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About SpiritFlyer

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  1. Working with Jim was a distinct pleasure and honour. Thank you for your service to both your country and to the leadership team of AVSIM through difficult times of great change. I will always appreciate your faithfulness to matters of principle. Fly high my friend!
  2. Thank you! This is one of the few times in my life where, Lord willing, and when an important event and milestone effects me personally. I am really (really) looking forward to being an early adopter of MSFS (or whatever it is called), as an enthusiastic committed pilot in command. Waiting patiently for clearance... Kindest possible regards, Spirit Flyer (Stephen)
  3. Hi Jim, 

    Was just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. Hope the treatments are doing well and you are feeling a bit better. :smile:

    Kindest regards,

    Spirit Flyer


  4. Private and Confidential

    Hi Jim,

    I just read your post and got hit like with a baseball bat. We share so much and go back so far.

    If you would like me to call and we can talk things over, or I can pray with you. Just send me your number.

    You are a friend, and I care very much.

    Spirit Flyer,

    Rev. Stephen Wilcox


  5. Great Bargain for only $19.95! I love it. Thank you once again QW. Kind regards, Spirit Flyer
  6. If Sean is behind this company, count me in! A new DA62 it is. Stephen
  7. Phil, It is truely a delight to see your post! So glad and thankful that you have a new lease on life. I pray that all will go well with you for a very long time! Welcome back. Kindest regards,
  8. When you are in Moncton area give me a call and we will meet for a coffee!
  9. I'm scared to post here in case I jinx up my setup, but now it's too late! Is there such a thing as jinxed by association? What should I do?
  10. Hello Canuck, Am not sure about a few things that may be relevant; 1. What Operating System? 2.What Motherboard and Bios version and settings of virtual cores? 3. Which FS Platform and series (FSX or P3D version) 4. What GPU and Driver? 5. What speed of overclock if any? Kind regards,
  11. Hi Matthew, good to see you. Apparently another offer is in the making from others, but who knows. Trudeau campaigned against the F35 but after elected backed-down from the back-out, sort-of. I expect something a bit more solid will be forthcoming before parliament resumes.. Kind regards,
  12. Thank you for those helpful observations about Canada and our military ranking Pete. Much appreciated! All the more, since we do have limited funds available, it is necessary for us to make the right decisions in our military procurement. Whether or not to continue with the F35 program is painful, as others have pointed out, due to considerations regarding cost/benefit per F35 copy, and the timetable for sufficient numbers required for full RCAF implementation. Kind regards,
  13. Excellent conversation! As a Canadian my country has been caught in the gray foggy middle ground of the valley of indecision with the F35. The more Canadians are told about it, the less certain we seem to be. One thing for certain, if we go this route the Royal Canadian Air Force will be very small. Indeed, The F35, if adopted by the RCAF, will result in far fewer aircraft at a much later date than otherwise would have been. I don't know what we should do, let alone have an informed opinion on its adoption for others. I am quite underwhelmed, but admittedly in a gray fog about it, like many of us might be. Kindest regards
  14. I agree! We are all speculating on the platform in similar ways. Perhaps our hopes will be realized and our fears relieved. Hoping for the best! Kind regards,
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