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  1. This seems to be more of a problem with the community as a whole. Everybody always wants to be “first”, even if that means putting in the bare minimum in terms of effort… In aviation, you better have a way to back up whatever information you’re presenting as factual. I borderline can’t watch a lot of reviews these days just based on the reviewer’s lack of experience and overall understanding of the source material. Anybody remember the old AVSIM reviews? - Well written and presented a fair bit of history combined with properly researched factual information. We could use that level of scrutiny and knowledge now more than ever with how much this hobby has grown after the release of MSFS. Some days I really miss browsing the AVSIM reviews and checking out whatever new bush strip in the PNW ORBX released…
  2. I’m surprised you’re not charging money for your work, this definitely looks well above the quality of a lot of MSFS payware airports. Keep up the great work!
  3. I have to say, this really looks like an awesome airplane. To everyone at Pilot’s, awesome job! I have very great memories of flying the freeware Clipper around the Western Pacific over 10 years ago in FSX, so to see the same aircraft at such a higher fidelity now is really cool.
  4. Going against the grain here, but I will happily wait for the Flightbeam rendition, and I hope that Mir takes all the time he needs to put out a quality KSFO first. Flightbeam has always been the top dog in the scenery development world - Their products take longer to produce, but when you compare the quality of their products to other studios who can develop the same airport in 1/10 of the time, the biggest thing that comes to mind is how much more immersive and true-to-life Flightbeam’s releases are in comparison. There’s an overwhelming sentiment of “Mir better get his next scenery done quickly or else somebody else will make it before him!”. A true work of art takes time and patience on both the developer and the purchaser’s ends. As is the case with most payware airports in MSFS now, there will always be somebody releasing their rendition “first”, but at the end of the day, the difference in quality couldn’t be greater between them and the developers who take their time. Keep taking your time Mir, those of us who’ve used your products since the FSX days still appreciate it!
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