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Guest Captain_S

Hi Tom, Seriously bad news re hack

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Guest Captain_S

yo Tom A.. you ol' gimma :) Joe here, Capt'n S... I am sure you remember me ;) ... but.......................In this instance, I think you were served a severe injustice, and unfortunately, Brit law is not as it seems, as is US law, its all down to dosh.Ban me if you want to, I will understand, but at least I can say to you openly that you were, in this case, severely wronged..I wish you n the team every success... I really do.thanks for all the effort in keeping the superb Avsim brand going. it means so much to so many...Joe..

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Guest Captain_S

a Big HI to Geoff A !!Jeez, its bin a long time dude !!.. hope you are well..... ????????its incredible, years have gone by, life has changed.. but you are still here... I honestly wish you the very best of all things... I am now sailing around the world on my yacht... no work, no nada.. just taking the world in as it passes...It is superb to see you, YOU !!!! da man !!!!!,,,, deep joy !!!!. I really am so happy to mmet up again.... Joe.

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a Big HI to Geoff A !!Jeez, its bin a long time dude !!.. hope you are well..... ????????its incredible, years have gone by, life has changed.. but you are still here... I honestly wish you the very best of all things... I am now sailing around the world on my yacht... no work, no nada.. just taking the world in as it passes...It is superb to see you, YOU !!!! da man !!!!!,,,, deep joy !!!!. I really am so happy to mmet up again.... Joe.
Hey Captain Joe! Great to hear from you-I've wondered what you have been up to all these years and sailing around the world in your yacht is exactly what I pictured! What a cool way to live, but I guess someone has to do it.....Congratulations-would love to hear all the interesting places you have been.Ditto-superb!

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Guest Captain_S
Hey Captain Joe! Great to hear from you-I've wondered what you have been up to all these years and sailing around the world in your yacht is exactly what I pictured! What a cool way to live, but I guess someone has to do it.....Congratulations-would love to hear all the interesting places you have been.Ditto-superb!
Hiya Geoff,I have been taking it easy since 2005, when I probably last posted here, maybe before... I retired at 47 in 2004, Bought the yacht and aint looked back since.. Been only cruising around Europe so far, England, France, Spain, Portugal etc.. currently wintering in a small harbour in Portugal on the Atlantic coast. Muchos Work to do to make the boat more as we would want, its all a compromise Sir... :) .. but, everything is cool... even the bloody weather at the mo !.. :)I am not really into FS like I used to be, I have a large screen projector on the yacht, allows me to get a 60 inch dispaly, using a high powered Dell XPS Laptop, fsx runs great.... not the same as in the house with 5 pc's networked to 5 screens, but still great fun.I saw the news re AVSIM on the BBC world news, I was amazed, I was sorry to hear about the lack of backups, but it is not uncommon... and I have total sympathy for TA et al... the bbc described loss of 'skins' etc as if it was a site for some game, to some it may be, to all who know, it is far, far more... a darn near disaster.. !With luck, and the determination of many, it will prevail, and I seriously hope it does. TA n I have crossed swords in the past, but that was 5 years ago, and for completely different reasons... I bear no grudge or ill feelings. I just wanted to add my sincere respect to what he has achieved, lost and is now rebuilding. RESPECT !!!!Anyways, hoping to head for the Azores next year, maybe spend a few years there, maybe buy some property ?, dunno, then onwards to South America possibly, then the Pacific... I have a great plan to have no plan.... :)There as sooooooooooooo many names here I just dont recognise, then I saw you, and was gob smacked... :)Anyways... best of luck to the AVSIM team, great to see you as part of it. !!!.. keep up the great work...I also only just became aware of MS's lack of upgrade for FS, their lack of future support, darn shame, but I am sure it is probably a good thing for users in the long run.. The availability of a stable platform to work with is a fantastic opportunity.... I think it is a great thing for FS, let the add on guys improve the product based on a stable base.. I am sure we will see a super future for the product for at least the next 5 or 10 years...Joe.

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Hiya Geoff,I have been taking it easy since 2005, when I probably last posted here, maybe before... I retired at 47 in 2004, Bought the yacht and aint looked back since.. Been only cruising around Europe so far, England, France, Spain, Portugal etc.. currently wintering in a small harbour in Portugal on the Atlantic coast. Muchos Work to do to make the boat more as we would want, its all a compromise Sir... :) .. but, everything is cool... even the bloody weather at the mo !.. :)I am not really into FS like I used to be, I have a large screen projector on the yacht, allows me to get a 60 inch dispaly, using a high powered Dell XPS Laptop, fsx runs great.... not the same as in the house with 5 pc's networked to 5 screens, but still great fun.I saw the news re AVSIM on the BBC world news, I was amazed, I was sorry to hear about the lack of backups, but it is not uncommon... and I have total sympathy for TA et al... the bbc described loss of 'skins' etc as if it was a site for some game, to some it may be, to all who know, it is far, far more... a darn near disaster.. !With luck, and the determination of many, it will prevail, and I seriously hope it does. TA n I have crossed swords in the past, but that was 5 years ago, and for completely different reasons... I bear no grudge or ill feelings. I just wanted to add my sincere respect to what he has achieved, lost and is now rebuilding. RESPECT !!!!Anyways, hoping to head for the Azores next year, maybe spend a few years there, maybe buy some property ?, dunno, then onwards to South America possibly, then the Pacific... I have a great plan to have no plan.... :)There as sooooooooooooo many names here I just dont recognise, then I saw you, and was gob smacked... :)Anyways... best of luck to the AVSIM team, great to see you as part of it. !!!.. keep up the great work...I also only just became aware of MS's lack of upgrade for FS, their lack of future support, darn shame, but I am sure it is probably a good thing for users in the long run.. The availability of a stable platform to work with is a fantastic opportunity.... I think it is a great thing for FS, let the add on guys improve the product based on a stable base.. I am sure we will see a super future for the product for at least the next 5 or 10 years...Joe.
Sounds great! (except the retired at 47-I am jealous!)-if you ever sail up to the Great Lakes I'm buying the beer....

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Guest Captain_S
Sounds great! (except the retired at 47-I am jealous!)-if you ever sail up to the Great Lakes I'm buying the beer....
Hiya to both you Geoff AND Jim. ! great to meet up again Jim.. how the heck are you doing ?Re the great lakes, definitely, the beer IS on you lol !!! :)Jim, you seem to have made a name for yourself, congrats !, and a big thanks for the input. it is so good to see people contributing to the cause..DO you ever see anything of Steve Small or Lou Betty these days ?. I spoke with them by phone years back, great people with a super insight... ?Do you ever see much of my older Bro' 'Skymed', of the Helo fame ? , I believe he was once an online instructor too ?I have been sooooo outa touch its bad :)Need to get anew PC for FS, also for COD6, but dont know what to buy, at one time, I used to advise re hardware, but that is now years gone by and things have moved on.. left me a tad behind lol....I must be getting old... ha ha...What happened to tailboom ?, I know he had a religeous hissy fit of some sort ? hope he is well...Also Akula ???.... where is he now ?Joe...

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Guest JSkorna

Hi Joe,Yes, things are well, but sure not the same as way back when. In most ways things are for the better though. The hobby is appealing to a wider variety of people now and is sure a world wide hobby.Lou had a falling out a few years back and I don't think he has re-surfaced. Steve I am not sure about.Another blast from the past, Simon Evans is still around, in places where he hasn't been banned for life.If you ever make it to the Great Lakes, I am only about 30 minutes away from Geofa, though we've never met face to face.

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Capt'n S as I live and breathe!!Hi Joe,Where have you been all these years? Oh how I've missed those contributions from the venerable Capt'n Slarty. It's what this site needs so badly - a healthy injection of the humour and banter we all enjoyed back in those carefree and heady days of Windows 98 and FS2000.Welcome back! I'm now hoping those chuckle muscles are about to be exercised once again. It seems such a long time since those fun times of old.BTW, Mitch (Sesquashtoo) is still around and visits once in a while to entertain us all with his uniquely infectious enthusiasm.Great to see you here again!Remember that 'magic' (and VERY secret - so Shhhhh - don't tell anyone !!!) formula...xcopy32 C:\*.* D:\*.* /h/e/r/c/k/yI think you earned quite a few virtual beers with that one :( Cheers and best regards,Mike :(

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Guest Captain_S
Capt'n S as I live and breathe!!Hi Joe,Where have you been all these years? Oh how I've missed those contributions from the venerable Capt'n Slarty. It's what this site needs so badly - a healthy injection of the humour and banter we all enjoyed back in those carefree and heady days of Windows 98 and FS2000.Welcome back! I'm now hoping those chuckle muscles are about to be exercised once again. It seems such a long time since those fun times of old.BTW, Mitch (Sesquashtoo) is still around and visits once in a while to entertain us all with his uniquely infectious enthusiasm.Great to see you here again!Remember that 'magic' (and VERY secret - so Shhhhh - don't tell anyone !!!) formula...xcopy32 C:\*.* D:\*.* /h/e/r/c/k/yI think you earned quite a few virtual beers with that one :( Cheers and best regards,Mike :(
Ye gads, back to ya, Lang may ya Lumb reek ya OL' Bugger !!!! :) :)Aboslutey super to see you again, in the virtual sense, ...ps, Scotland is sinking.... its a darn shame, but, its global warming y know ? (IE the great new tax excuse) ... but it is..So when you beggars come down here seeking shelter... at least there is one I would gladly offer help to... :) :)Get thee wellies on....Mike, Hercky rules, never have so many pcs's been ripped by so few, as Churchill said, - gadzooks,!!!!. My My, I believe it Was him ???? gald you are keeping it 'mum', careless talk etc.... cant be having any of that.... !!!!--- noo noo... cant let these darn colonials get the upper hand.. oooooooo noooo.... . !!! Lmfao !!!---Joe...

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Ye gads, back to ya, Lang may ya Lumb reek ya OL' Bugger !!!! :) :)Aboslutey super to see you again, in the virtual sense, ...ps, Scotland is sinking.... its a darn shame, but, its global warming y know ? (IE the great new tax excuse) ... but it is..So when you beggars come down here seeking shelter... at least there is one I would gladly offer help to... :) :)Get thee wellies on....Mike, Hercky rules, never have so many pcs's been ripped by so few, as Churchill said, - gadzooks,!!!!. My My, I believe it Was him ???? gald you are keeping it 'mum', careless talk etc.... cant be having any of that.... !!!!--- noo noo... cant let these darn colonials get the upper hand.. oooooooo noooo.... . !!! Lmfao !!!---Joe...
Hey Capt'n,Och aye the noo! "Aboslutey" (?) Hey, what's that? Native antipodean female of suspect credentials, perhaps?Scotland sinking? Away yi go, ma friend. All tha' political hot air and those blasted wind farms will save us.Appreciate the kind offer. However, what happens to me if you are becalmed in the doldrums? Can I squat...hee hee?Yea, 'Hercky' ruled indeed. I forget how often I pulled that one out of the bag to impress my friends :( Seriously, (did I just say seriously?) that last post of yours had me in fits. Can't remember when last I reacted like that to a post on these forums.Your a breath of fresh air, that's for sure!Promise you'll hang around to administer the odd humorous virtual kick in our oh so serious butts. We simmers all need to laugh a LOT more! Maybe then we'll start to see much less acrimony as we all learn to live together in harmony with all our individual failings. Mike

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Guest Captain_S
Hey Capt'n,Och aye the noo! "Aboslutey" (?) Hey, what's that? Native antipodean female of suspect credentials, perhaps?Scotland sinking? Away yi go, ma friend. All tha' political hot air and those blasted wind farms will save us.Appreciate the kind offer. However, what happens to me if you are becalmed in the doldrums? Can I squat...hee hee?Yea, 'Hercky' ruled indeed. I forget how often I pulled that one out of the bag to impress my friends :( Seriously, (did I just say seriously?) that last post of yours had me in fits. Can't remember when last I reacted like that to a post on these forums.Your a breath of fresh air, that's for sure!Promise you'll hang around to administer the odd humorous virtual kick in our oh so serious butts. We simmers all need to laugh a LOT more! Maybe then we'll start to see much less acrimony as we all learn to live together in harmony with all our individual failings. Mike
Och Aye Mike ;)However, I feel that my sense of humour is not to the taste of some... :)I remember like it was yesterday that I added sound to a post, never beofre seen on such fora.... (forum(s) :) ) --- I was lambasted for having the audacity to defile the norm...... hee hee.... I think TA called me a 'piece of work', a definite colonialist remark from a country so up itself as to feel upset by such...AH well... SO be it, they never got over the 4'th of July, not that it means anything at all in the UK, but is so embedded in their history.. or lack of.....The uk never did teach anything in their schools re colonial matters... no one here understands 'thanksgiving' or independence', I know no one here who even has the slightest clue as to what i means.... ? in the early 19th century, around 1812 or so, when the miniscule us navy tried, they were repelled, but that was a long time ago, I dont think they ever lived it down....We should have kept the blockade going in NY and Boston...... but we were kind to them and their fledgling economic situation....All the time when they supported nappy and his dictatorship.... (misguided to say the least)we are over that now, 'a special relationship' exists, where one cannot do without the other, cos no other european country trusts them, apart from the UK, and that is basic.... but the empire is the same as any other, doomed to fade.. as did the british empire...At least they have elected a president who seems to have some sense, not some war monger intent on carrying out his fathers failings. we will have to wait n see.. NOW we have one of your fellows at the helm, Gorden Brown, Jeez, may the world be rid of him soon..... :)Ineffectual mamby pamby nonsense... :( Anyways, the real thing is, FS !!!can it survive the lack of support from MS ?, YES; indeed it can, I actually welcome it...Possibly the best thing to happen to the hobby in the last 10 years or so... I really mean that..Bring back the people with foresight, the Lou Betties, the Steve Small's, the designers of great things, the guys that unravelled the myteries of the air files and the intricate workings of the product...Can you imagine how we would fare now if FS98 was the LAST offering ?, it would be superb, it WAS superb...Everytime someone made great inroads, the field was dashed with a 'new' release, something to sell the base product, not the add ons, and we all no the add ons were the impetous that kept the product at the forefront...Long may it continue, given a couple more years, we will see massive improvements in the sim, due wholly to the add on guys.....Computer power will increase so that even a low end pc will be far more capable of running fsx to the max, and more.. then, we will se great strides made in functionality.. with a stable base..I really think this is a wake up call....I dont think Avsim has anything to fear, let there be light etc.. :) .. ie, let them forge a base to host the vast improvements that will come....The future is rosey.... the future is written, leave it to the guys n gals that make the product so great, The world will always need a superb flight simulator.... what ?, with google earth et al, selective autogen, googles open format etc, we will be flying over real landscapes, with real vistas... with aircraft and models never before seen ...I hope AVSIM grasps this, takes it on board, and holds it close to their heart... cos THIS is the future of the hobby.and WHAT a future,,, !!!!.Enough I say lol... :)You get my gist ?It is a perfect opportunity, not a backward step at all...Lang may the Lumb of FS reek, and I KNOW it willl..Capt'n S.... Esquire, master under God of the good ship Ruddles..

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You get my gist ?It is a perfect opportunity, not a backward step at all...Lang may the Lumb of FS reek, and I KNOW it willl..Capt'n S.... Esquire, master under God of the good ship Ruddles..
:(, he named his boat "Ruddles". Now why doesn't that surprise me?! LOL!!!Get your gist? I sure do and applaud you loudly for expressing it so eloquently.When Microsoft threw in the towel, so to speak, I reckon they did us all a huge favour.For once we can settle down and get to grips with what we have without that three yearly threat of the goal posts changing yet again. And let's not forget FS9 with all that it still has to offer along with the myriad of available and excellent addons.All this nonsense surrounding the treadmill of constant upgrading just to run the latest incarnation of our favourite sim. The cynic in me suspects their coding was designed to do just that (certainly was an unwelcome side effect), whereas we all know it can be done better. Heck, I'm still happilly running Windows XP home 32bit and this may continue for a further year or two, maybe even as far as 2014 when support for XP is withdrawn. Vista ( :() and Windows7 have nothing to offer me right now other than some slicker ways of accomplishing certain tasks. Again, is this likely to appeal to the guy or gal who has always preferred the "Classic" interface? I doubt it.Cheers!Mike

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Guest Captain_S
:( , he named his boat "Ruddles". Now why doesn't that surprise me?! LOL!!!Get your gist? I sure do and applaud you loudly for expressing it so eloquently.When Microsoft threw in the towel, so to speak, I reckon they did us all a huge favour.For once we can settle down and get to grips with what we have without that three yearly threat of the goal posts changing yet again. And let's not forget FS9 with all that it still has to offer along with the myriad of available and excellent addons.All this nonsense surrounding the treadmill of constant upgrading just to run the latest incarnation of our favourite sim. The cynic in me suspects their coding was designed to do just that (certainly was an unwelcome side effect), whereas we all know it can be done better. Heck, I'm still happilly running Windows XP home 32bit and this may continue for a further year or two, maybe even as far as 2014 when support for XP is withdrawn. Vista ( :( ) and Windows7 have nothing to offer me right now other than some slicker ways of accomplishing certain tasks. Again, is this likely to appeal to the guy or gal who has always preferred the "Classic" interface? I doubt it.Cheers!Mike
Yo Mike, Hear him, Hear Him !... very true..... :)Vista, PAH !, W7, Pah Humbug I say, I still, like you, use XP 32... and why not ?.Yes, I think the community should grasp the lack of support from MS for what it means.. ie.... they cant improve what they have !.. it is only in the context of flying machine PC's that it can be beheld...... but again, that will change.What a superb offering, that they cannot, in all respect, really improve on .... YET !!!!.. thats why the pause is there... no more.. its not a giving up of the game et al... just a simple bow to the market and the state of the hardware...I really DO THINK this is the BEST thing to happen to the hobby for years... so long as the guys tak it on board.. the trouble is too many want reward in monetary sense as opposed to respect.... oh for the years gone by, sigh... but alls well that ends well, and with the will of allah or whatever prophet one eludes to :) ... In Shallah... :)but it WILL be the case, of that I am sure....I look forward to the next few years, I also look forward to the return of MS FS in a greater, bigger, more complex entity than we have ever even imagined... they have given up, why ? cos they were so far ahead of the game and the hardware... but when it catches up... we will see fireworks to rival the ###### olympic attempt.....And more...Sorry for te delay in replying me ol matey... just had some serious crappo weather n boat related tasks to do...Ho HumCapt'n S....

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