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I can't be the only one with this problem

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I 've posted this on a few other forums and no answer but some one else must have the problem also. The Beech 18 from Milton Shupe is ok -- the Maam DC3 is ok .I'm running Presicion Flight Controls for throttles and yoke . I just bought the Carenado Seneca and here's my delima. When you get the bird off the ground you bring back the manifold pressure and then bring the props back to say from 2500 RPM to -let's just say 2300 RPM when i bring back the props the plane just sits there and jumps up and down no matter how smooth i bring them back. If i use CTRL+F2 and not the throttle quadrent it still does it but it's fine on the Beech 18 and the Maam so what's ailing this thing Carenado won't answer me Presicion Flight Controls won't answer me and no answer on other forums surly some one else must have this issue. It's very frustrating cause i fly real world and want to use the engine management specs properly.It's just the props that are the problem bringing back the mixture above 3, 000 feet for EGT is ok, it's just the props and man does she bounce up and down, the quest Kodiak does it also .

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I dont have a solution, but I hope you find one, I have the same problem with some planes.


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I'd suggest going into the Carenado forums here at AVSIM, finding the account named "Carenado", and sending them a PM. I didn't get any answers when I asked about issues with the Skywagon through their website contact info, but I sure did when I PMd them.

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when i bring back the props the plane just sits there and jumps up and down no matter how smooth i bring them back.
If you are in the VC when this bouncing occurs, try lowering the value for the prop_tc (time constant) in the propeller section of the Aircraft.cfg file. I don't have the Seneca but this has helped in one or two other aircraft I have. In one case, going from a prop_tc= 0.1 to prop_tc= 0.006 did the job. I don't know what side effects may occur but backing up the file before editing will reduce that risk.Rick

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If you are in the VC when this bouncing occurs, try lowering the value for the prop_tc (time constant) in the propeller section of the Aircraft.cfg file. I don't have the Seneca but this has helped in one or two other aircraft I have. In one case, going from a prop_tc= 0.1 to prop_tc= 0.006 did the job. I don't know what side effects may occur but backing up the file before editing will reduce that risk.RickMy god a genius is among us .Plugged those numbers in and fixed it right up, so PIC 007 try it and see. I will pm Carenado to tell them, thanks a bunch .This bird is real nice bought it on sale , very stable when trimming and on approach coming in by hand she's very nice you put the flaps down and she don't balloon and jump up like a playboy bunny walked in front of it. Thanks Rick you made my day ---Louis Caroline Alberta

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