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  1. Would have been nice to see something that wasn't just "missions and adventures" ...but I guess this was targeted at the Xbox demographic, so maybe it makes more sense
  2. Sure hope the way planes handle on the ground is addressed That aspect of 2020 is simply horrendous
  3. I think the finance department is telling them to "charge everyone again" to be able to keep paying everyone at Asobo
  4. I sure hope someone at Asobo is still dedicated to fixing all the things wrong and missing in MSFS2020
  5. Hi everyone - thanks for popping by

  6. Excellent point. In real life, airports are hard to see at night depending upon angle and location from your aircraft. Very unrealistic to have them so obvious all over and so much brighter than other competing lights.
  7. Can you return it? That's what I did (to Microsoft Online Store in my case)
  8. Hmm... I "guess" we're making progress? ('ol FSX below)
  9. Dan has commented before on the forums there that the Debug tool doesn't do anything for Flyinside as he's already doing all he can with the resolution settings in the FI interface
  10. So true - We see this with a variety of games these days. The only real time to be actually super excited is once the new stuff is out and can be tested beyond hyperbole and internal videos, etc. Hopefully soon. Sounds like a ways off yet (as usual with XP)
  11. That seems a little counterintuitive to me. If anyone is flight simming on 1080p level hardware but expecting to have a great VR experience with P3D it is likely not going to happen unless you dial down all sliders and go with mostly stock everything. (unless you're saying people have very modern hardware *other* than a monitor perhaps?) Anyways - Bashed this one to death. I've seen my experience corroborated in more than a few places online once the initial "rush" of immersion wears off. It's really cool (VR) for certain things, but just not there yet for other things. Really not a hot take or controversial and pretty fair opinion honestly.
  12. Couldn't disagree more. Never ever use close up views of panel in P3D these days, especially since going to 4k. If you're flown at all in 4k, you will be absolutely and completely disappointed with this gen of VR. Not even CLOSE to the clarity and all sorts of compromise and hacks are required. It's going to be wonderful - Just not this generation sadly. (I wanted SO SO badly to love it...just not there for my type of flying this gen) CV1 & Vive 1 are all about the immersion - But are severely lacking in the clarity we are all mostly accustomed to (and need, depending upon the goals)
  13. Honestly, once that stuff starts creeping in, it's losing the appeal to me of feeling like I'm actually flying a real airplane (which I do in real life). The more "virtual stuff" and "assists" and "hacks" that have to be done just take me more and more out of the "feels like the real thing" immersion that's the appeal to begin with. Also - Beyond the gauges stuff, you can't just relax and "enjoy the view" as its' a muddy, pixelly "mess" in the distance, so again, the real world, kicking back, monitoring the gauges, enjoying the view... ...that just isn't there in this generation of VR unfortunately.
  14. I had the rift and used it with flyinside for about a week before returning it. The immersion and feel of flying is wonderful. The resolution on the screens is just too frustratingly low which makes any sort of flying beyond helicopters and sightseeing just too cumbersome for me. Seeing things in the distance clearly requires using various assists and even a general instrument scan is very difficult due to the resolution and some gauges been really hard to read. I would recommend getting it from a place where you can return it. Version two of these headsets with higher resolution will be when this really takes off for serious flight simulation usage. The immersion is game changing...just needs a bit more resolution for me.
  15. I have always loved ASN and this company and this will be an immediate purchase for me… Can't wait!
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