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Mr. Midnight


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Hello folks out there i want to say that i have been at this simming for agreat while about 15 years.and i have built a lot of computers for myself and a few for otherrs mostly for myself.when i started simming i can remember my stumbling upon microsoft 98 , before that i remember alittle about X plane.the first thing i remember was that i had problems from freezing up and that was my first time attemps at vedio cards, putting in newer and better vids cards.youi know all those cards that we thought was the first kid on the block to get , and you could boast 20 30 fps.and when you got a better card you could get even more fps and turn most of if not all sliders up, because you get the latest and greatest.in fact dont you remember the great art work on the boxes.i could remember when microsoft came out with there latest simm and i would go out and update my cpu and vid casd and you were good to go.this pattern remained in practice for several years until fsx came out, fsx has caused me more headaches then any software i have cealt with.i have never had a bit of software that has had me go out and buy everything possible to get this software to work like software.i understand upgrading your com to a certain point , but this has become crazy, im still reading post and blogs and forums that still have problems with fsx.im taliking computers that will run the space shuttle , but when you load fsx , you might get lucky if it works right with out crashing.there are days when it will run good then there are days that you cannot even fly.im even hearing folks with super computers that will not run well.i have tweaked , repaired , uploaded , down loaded, bought, more ram , bigger HD, the best vid cards , prayed even and fsx still does what it wants to do.if you go on the forums now you will see folks wanting to know what rig will run FSX, and you will get a load of systems that claim to run FSX.i even see folks with the same set up with deferrent results.with these sims it has always been a vid problem not allways a cpu problem with me.now it is the other way around a cpu problem and not a vid problem, and im tired of the tweaking and not flying.i know there are folks out there that are flying with no problems , so they say, all i see is what i see in the forums.i believe it has been three years now and i still see people hating FSX, because of the hog that it is.as a long time user of simms i have a right to my opinion and FSX is like vista , overloaded with crap that demands attenion from everything on your computer.you gonna tell me that vid cards today cant run fsx well or cpu,s.im beginning to see why the ace teams is no more , because if i was there boss i would want to know why you developed a software that above average computers cant run.im at a stand still right now on what to do , i could stay with xp pro 64 and deal with 9 10 or 6 or 7 fps, depends on what town im in or the weather is like.or go with w7 64 and tweak from here until ******* comes back .w7 i cant even get to first base with FSX .im sure there are folks out there now wanting to know what is going on with mny system, and im thankful , but im at the point where im tired of all the hoops i have to jump through to just fly.i have been told that there is no computer that can run FSX with all sliders to max and that includes bloom.i say that that the softwhere folks ( ace team) needs to explain why that is so, why is it that even after three years there is not one com that i know of that can tell FSX that im the Boss not you.oh im sure you will have folks make that claim , oh im sure you will find those folks that will say my com will do it. and what you will have there are super tweakers, im tired of tweaking , im tired of hoping this cpu or vid card will work.So this is my last time that i will spend time on FSX.im going out and buy the best cpu out there , and im going to max out ram. the fastest hartd drive, the best MB on the market, this com will be the best and the most money ever spent on this next system.if FSX will not max out or at least go to 90 plus im through with FSX.IM going to spend my time With Mister Austin and his X plane , he may not be the best but he is consistent.I was playing with X plane first i guess i will go back.i know im going to get a lot of flax but im sorry if i offened anyone.To me FSX is Like Vista over Bloaded and a Computer Hog.im hoping that there is a company out there as we speak that is developing a good flightsim that runs like regular software is suppose to do.this is my opinion only.as i said im going to get cussed out for saying what i said.you folks have a good day.a fifteen year simmer ............Robert

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im going out and buy the best cpu out there , and im going to max out ram. the fastest hartd drive, the best MB on the market, this com will be the best and the most money ever spent on this next system.if FSX will not max out or at least go to 90 plus im through with FSX.
You can do that, and you will get a screaming machine, but the fact is, with all the bells and whistles you will still bring your computer with FSX to its knees. I will try to say it to you, but you probably won't want to believe it: FSX will probably never work at 90fps with everything on like you would wish. Why? Because we need 10-20Ghz CPUs for that... With FSX being CPU bound, all that FSX likes are CPU cycles. Until now it has been proven (check even the new Gulftown thread), that CPU running at OC speed of 4.4 reaches just about couple of frames more than one of the older quads, as the guy reported.We won't have FSX running smooth and fast, as the other games work, because it simply wasn't programmed to work like that.If you are so filled with money and want to spend it for the best and last, be my guest. But in my opinion, you are throwing money away.That being said, I can only say I am fairly satisfied with my FSX now, apart from one or another glitch, I achieve over 60fps (on unlimited) in most situations, and mostly around 30fps when landing at busy airports - that all being with lots of addon airports, heavy addon aircraft, HD clouds, etc. But I won't hide that often it drops below 30, even sometimes below 20. And this is the reason why you won't be able to run it at 90fps, simply because the hardware won't cut it, no matter how expensive.Keep in mind, with FSX, not everything is about FPS, though should be maintained above 30 to maintain normal perception, that is my opinion. 40 looks much better, and is by my means, the optimal solution if software can't cut more.

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Hello folks out there i want to say that i have been at this simming for agreat while about 15 years.and i have built a lot of computers for myself and a few for otherrs mostly for myself.when i started simming i can remember my stumbling upon microsoft 98 , before that i remember alittle about X plane.the first thing i remember was that i had problems from freezing up and that was my first time attemps at vedio cards, putting in newer and better vids cards.youi know all those cards that we thought was the first kid on the block to get , and you could boast 20 30 fps.and when you got a better card you could get even more fps and turn most of if not all sliders up, because you get the latest and greatest.in fact dont you remember the great art work on the boxes.i could remember when microsoft came out with there latest simm and i would go out and update my cpu and vid casd and you were good to go.this pattern remained in practice for several years until fsx came out, fsx has caused me more headaches then any software i have cealt with.i have never had a bit of software that has had me go out and buy everything possible to get this software to work like software.i understand upgrading your com to a certain point , but this has become crazy, im still reading post and blogs and forums that still have problems with fsx.im taliking computers that will run the space shuttle , but when you load fsx , you might get lucky if it works right with out crashing.there are days when it will run good then there are days that you cannot even fly.im even hearing folks with super computers that will not run well.i have tweaked , repaired , uploaded , down loaded, bought, more ram , bigger HD, the best vid cards , prayed even and fsx still does what it wants to do.if you go on the forums now you will see folks wanting to know what rig will run FSX, and you will get a load of systems that claim to run FSX.i even see folks with the same set up with deferrent results.with these sims it has always been a vid problem not allways a cpu problem with me.now it is the other way around a cpu problem and not a vid problem, and im tired of the tweaking and not flying.i know there are folks out there that are flying with no problems , so they say, all i see is what i see in the forums.i believe it has been three years now and i still see people hating FSX, because of the hog that it is.as a long time user of simms i have a right to my opinion and FSX is like vista , overloaded with crap that demands attenion from everything on your computer.you gonna tell me that vid cards today cant run fsx well or cpu,s.im beginning to see why the ace teams is no more , because if i was there boss i would want to know why you developed a software that above average computers cant run.im at a stand still right now on what to do , i could stay with xp pro 64 and deal with 9 10 or 6 or 7 fps, depends on what town im in or the weather is like.or go with w7 64 and tweak from here until ******* comes back .w7 i cant even get to first base with FSX .im sure there are folks out there now wanting to know what is going on with mny system, and im thankful , but im at the point where im tired of all the hoops i have to jump through to just fly.i have been told that there is no computer that can run FSX with all sliders to max and that includes bloom.i say that that the softwhere folks ( ace team) needs to explain why that is so, why is it that even after three years there is not one com that i know of that can tell FSX that im the Boss not you.oh im sure you will have folks make that claim , oh im sure you will find those folks that will say my com will do it. and what you will have there are super tweakers, im tired of tweaking , im tired of hoping this cpu or vid card will work.So this is my last time that i will spend time on FSX.im going out and buy the best cpu out there , and im going to max out ram. the fastest hartd drive, the best MB on the market, this com will be the best and the most money ever spent on this next system.if FSX will not max out or at least go to 90 plus im through with FSX.IM going to spend my time With Mister Austin and his X plane , he may not be the best but he is consistent.I was playing with X plane first i guess i will go back.i know im going to get a lot of flax but im sorry if i offened anyone.To me FSX is Like Vista over Bloaded and a Computer Hog.im hoping that there is a company out there as we speak that is developing a good flightsim that runs like regular software is suppose to do.this is my opinion only.as i said im going to get cussed out for saying what i said.you folks have a good day.a fifteen year simmer ............Robert

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Guest firehawk44

I have to disagree in part. I get a consistent 90 FPS on my system with Windows 7, 64 bit installed (and have read several posts where people have claimed the same or even higher frames). But that's with just FSX or FSX Acceleration installed and no other addon's. As I start adding commercial aircraft and scenery, the FPS begin to drop dramatically but I still get 15 plus FPS most of the time. I just have to be careful if I decide to load a commercial aircraft like PMDG's 747-8, as flying into photoscenery and/or running a commercial real weather program and a commercial AI program, it will bring my system down to its knees. To enjoy those addons, I have to compromise a little and stay away from photo scenery and maybe enabling real weather. I might also disable (on the fly) photoscenery if FPS start to dip too much. I wish the techs who conduct benchmarks on new games or new hardware would benchmark FSX as I believe any system that can run FSX should be able to run Need for Speed, as an example, without any difficulties. But then that wouldn't be right either as FSX runs great on 99% of the modern computer systems with NO addons. It's when you start throwing in eye-candy does things get more difficult. So, really, what you need to complain about is all these commercial developers who are bringing your system to its knees or upgrade to a more powerful system.Best regards,Jim

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Robert,Save your money if you are looking for an alternate life experience in a computer instead of real life. A machine will always act like a machine, and being man made, will never be perfect. All any more powerful computer will do is make the flaws a bit less apparent, helping you to pretend a little easier.Stephen

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, helping you to pretend a little easier
...yes, there is that aspect but it's far more. The degree of interactivity, the planning, the learning to actually 'fly' a virtual aircraft correctly. Ok, so it's pretend but as a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional world? I reckon its doing ok.Jon

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