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About RancidViper

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  • Birthday 11/16/1987

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    Perth, Australia
  • Interests
    Football, Music, and Aviation..

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  1. Can't say I share your experience. I use REX 4 TD with P3D v4 and it's 10 times better than P3D default. So either you are not setting it up correctly, have a different sense of what's nice/natural looking than most others, or have something against REX. Maybe even all of the above? 🙂
  2. Hi martin, It didn't shut down or anything, so I think you maybe right about the reporting issue. This was done through the BIOS by selecting the Performance Upgrade where it automatically sets frequency and Vcore settings according to the percentage you select. And also I stress tested using IntelBurn. I have since downloaded RealBench and when I do a stress test on stock settings I still go into the mid 70's in temps. Was able to do a manual overclock to 4.5Ghz at 1.350V but temps were hitting the mid 80's so didn't want to leave it there. 4.4 works better but anything less than 1.350 and it fails the test. For the internal hardware checks i'll have to to take it back in-store as it's still under warranty and I have everything on stock settings for the moment.
  3. Hi guys, just wondering has anyone who has the new Skylake 6700k series processors tried using the default overclocking options from the bios? I increased by 40% to 4.4 at 1.28 but hw monitor was reporting CPU temps at 100 degrees during the stress test! :/ Using a corsair h110i water cooler
  4. Martin you are a star mate! I think i'll go with the Corsair too. And I think i'm finally satisfied that i'm getting my money's worth. Thank you all for your help! Cheers! :smile:
  5. Hi Guys, Apologies for taking awhile, I've been busy clearing out my PC for sale. In the meantime I can see the conversation has gone on but just to get back to some initial concerns that were pointed out by Martin, here is an update: I've switched to the GA-Z170 Motherboard ATX. It's not much of a difference in price and does what I need it to, as far as I know. I've updated my quote to the Corsair H110i. Again not too much of a difference with the price. I've got Ripjaws but unfortunately the fastest they could get hold of was 2666Mhz. I guess it's still better than what I was initially quoted so i'm gonna go with this one. The PSU is a Cooler Master G750M? It's Bronze Certified. Any ideas on that one? I am checking some reviews as we speak. EDIT : It's either that or a Corsair RM1000x 1000W which is a bit more expensive, or the Corsair RM 750 Gold Certified. Again, thanks for all your help it's been a great help and much appreciated! Cheers!
  6. Thanks a bunch guys! Really appreciate it! I have emailed my computer guy and asked for the PSU details, also asked about upgrading the board to the Z-170, the Ripjaw RAM and H110 water cooler so just waiting on a response from him. I will update this thread as soon as he gets back to me. Cheers!
  7. Thanks mate! Really appreciate it, will have a good read through! Interesting.. You say be careful, are there any known risks you know of with overclocking on the one I have selected? EDIT : Just having a read through that link, seems like it has all the info I need. Thanks for that mate, just hope it doesn't stretch the wallet much more than it already is! :smile:
  8. Hey, unfortunately I don't have the exact details of the power supply, but the guy said on the email that it's upgraded to suit the 980ti as I was previously quoted for a gtx970. It comes with windows 10, and i'll be installing P3D on a 240GB SSD. I am planning to, as of now though I have no idea how to. Guess i'll have to do a lot of reading, which is fine, but first things first. :smile:
  9. Hi all, It's finally time to upgrade my PC and dive head first into the awesome world of P3D, and I'm doing everything to make sure I don't leave any holes with my rig. Here is the current list I've got, please feel free to tell me if there are better options. :smile: Intel i7 6700K Processor Skylake GA-H170-HD3 Motherboard ATX Gaming Corsair H75 Water Cooling Fan 2 x 8GB 2133MHz DDR4 Non-ECC CL15 DIMM RAM Geforce GTX980ti 6Gb Graphics Thoughts?
  10. Thank you for that Tim. For me personally it only happened once or twice. Using Active Sky Next with Soft Clouds. But I do know it's a pressing issue for many users so I guess we will know when it has been tested in different conditions by the community. Cheers! Neither was this comment ^. Or maybe even this one from me. But kindly explain to me how Greg's first comment was helpful and then I'll accept your point. :smile:
  11. Well, when I use a simulator I am already prepared for that. I am a student pilot and I go on real flights to break out of that. Having said that, with our complex weather addons and texture replacements, in this modern day and age, you would expect a decent rendition of some pretty standard and common Cumulus clouds. Now if you don't have anything valuable to contribute, I suggest you save your time and stop looking at computer screens. Cheers!
  12. Everyone is a student from the cradle to the grave! :smile: On a side note, Rob, any idea if the popcorn cloud effect with REX soft clouds has been addressed? To me that was a real immmersion killer.
  13. Thanks for all the tips guys, interesting to read all the varied opinions. On a personal level, after being a die hard FSX fan since it came out, I do believe P3D is the future. And while I do agree with the fact that paying almost double for the NGX is a bit absurd, I think in the long run if you want a constantly improving platform for flight simming, we are all going to end up with P3D anyway. On another note, having done a few test tweaks to my P3D cfg, I've also realized that it's completely unnecessary on most counts. Just deleted my edited file and rebuilt a new one, it's as smooth as I could possibly want it. I do want to ask though, since I haven't really put it to the test with a full IFR flight in significant weather conditions, are there tweaks such as the highmemfix and affinitymask settings that would actually be useful for P3D? I see some users have stated that they are using only a couple of tweaks, would appreciate it if you could tell me what those tweaks are and why you think it's important. Cheers!
  14. Ah but it is not a 'K' series processor so it is not unlocked for overclocking. Hence my initial plan to upgrade the processor.
  15. Thanks John! Will have a good read through! I love investigating! Thanks Rich! I actually have a plan to either spend on a new processor or a graphics card. If I was still using FSX the processor would be a no brainer, but if I do make the switch to P3D permanently, do you think the graphics card would be the better investment? Haha! Yes it would Bert (except for the look part), but what's the fun in that? No but seriously, I do take great care when doing so, especially over the last couple of years since I bought a new PC. That statement was more aimed towards my 2006-2012/13 days when I would just push it as far as it would go. I've been on the fence with making the switch anyway, just that I finally had a good excuse to try it out! And I must say I think it is the way to go now. B)
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