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Engine Start

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Guest steveh

Hi all,I have just discovered this problem. I have numerous saved flights of the R4D "cold and dark" in various locations and they have always started in the normal way when I open them. Last night I couldn't get the plane to start at all even with Ctl+C unless I loaded a default plane first.My first thought is that it was one of the recent upgrades that have done this, but I have started the plane since the last installation. Having read Tim's solution I have just remembered that I recently upped the frame limit from 20 to 30 so I will reduce it tonight and try again. It seems incredible to me that this could cause this problem!!??Steve

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This problem has been around for awhile for the DC-3,R4D (I have the 8th Ed.) and the B-25.. No one can explain it, but adjusting the "locked" FPS has worked for me every time. With MY machine, I can start the B-25 and the R4D with the frames locked at 35, nothing higher. For some reason, the DC-3 will not start with the frames higher than 30. SO: I leave the frames locked at 35 and only fly the R4D and B-25.Not unexpected: if you have the "MAAM Reading Scenery" installed, and fly out of Reading, the rules change. You have to experiment to find out what works for your machine. My machine is a Dell 8300, 3.0 Ghz, 800 FSB, ATI Radeon 9600XT with 1.5 Gb Ram. Hope this helps. SPOFFEDIT: The above refers to "Manual" Start. If memory serves me, Ctrl+E (auto start) has ALWAYS worked. I like to start the right engine manually from the cockpit, then go outside with a fire extinguisher and start the left engine with Ctrl+E so I can see the smoke and flames. I LOVE "Round" engines.:(

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SO: Did anyones suggestion work, for those who may have had a problem with starting their DC3/R4D/B25?? Just wondering. SPOFF

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Guest steveh

Yes, reducing the frame rate to 29 did the trick!!!???Steve

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Guest sylalonde

I reduced my frame rate and I can now manually start my MAAM DC-3. Odd but if that is the way for it to work, so be it. Is anyone working on a fix to this? A commercial product that will only work correctly if you set up your system to less than optimum performance! I am not sure I like that?

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>I reduced my frame rate and I can now manually start my MAAM>DC-3. Odd but if that is the way for it to work, so be it. >Is anyone working on a fix to this? A commercial product that>will only work correctly if you set up your system to less>than optimum performance! I am not sure I like that?I'm sorry that you feel that way on your third post here, Sylalonde. If you take the time to read the many posts on this issue, you will find that it is not a problem for everybody; as the developers, none of us has been able to replicate the problem. This makes it very hard for us to fix it!I can't share your view that 29 FPS represents less than optimum performance. The human eye can not take in much above 27-28 FPS; movie speed. And commercial product? Send us the money :) As volunteers, we haven't seen any yet!MarkMark "Dark Moment" BeaumontVP Fleet, DC-3 AirwaysTeam Member, MAAM-SIM[a href=http://www.swiremariners.com/cathayhk.html" target="_blank]http://www.paxship.com/avsimlogo.jpg[/a]

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Guest sylalonde

I did over state the commercial product part. The volunteers of the MAAM team have done a fine job in the product represented by the MAAM DC-3 and Mark, your contribution to the Vintage Douglas aircraft and the simming community has and is (by me and many) deeply appericiated! I regret that I was slamming MAAM and their hard work, for the DC-3 will always be my bird of choice and I feel proud to be part of the DC-3 simming community. Please pardon my foolish I displayed in my last post. My well wishes and support ($) to the continuing development of the MAAM aircraft; simm and REAL!

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Not a problem, and I also apologise if I came across as a bit grumpy ... busy day. It is a great frustration to us that some, like yourself, have this starting problem, as we simply can't pin it down. Why reducing frame rates should put fuel, oil or air in the engines, or just make them feel better, I cannot imagine! But, it seems to work for those who have experienced this headache.MarkMark "Dark Moment" BeaumontVP Fleet, DC-3 AirwaysTeam Member, MAAM-SIM[a href=http://www.swiremariners.com/cathayhk.html" target="_blank]http://www.paxship.com/avsimlogo.jpg[/a]

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Guest sussexflyer

Open a new view (shift-Left Square Bracket). Start engine. Close view (shift - Right Square Bracket). Always works for me and you can see the smoke at the same time!

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Guest Edd1

I have had this starting problem, not often, but it is frustating.The new view [brackets], posted above also works for me. I haven't tried the 29 fps. I don't normally run that high.Ed W.

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Guest TimboDuck

Thanks for the info! I've also had this problem, and it has caused some problems for me in running the old gal by the book. By fixing the framerate I can now start dark and cold again. Brrrr..As always, thanks for a incredible aircraft. I keep buying other add-on aircraft, but this bird just keeps them parked in the hangar. :-)Best regards,Timian

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Guest sylalonde

When I have shut down the engines I rarely am unable to start them through the start procedure and there are times the ctrl-e won't do either. Is there something I am missing? I have read and re-read the procedure time and again but no luck.

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Just remember that it is getting the time to break out the PRE-Heaters for the engines and the cabin. ;-).

Harry Nelson

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Guest I-ALAN

I solved this problem modifiyng the value of power_scalar to 0.97 in each aircraft.cfg (DC-3 Passengers & DC3 Cargo).More exactly in [piston_engine]power_scalar=0.97I hope this suggestion will be of utility

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