flaps 10 degrees on a paved runway seems good so overall I think I'm (somewhat) happy and think the trouble is the program is smarter than I am. I also noticed if I try to adjust the throttle below about 1500 feet (likely still climbing) it won't let me - goes back to higher power. Above that altitude it works normally and dropping down below as in landing, it works fine too. I also notice that the flaps don't extend beyond 10 degrees on the ground before takeoff but are OK in the air above the 1500 feet - will go to 30 degrees. This seems to be another clue the program is smarter. Thanks again
  6. New member here so I hope I'm doing this correctly. I have FS2020 and TB Velocity One yoke and quadrant. Have been trying to make my own profiles and thought it was going fine. However, if I do a flight in a Cessna 152 (or 174), the engine runs up fine and stays there in the green. I release the parking brake, go down the runway a short distance and the engine RPM drops towards idle. Pulling the throttle knob at random I can often get the engine RPM back up. If the plane is in the air all works normally. I don't see any controls that are "cross-linked" but I'm a real noob at this. The throttle on the dash does follow the throttle knob on my TB quadrant but I believe it does move when the engine RPM drops. Any ideas why my engine has a mind of its own, please?
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