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I missed that... You're of course right Matt. Only the DirectPlay files are updated (to 5.02.3677.0134 - 09/16/2002). While the install should still let you know its doing this, at least it doesn't mess with the display or sound portions. I guess a partial apology is in order to MS from ME. :-)Edit: Lobaeux - There is no external DX 8.2. Its simply the DirectPlay update as installed during CFS3.Take care,Elrond"A musician without the RIAA, is like a fish without a bicycle."

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i installed cfs3 yesterday pm.i have a p4 1.5, 1 gig ram, radeon 8500 le w/128mgs ddr.after install it said my drivers were not supported. i dl'd the ati catalyst 6-13-10-6166 drivers and after installing them, ran the game.with all options maxed it runs smooth as silk. i played 4 hrs without ANY problems of ANY kind (so far).at this point i like the scenery better than fs2002 (and i really like fs2002 scenery). wish you well,don

Guest Lobaeux4

Thanks Elrond, always looking for ways to make FS2K2 run better. Been looking on pricewatch for a new CPU as a matter of fact. Running an AMD 1700 now, I saw they had AMD 2200 and 2400's. You think that it'd make a big enough difference for the $190 price?Lobaeux


On the same note: I recently installed MS's FS2002 Oshkosh scenery file and noticed that after I rebooted a message appeared telling me my system files were being updated. I don't recall ever having to do a reboot after installing scenery files for FS2002 and don't see why any system files would need to be modified. It makes me wonder what else was installed on my computer along with the scenery.


Hi Elrond. Thanks for the info. My question is: Why did it detect the wrong driver? It should have run with the one I had installed. I will try the 30.82's. Thanks, regards, Bob.


Elrod- I updated to the 30.82's. No soap! It still recognizes my GeForce3 Ti500 as and won't run. My drivers as reported in Dxdiag are 30.82. I edited the configdata and set it to and it still did not run. I then changed it to and the game loads but freezes. Any help sure would be appreciated. Thanks, Bob.


I doubt that Simon would be so enthusiastic were he using WinXP with no uninstaller nor DirectX 8.1b file available. I wonder how many unknowing souls who do use XP are actually going to try what he recommends. I know I won't be one of them.Trip


Well Simon is absolutely right!I didn't download any DX8.2 files, but got the CFS3. After installing CFS3 I went to FS2002, turned on AA in the FS2K2 menu, and was pleasantly surprised by a beatiful AA and much better frame rates and FS2002 Performance.BTW I'm using Visiontek GF3 (not TI) with the latest Detonator 6.13 drivers.Athlon XP 2200+, 512m 2100DDR Ram.OS is Win XP with SP1 installed. Oh, and CFS3 runs like a charm also, no problems whatsoever. http://members.cox.net/pstepanoff/images/OK_c2.gifPete S


Thanks Pete (I left you a post at the "other" place also). I'm going to install CFS3 Monday and I'm glad to hear there is something positive to be said for it. So much of the comments to-date have been negative. But I'm not trying Simon's "Beta" solution for DX8.2 :-) .Trip

Guest B52Drivr

Dear All,Downloaded the DirectX 8.2 patch and installed it; running FS2002. Immediately noticed an increase in scenery clairity and crispness. Also seems to be a slight increase in frame rates, which is always good, although I don't really count them any longer.system: P4 1.8 OC to 2.3 Asus P4B266 MB VisionTek Ti4600 768 pc2100 ram running 4 monitors now Frame rate locked at 30FPS All sliders full up Windows 98SE no problems what so ever -- yet Clayton T. DopkeMajor, USAF (retired)"Drac"[email protected]


Hi Lobaeux,I personally wouldn't upgrade with that small of a step. While you would of course benefit somewhat with FS since its so CPU hungry, the return for the investment wouldn't be high.Instead, I'd wait out the fall a bit more and look forward to the Barton release. With its 512kb cache (as well as the bumped FSB), it'd be a much wiser investment. Who knows anymore when it'll be released however... AMD is really screwing up their market these days with the unending pushbacks on their releases, let alone their reverse decisions on Hammer. Hopefully we'll see Barton before christmas, but I highly doubt it. It'll probably end up another paper launch.I am pretty high on Intel again, though. They seem to be back in old form these days (besides their chipsets, which lag almost all others in features). The 2.53 and higher sure are barn burners. Pricing for the top one or two models is still insanely high, but the vast majority of their lineup is competitive again these days (finally). If you are in the market for a P4 switch (motherboard and chip), make sure to keep your eyes peeled for the dual-DDR memory bus chipsets due to hit very soon. Intel seems to be firing on all cylinders these days - its good to see that again after so many mistakes. Funny how AMD and Intel have switched positions.Take care,Elrond"A musician without the RIAA, is like a fish without a bicycle."


Well, at least there's one good thing about CFS3. :-)No doubt about it, when it installed the DirectX update it has finaly given me some decent fullscreen AA in FS2002 with my Geforce3.As instructed above I chose "Allow applications to control antialiasing" and then enabled AA in FS2002 display hardware settings.FS2002 has never looked so good. :-) :-)SteveCYYZ

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