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Steve Cannell

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About Steve Cannell

  • Birthday 07/27/1955

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    West Vancouver, BC

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    Flight simming since the commodore 64 days

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  1. My 4k Samsung TV's, 55" and 78" look absolutely amazing. My ASUS 27" 4k is nice but picture quality doesn't compare. I would have had to go with a more expensive IPS monitor to get the colors I do from the Samsung tv's. I couldn't find an IPS monitor locally with a VESA mount. 4K makes gaming and flightsimming not only possible but look great on a 78". I think that alone says alot. :-)
  2. About a month ago while picking up a new evolution kit for the samsung 78", I had to walk my wife over to see the shocking price for our TV. Yes it was $13,000. I see today it's on sale for $9,999. CAN . Still crazy. There are many good deals on 50" + 4k tv's out there and more and more content coming all time from Netflix, youtube and gaming titles. Thanks Rob for your uploads in 4k !! Cheers This is crazy too !! Samsung 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Player $599.
  3. Just from my own personal experience, Bigger is much, much better !! I have three 4k's to choose from, a 28",55" and 78" curved. I definitely love the Samsung 78" curved, especially for simming. Amazing color, performance and immersion. We got a great deal and us it for everything living room. However the price is absurd, $13,000 CAN. A 55" to 65" 4k (curved a bonus) I think gives an exceptional gaming experience at a reasonable price. I've tried 3 monitor setups and think they're horrible. Even when large enough to install vertically. Ultra wide screens are not much better. Cheers
  4. Been at this flight simming a very long time, now I can add Star Citizen to the mix. VR is amazing !! It's incredible how immersive it is. It fools the brain into thinking your there. However at my age, as much as I would like it to be ready for prime time, it's NOT ! The screen resolution just isn't enough for serious flight simming. Not enough good game titles and game development, yet. There is some very exciting "new" VR hardware technologies coming in the near future. Many of the big tech companies are already working on it. Cheers
  5. I think, for me anyways, is the whole point of going 4k was to go bigger. Bigger is better. :-) Cheers 6700k @4.8 2 x gtx 970's in SLI
  6. I think our flightsim hobby has become a bit of a mess. None have any future. Performance can be appalling. Forget sufficient performance to ever adequately run Virtual Reality. However, I really like this Aerofly 2. After seeing Rob's 4k videos my jaw dropped in amazement. Right away I had to get in on this Aerofly2. It's an awesome start as far as I'm concerned.Sure it's a limited coverage area but what's covered is spectacular. Consistent throughout and performance where it should be. I only wish they could have covered my Vancouver BC. Flightsimming now 35 years and really haven't flown much since Star Citizen 2.0 was released as I love what CGI are doing and how their doing it. :-) Aerofly2 I hope has this potential, and please don't go overboard and produce a sim that's to far ahead of the hardware. Cheers
  7. I didn't care much for my triple monitor setup. It's impressive to look at the setup, it seems to make sense but simming itself is not so immersive. When I moved to a large 4k curved tv with TrackIR the experience is amazing. The only thing that might beat it would be VR but I doubt that will ever happen until FSim is re-writen to allow optimal use of our next-gen rigs. Cheers Steve.
  8. I find there to be only a small improvement with SLI configuration. Although being basically stutter free is a big bonus!! One GPU works fine. I watched a video a while back showing that with the Skylake processors and a compatible MB and ram, there was better SLI performance. So I took the plunge. :smile:
  9. I am running P3DV3 with all the addons on a 78" Samsung curved 4K @ 60hz. I first ran a GTX 970 on a water cooled 2600k @ 4.7, 20-30 fps Added later another GTX 970 and setup SLI. Better performance for sure. More fps and less stutters. However, upgrading to a new Skylake i7 6700k @4.8 and a ROG Maximus motherboard and DDR4 memory was a significant boost bringing fps to 40 +
  10. Dummied down for mainstream. It's hilarious how they spin it (bring aviation simulation to a whole new generation).
  11. I've been flight simming about 34 years and without going into all what's wrong with this pastime, it has evolved into quite a mess. Yes, there are some amazing sim combinations of platform and addon, but it's all so fragemented. I have orbx addons i'm stilling waiting for updates to, while they're probably busy working on the next cookie cutter airport. All I can say is thank goodness for Star Citizen and the vision of one man, Chris Roberts. Our flightsim would benefit from this same kind of approach. Cheers
  12. ASUS ROG Maximus motherboards are great!!, and 5 way optimization really works to simplify the overclocking process. RAM designed for Skylake and the Corsair H110i water cooling. I had no trouble getting my 6700k a stable 4.8 overclock using ASUS AI Suite. Cheers Steve
  13. My guess is Brokerage fees. Any product moving from USA to CAN that is not brought in through large distribution companies is going to cost much more than what is the normal. Once the Rift and Vive can be purchased at Best Buy, Newegg, NCIX, etc, we'll likely see our prices lower. I would love a VR headset, however this is a perfect example of some tech that will mature over the next couple years. Makes sense to wait at these prices as well. Cheers
  14. You nailed it. High oil prices and our economy relied to much on it's production and export. I'm optimistic too for the future as hopefully our Gov stimulates the economy and invests in infrastructure and technologies. In the meantime FS purchases will likely halt. I'll sell some used tech on ebay, taking advantage of the dollar and buy a spaceship for my new love, Star Citizen. :smile:
  15. Thanks for the really good tips !! I think my challenge now is determining which problem aircraft are where. I'll give those tools a try. Cheers Steve
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