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About W2DR

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  1. 'Phone addiction is real..... https://www.addictioncenter.com/behavioral-addictions/phone-addiction/#:~:text=What Is Phone Addiction%3F,unable to use their smartphone.
  2. W2DR

    Talented Girl.

    The music isn't bad either 🙂.
  3. That's because they're hiding behind the UAPs.
  4. For all the old-time movie fans: https://archive.org/details/feature_films?sort=title&and[]=mediatype%3A"movies"&and[]=language%3A"English"&and[]=year%3A[1930+TO+2022] Stream or download. Your choice.
  5. Here's another one. The "guest" is Jessica Burch. She's "a weather babe" on KPIX TV in San Francisco. What's interesting to me, though, is she's also Lt. Jessica Burch - a Blackhawk helicopter pilot in the Army reserve.
  6. Yawn. I'll take my Toyota hybrid over any EV.
  7. W2DR


    It's not just "nowadays". We bought a 5000 sq. ft. "McMansion" a few miles north of Atlanta back in 1992. We had numerous problems with the house over the next 10 years. It finally got to the point where all the windows (43 of them) had to be replaced, the basement had numerous cracks in the walls, the downstairs floor joists needed reinforcing, and the roof had to be replaced. The bill for all of that? A mere USD $208,000. No way I was going to get into that. Time to move on. We love our home in Florida.
  8. Is this airplane made by Boeing?
  9. I haven't turned off my PC in 14 years. The only thing that's been changed is the video card. Just as an FYI, I have a cheap ceiling mounted fan in the garage and it's been running 24 hour a day since 2006.
  10. I think history will show that AI is a plague on humanity.
  11. I am really, really, really tired of people trying to "protect" me. I don't need any "help" and don't want any. Maybe I'll just go back to DOS and enjoy life.
  12. Perhaps they already have.....🙂 .
  13. Fascinating. Thanks. But...I would have thought by now they would have learned to drive on the right and pass on the left 😀 .
  14. W2DR

    Planet 9?

    And don't forget the Guardians of the Space Force 🙂 .
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