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  1. Back in the day I used to post these dev updates here (pre-release) but I fail to see the point now as to copy pasting the entire thing here? Why not just link to it and that way you'll always see the most up-to-date version?
  2. Oh no, I captured this at their booth. I was doing some drone shots while my friend was recording. I feel like their system wasn't particularly powerful.
  3. I'm the person that made the video and yes, their graphics settings were probably set to Low because I even had to turn on V-Sync and Ambient Occlusion. I was one of the first things I noticed in relation to the cockpit feeling bland. I didn't change any other settings, but it's something to keep in mind when watching this video. I'm sure that if everything would have been set to Ultra it would have been a different story.
  4. That's true, but sometimes I like to record the view from the cabin and then it's a bit annoying. Do you also have this issue in Prepar3D?
  5. Yeah, I'm doing that in order to "bypass" the current issue.
  6. Thank you Kyle for the answer, it really is a shame that FSX messes up your beautifully designed aircraft (at least when viewing it from this position). I'm interested to see how Dovetail's Flight Simulator will work out, hopefully it will be a worthy successor of FSX and give you guys more room to develop even more detailed airplanes ;-)
  7. So there is no solution for this problem then?
  8. Hello, I was wondering if this issue is FSX related? If not, can you please help me to find the solution? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00a9yOV__U4 Thanks, Tomas Hoste
  9. *Edit: just saw the thread 'It's started", discussing the same thing. Sorry for the double post. Hello, I was looking at the PMDG store and I found these two products. I'm not sure if it was intended because the "II" version of the 747 isn't released yet. Also the price looks like it's for a real 747 ;-) Anyway, here's a picture. Tomas Hoste
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