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I do hope this is some sort of sick joke

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Guest Vraoooom

"Please upload to Avsim/Flightsim.com/website of your choice ONLY""May ONLY be uploaded to AVSim and nowhere else!"Lol!! These's tricks are too good. I approve! :-beerchugSamy Fay Feel free to visit... http://groups.msn.com/SamyFaysPaintShop

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Guest ba747heavy

>negative, I>think he pulled the nonsense ...LOL!

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>Yes mate, I am in the UK, I know the courts here can't even>convict criminals, let alone put up with rubbish like this>:-lol>They did take care of several of PTs businesses...

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Since your stuff is on his site, Spanish law would apply.Of course your stuff is on his site against your wishes but those wishes are (according to Ferdy) defamatory of him and his operation and therefore illegal.

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Guest SoarPics

"negative, I think he pulled the nonsense ..."Too late, all he did is make himself look like a fool... again.Greg

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Guest Vraoooom

That's a very good thing from Ferdy to remove this page. We would feel a bit tiny if the thousands of Painters all around the world would charter 6 or 7 wide bodys to make him a little surprise visit. :-bang (Even with water gun would be enought. Think about the amount of water it would make all painters together). Imagine one moment put the energy of all of us combined nito on single kick into is asses. We would grant him a trip.... yes! A wonderfull trip to the moon! He should abandon theses stupids and foolish ideas to sue people who barely put their brand on their work. So long Ferdy.Feel free to visit... http://groups.msn.com/SamyFaysPaintShop

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OK, so if it's Spanish law, and I'm not in Spain, there's really nothing anyone can do to me!!!!Where is that file I've been meaning to upload.It's really great. It's labeled as a 737, but when it unzips it puts up a big banner that says, "Ferdy Sucks!!!! FSPLANET BLOWS!!!"

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Guest radarbeam

The page is gone but if you still want a good laugh go to his privacy section http://www.fsplanet.com/privacy.htmQuote: "We'll not tollerate any longer defamantion of fsplanet or harassament of our site by any author any longer - we are particolarly targetting those authors wich uses txt or in the habit to post defaming messaging against fsplanet into theirs txt or setup's included in freeware files" Lol :) I can tell by the typos that this was typed by Ferdi himself.Quote: "Our work is to keep freeware online for everybody. There's no "Limited Freeware"." I guess this doesn't apply to stolen freeware files sold on CDs by you Ferdi, right?

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I have another great idea as I ponder Ferid's latest caper. Why don't all of the freeware authors who have had their stuff pirated by Ferdi create a Class Action lawsuit against him. With the number of authors affected, the legal fees could be distributed evenly, making it less expensive. We could collect donations and when the authors won, and Ferdi has to pay up, the spoils can be divided up among the authors who have been affected. I of course, am no author, so this isn't a self seeking post. But I think it's a really good idea! Now we just have to figure out how to litigate in Spain....

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Guest Vraoooom

Gosh. I've made a terrible error in my writing. In this text we should read...."That's a very good thing from Ferdy to remove this page. ****He (INSTEAD OF WE)**** would feel a bit tiny if the thousands of Painters all around the world would charter 6 or 7 wide bodys to make him a little surprise visit. :-bang (Even with water gun would be enought. Think about the amount of water it would make all painters together). Imagine one moment put the energy of all of us combined nito on single kick into is asses. We would grant him a trip.... yes! A wonderfull trip to the moon!He should abandon theses stupids and foolish ideas to sue people who barely put their brand on their work.So long Ferdy."Sorry guys. Shame on me. :-abduct :-abduct

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Guest CargoMun

More amusing writings from fsplanet.com/privacy.htm (no need to give him any more hits then really nescessary linking directly - 600 something is 599 too many lol :D)These ones really had me laugh my whole backside off:- The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited.And further more he rambles:- The authors' rights and wishes concerning archives must be respected.Didnt he just sue one of those who had expressed some certain wishes? Hmm all is not well in this fella's mind me thinks ;-)

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