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FS9.cfg......any advice on the recommended values for...

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>Would you mind reposting some of your values for us, well at>least my weak mind is having a hard time with the>interpretation. >>Thank You. >>>Ditto that! :-)

Guest Boogie

Hey there Mark, you couldn't give us a few more details on your rig could you?;-) Boogie.


Hi Kurt,could you make a screenshot out of the cockpit with the color mipmaps enable.ByeMarkus


I don't see any difference Greg. I tried it with your "funny" number and with it set back to four. Nothing different that I can see. When I get a couple of free hours I'm going to try some different combinations and see if anything works better. (I'm doing this on an ATI 9800 Pro at 1024x768x32 with 6X AA and 16X AF. The monitor is a ViewSonic PF790 with a .25 center dot pitch).Doug

Intel 10700K @ 5.1Ghz, Asus Hero Maximus motherboard, Noctua NH-U12A cooler, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB 3200 MHz RAM, RTX 2060 Super GPU, Cooler Master HAF 932 Tower, Thermaltake 1000W Toughpower PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit, 100TB of disk storage. Klaatu barada nickto.

Guest SoarPics

From Markus..."TERRAIN_MAX_VERTEX_LEVEL=19 This control the DEM resolution: 18 = 150m DEM, 19 = 75m DEM, 20 = 37m DEM, 21 = 19m DEM "Thanks... I hadn't read the sticky "README FIRST" thread until you pointed me to it. The new sim has run well for me since I installed it. Good info there.Doug and Mike... curious how some of us have the larger TEL numbers, while others have "0". I too will go back and test more with "0", "4" and "5". Also, I have the original FS2002.cfg stored away on disk here. Gonna compare the .cfg's from the two sims.


I, too, don't understand why we seem to have different numbers floating around - especially the "all zeros". I have a "virgin" copy of FS2002 one of my backup drives and the numbers there are:TERRAIN_DEFAULT_RADIUS=2.500000TERRAIN_EXTENDED_RADIUS=4.000000TERRAIN_EXTENDED_LEVELS=1 Since nothing much as changed in the scenery engine I would have thought that the FS9 default values would have been about the same. Go figure.....Doug

Intel 10700K @ 5.1Ghz, Asus Hero Maximus motherboard, Noctua NH-U12A cooler, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB 3200 MHz RAM, RTX 2060 Super GPU, Cooler Master HAF 932 Tower, Thermaltake 1000W Toughpower PSU, Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit, 100TB of disk storage. Klaatu barada nickto.


correction to---------------------best achieved FS2004 / 6 6 6 6 1 1 -all of these settings give equal results4.0 0.0 0** - 2.5 4.0 xxxxxxx -do not use** - 2.5 4.0 4 -do not use4.0 4.0 14.0 4.0 xxxxxxx10.0 16.0 49.5 4.0 xxxxxxx9.5 4.0 0 thru 4-------------------The two values marked ** should not be used as they are not consistent. If you start the sim with extended textures on they are fine, if you then switch extended textures off the pattern changes. If you start the sim with extended textures off they are fine, if you then turn extended textures on they are still fine, but if you then turn extended textures back off the pattern changes.The other values hold the settings even if you switch extended textures off and on several times.This pic shows the different patterns I observed, from the top left to bottom right the patterns are 1,2,3,4,5,6. It's possible this is a limitation of my old system and a more powerful system might have available addional patterns. The best I can get is pattern 6 applied to the yellow (256x256 mip) thru white (32x32 mip) with the purple and orange mips (8x8 and 4x4) pattern always the same at 1 ( 6 6 6 6 1 1 ).http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/30188.jpg here are some settings that all gave the same results ( 6 6 6 6 1 1 ) on my system. Listed in this order, TERRAIN_DEFAULT_RADIUS=, TERRAIN_EXTENDED_RADIUS=, TERRAIN_EXTENDED_LEVELS= 4.0,0.0,04.0,4.0,70747684.0,4.0,12424564.0,4.0,04.0,4.0,14.0,4.0,49.5,4.5,70747689.5,4.5,12424569.5,4.5,09.5,4.5,19.5,4.5,29.5,4.5,39.5,4.5,49.5,4.5,510.0,16.0,4I haven't noticed any performance difference if the results are the same regardless of the settings used to obtain them. It doesn't seem to hurt setting the values higher even if the results are not any better.Sorry if I explained this poorly, it's easier to see than explain.here is a 2kb zip ( unzip to temp folder ) with the textureand instructionshttp://forums.avsim.net/user_files/30197.zip Kurt M

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