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Bob Familton

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About Bob Familton

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  1. OK Thanks. In the MD-83 it says Sound= in it's aircraft.cfg so it looks like I have to add it in the aircraft.cfg of my AI airplane. I understand all else.
  2. OK. Thanks. The AI planes do not now have any entry at all have to add it? in the aircraft.cfg now for Sound=. Are you saying I do not have to add it?
  3. I have a lot of AI aircraft with no sounds. Can I create a soundaI folder and alias the sound to another similar plane? Does the similar plane have to have a soundai or can I just alias it to the similar planes sound folder? I assume I have to add a line Sound= in the aircraft.cfg of the AI plane as there is no reference for sound. Any help sure would be appreciated. . Thanks.
  4. Here is the link for a great F18E Super Hornet! Counter Strike video by Dietmar Loliet. I hope you enjoy it.
  5. kcmh_port_columbus_intl_v10.zip by John Loney at Flightsim. Bob
  6. Great plane!! Thanks SOH. Simply beautiful! Has anyone noticed that there is a gauge (radiosvvc!DH125_RMI) called out the VC of the panel.cfg that is missing in the radiosvvc gauge? I would post on the SOH Forum but the server is always busy. Bob..
  7. Update: My download failed at 90%. I have been trying to get it again and the server is too busy. Why can't it be uploaded to Avsim where the bandwidth is a lot better and allows faster download speeds? I did a Google search and SOH is the only site. Bob.
  8. Worked fine for me except the download speed is very low. Bob.
  9. Hi Joe. Thanks. The 225,60,60 did it. I am thinking of trying Bright in place of Luminous to see what they look like. Regards, Bob.
  10. Hi Joe. Yes the icons are in the same FSX panel. I have 5 simicons that I created from the default simicons by adding Luminous="Yes". 4 of them are luminous but not the radio simiconj. I have rececked it and it is: <Gauge Name="Radio Icon" Version="1.0"> <Image Name="icon_radio.bmp" Luminous="Yes" ImageSizes="12,12,19,19"/> <Mouse> <Help ID="HELPID_GAUGE_TOGGLE_RADIO_WINDOW" /> <Cursor Type="Hand" /> <Click>50 (>K:PANEL_ID_TOGGLE)</Click> </Mouse> </Gauge> Which is the same format as all the others. The luminous setting in the panel.cfg is 140,140, 140. Thanks, Bob. What is the difference in defining the bmp as luminous or bright?
  11. Thanks. I have not modified any bmp's and some are luminous and some are not. The particular one that is not luminous is the radio icon: <Gauge Name="Radio Icon" Version="1.0"> <Image Name="icon_radio.bmp" Luminous="Yes" ImageSizes="12,12,19,19"/> <Mouse> <Help ID="HELPID_GAUGE_TOGGLE_RADIO_WINDOW" /> <Cursor Type="Hand" /> <Click>50 (>K:PANEL_ID_TOGGLE)</Click> </Mouse> </Gauge> Bob.
  12. The standard default Simicons are not luminous at night. Do the BMP's have to be modified or can I just use this code? <Gauge Name="Avionics Icon" Version="1.0"> <Image Name="Icon_Radio.bmp" Luminous="Yes" ImageSizes="12,12,19,19"/> <Mouse> <Help ID="HELPID_GAUGE_TOGGLE_RADIO_WINDOW"/> <Cursor Type="Hand"/> <Click>50 (>K:PANEL_ID_TOGGLE)</Click> </Mouse> </Gauge> It seems that some are luminous and some are not when I use the above code as a template for all the other Simicons. Thanks,Bob.
  13. Thanks. I am already doing it now. I forgot about it as in the past I could not use it as I had trouble installing NFW 2.0 on my old computer. Regards, Bob.
  14. Thanks Guys. I'll do that. I was being lazy hoping someone had already made them. Regards, Bob.
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