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  1. Does anybody know if anyone is working on this? If so, whom and how is it going? Many thanks.
  2. MSFS 2020 allowed us to learn that Asobo wasnt going to make the same mistakes of Microsoft Flight. It was an introduction and now we see with the help from the community a great sim is in the works. A snowball effect. The few community members I hope might still join would be FSDreamTeam for native GSX, BlackSquare for in depth systems, Say Intentions / Beyond ATC for AI & ATC and FSUIPC & Axis and Ohs for hardware configs. Some of the more exciting things mentioned to me are: Deep dives in sailplanes, helos and helo pads, Bush flying and the ability for planes to get dirty, new physics in sling loads and banner towing, ability to have individual profiles for each plane, improvements in waves for amphibs, a world thats alive with more things to see with new animals and plants, ships & vessels. Wake Turbulence in the air and new bumps in terrain on the ground. Ability to do a proper preflight and walk around. Things I would like to know more about would be AI and perhaps AI ATC, careers and perhaps a revamp of the logbook system, VR, 3d sounds from the environment. Items that XPlane has that I would hope makes it into MSFS is puddles that get bigger and dry out, trains and better AI cars/road traffic.
  3. Made for the community, with the community. Speaks volumes.
  4. I feel Scott of A2A and the developer of Black Squares passion and heart to bring us the best study level small GAs are tied for number 1. A2A has been at building system rich planes for some time now so they have an advantage. However, Black Square has become almost on par with A2A in an extremely short time and if they continue with that pace, we might see a lead change. With having two highly devoted and meticulous developers seeking to keep pushing the boundaries and releasing highly system and feature rich planes, we are all winners. Right now, with all things compared, I'd say A2A with its native Input Configurator and ability to work outside the sims constraints is the difference for me to see A2A holding 1st place in small GAs.
  5. I feel like it comes down to personal choice and policy. RIght now there are many things available that can do something for us but also have potential for negative risk. Pain killers can make you feel great and are highly useful when in pain but most people avoid using them because they know the negative risk. Just because things are available doesnt mean we have to use them ever or often. Last example, my car can go really fast if I push the pedal all the way down which is great for passing a car but self govern to not speed all the time and the government has created policy to have speed limits.
  6. So I have been recently learning how to use Axis and Ohs. I really just wanted to learn how to use it for my specific setup as its an amazing tool that can do so many things but I was narrowly focused. I tried looking on line for videos on YouTube to learn it but didnt find the kind of videos I was looking for. Thats all behind me but in doing this I realized something and the purpose of this post. Companies are currently releasing AI agents that allow the user to text out something and have AI make a video. At the same time, theres AI agents that do text to voice. What came to me is we are closer than not to soon not having to search for premade videos but instead just have AI do it all for us. As an example, I ask AI to create a video using Axis and Ohs to configure the Duke with the hardware controllers of Honeycomb. The more specific my request, the better the video. AI then reads the Axis and Ohs manual, searches the web for the honeycomb products and creates a video showing me exactly what I want to do. That is crazy but in a way that is already here. I've just not seen anyone talk about it that way. Make short videos, yes but to have the video become a tutorial with a very specific goal tampered only to the user needs? That I havent heard mention of. That is kinda crazy to think about.
  7. This has been a crash course in AAO and I was moving along smoothly until the last few items to assign. I've done great with all your help at getting my LVARs assigned but then I hit a wall with the following items which are not LVARs. The four below are all on the Piston Duke as I got the Turbine all assigned. Fuel Pumps LeftFuelPump B:FUEL_Pump_1_Toggle RightFuelPump B:FUEL_Pump_2_Toggle Alternators LeftGenerator B:ELECTRICAL_Alternator_1_Toggle RightGenerator B:ELECTRICAL_Alternator_2_Toggle Cowl Flaps LeftCowlFlaps L:var_cowlFlapSwitch_L 0=OPEN,2=CLOSE RightCowlFlaps L:var_cowlFlapSwitch_R 0=OPEN,2=CLOSE Pre Oiler Pre-Oiler L:var_PreoilerSwitch 0=LEFT,2=RIGHT I couldnt find the B: items in the master list of available items to pick to assign and the Cowl Flaps and Pre Oiler are LVARs but I couldnt find them in the Local drop down list that I've been finding everything else after doing a LVARs scan. I was able to do the blacklist and that worked great. Once I get these last 4 items assigned, I think I am all set on assignments. Your help is extremely appreciated.
  8. I figured out the little box I need to set the 0 value but still unsure of why I have a hard time assigning the correct controller. What does the ! and Lock red or green mean?
  9. I'm making progress so thank you for sticking with me. I promise I will make a quick video to show how I get it assigned for others to reference once it's all set. So this is what I got so far but don't see which small box to use to put the 0 in which indicates to turn on the fuel pump. I'm obviously not using your software to the fullest but trying.
  10. I am looking to assign my dual 5 position rotary knobs to create a start up sequence for the Duke Turbine. I show in the video what it is that I am trying to achieve. I know there are LVARs for this addon for these events but not sure if there is a better way. For Lorby, if you do not own the BS Duke and there is a way I can buy it for you to help me, I am more than willing to do so.
  11. When I asked Black Square in their forum about the sound this was the reply. This is an unfortunate byproduct of how some of the sounds were implemented in this aircraft. I asked my sound developer not to do them this way, but I was told that doing them the most elegant way was too time consuming. You might be able to stop this from happening on your end with deadzones at either end of the levers travel, but for positions in between, it would require some level of hysteresis that I'm not sure many of the 3rd part binding applications have. I'm sure you could code them yourself with their scripting tools, but that requires a little programming knowledge to do correctly without hitting your head against a wall. The problem is that the sound plays every time the lever is moved, even by the smallest amount, which is often within the noise of most hardware input. Let me know if you want to attempt a software solution to this on your end, and I would be happy to help. In the meantime, I will point this out to my sound developer and see if I can convince him to do the more elegant solution in the future. Another helpful user Randolf gave me this advice. AAO has some filtering possibilities for noisy inputs. Try to play with "filter strength" value in the axis assignment window, or, depending on what the value is, maybe rounding to integer values could also help a bit. If that doesn't help, there's always the possibility to write a custom script to filter the value 🙂 The filter worked for me. I get really lost when it comes to the tech side so I am very happy that your Axis and Ohs is a very powerful tool but also simple to learn the basics with and extremely appreciative of your help and quick replies.
  12. If you are like me (prefer plug and plug over having to learn what feels like coding 101), just got the Black Square Duke and want to assign some axis using Axis and Ohs since there is no input configurator to do so, here is a what should be a helpful video that is short, focused and to the point to get Axis and Ohs set up to work for the Duke.
  13. Thank you for all your help. I'm starting to better understand how to use AAO for my use. I've also been in touch with the developer and providing feedback as we simmers all have so many different setup that both developers and beta testers might not have to test with. I ended up using the simulator events instead of the LVARs like you stated and had to add a filter to max or 4 to stop the noise. I know have a much better understanding on how to assign the axis for my use for the Duke and will start to work on determining what switches I will need to assign that will work best for me and my setup. Here is the video.
  14. I'll contact the author and see what he says. Aside from LVARs what option would I have to assign this axis?
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