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About Louis8

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    Caroline Alberta Canada

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    Retired from the Canadian oil patch and just being a lounge lizard solo musician.

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  1. Boy what a shock,i talked to him at a Flight sim conference in Seattle .
  2. Thanks Alberto , i'll see if it does it again and try these tools you mentioned .
  3. Still can't post over at SOH forums for some reason .But all i would like to know on this addictive unit is what is programmed in if you mistreat it , cause i'm pretty sure there is, but cant seem to find any post that mention it .
  4. Ok that's way more then i knew, and i'll check the BSOD when she all goes blue but i don't know when it will happen a again . I had no idea what i was looking at .Thanks
  5. I don't know if this 737Ng is too much airplane for my system but a couple of times now loading it up,- just now in Toronto ready to taxi out and a while back almost on landing the ol' girl seizes up and goes blue screen .When i load it up i have it saved cold and dark and i don't load up any other aircraft first , i go straight to this NG. like PMDG recomends .Plus almost everytime the screen goes black after it loads up and i have to put my mouse over the fsx icon on the bottom tool bar push 'shift and Ctrl 'together and click' Maximize' to bring the sim up .No problem with any other aircraft just this 737 Ng for some reason .I don't have any other PMDG aircraft and the rest are general like Carenado and A2A Asus P6T X58 w/ Triple DDR3 2000, 7.1 Audio, Gigabit Lan,1394,PCI-E,3 way CrossFireX/SLI Mushkin XP3-12800 Xtreme Performance Redline DDR3 SDRAM (6-7-6-18), 6GB Triple Channel Kit INTEL D Core i7 975 Extreme 3.2 GHz w/8MB Cache Western Digital Veloci Raptor 150GB 10,000rpm SATA II w/ 16MB cache (2 of these) Geforce GTX 670 4GB -GDDR5 memory -superclocked PCI Express3.0 ANTEC Twelve Hundred Ultimate Gamer Case 9( Monster) ANTEC TruePower Quattro 1000W power supply LG Super Multi security DCD writer 22x SATA, Black
  6. She sure is a master piece and for free, it was mentioned on FS-Economy so i gave it a shot and put this in .Buggy Carenado can sure take a few lessons from these guys instead of just getting in our pockets overpriced and don't fix nothing . For some reason even logging in i can't seem to post there on SOH but can some one tell me the failure that are programed in cause i can't seem to come across any on any forum and i'm sure there is .Like overstressing the engine, that sort of thing , Of all the aircraft in flight sim, flying this bird the proper way by the numbers , engine management, and not dive and drive i find this one to be the hardest.
  7. Thanks a bunch Ed, man she wraps good now . i kinda of forgot you can put in 2004 sounds in FSX .
  8. Any one find a 1/2 desent sound pack for this conversion out there ? I've looked -tried one but was no good and didn't match .
  9. Not complaining but any one in real life who flew this, Is it slippery ? man you have to start slowing this thing way back and be on top of your game.
  10. Fixed --- put in the latest 1.13 update and she's all good
  11. I feel the same way about Carenado Dan, and i know myself and a pile of other's only bought it cause good guy Bert gave us the mod to slap the GTN750 in.
  12. Well ,i'm getting closer, i found out it's all aircraft with the GTN 750 only.
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