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Go get this one - it's superb!

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Hi all


Milton Shupe and his team have released an exceptionally good Dash 7. It's available at the "other" website.


I have just taken it for a short spin and have to say it's one of the best props I have ever flown.



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You are absolutely right.

This is top draw freeware.I have only tried the briefest of flights ,(took awhile to get the engines up and running ,but there is comprehensive documentation to help you ,I am just impatient)

Excellent panel ,ditto VC for those that like them ,and an unusual, novel and unique (in my experience anyway) overhead panel view.

I had to convert to DXT3 textures (As I do with all aircraft) my PC is old (P4 2.8, Nvidea GT6600 and 2gb ram.

Now for a little fly in the reviewing ointment ,in spot mode (panel was fine) there is a definite performance hit ,but as I say my PC is fairly old ,for you chaps with modern setups this should not be an issue.

This has been the briefest of test reviews, but as I said at the beginning this (IMO) aircraft is top drawer .

cheers Andy


PS lots of useful zooming controls in the panel for those whose eyesight may be a tad less good than it was in the first flush of youth.


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With 282 views as I write and only one reply I'm beginning to think that prop liners have lost out against digital age jets :P No clicking of knobs and switches or setting on-board computers in the Dash 7 - you really do have to know how to fly it. Mind you, I'm sure that there is a fascinating and absorbing level of interest punching in whatever is needed in the various computers to fly the modern jets and then sitting back and watching it all happen, but to an old timer who cut his teeth in the days before jet airlines this is not the best way to fly.


You will probably see a little degradation given your PC specs, Andy, but I can assure you with my i5 and GT560 card there are no stutters or drop in fps, even at a densely populated airport.



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Guest ram1220

I can't get to the other flightsim site. I keep getting a pop up saying the site is infected with malware. I get this using Chrome, Avant, and IE 10. Can anyone else get to the other site?





Edit- I got in with Firefox. But I did get a malware pop up with it first. I just bypassed it and got in. Never had this happen before. Just scanned my computer this morning with Avast as well as Malwarebytes and it's clean. Oh well.

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I recently installed an older(?) version of the Dash 7 by Milton Shupe - it was already a fine plane. Is this an upgrade / new version? Regardless, I'll be checking it out tonight, exciting stuff!

Jim Stewart

Milviz Person.


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With 282 views as I write and only one reply I'm beginning to think that prop liners have lost out against digital age jets :P No clicking of knobs and switches or setting on-board computers in the Dash 7 - you really do have to know how to fly it. Mind you, I'm sure that there is a fascinating and absorbing level of interest punching in whatever is needed in the various computers to fly the modern jets and then sitting back and watching it all happen, but to an old timer who cut his teeth in the days before jet airlines this is not the best way to fly.


You will probably see a little degradation given your PC specs, Andy, but I can assure you with my i5 and GT560 card there are no stutters or drop in fps, even at a densely populated airport.







"You will probably see a little degradation given your PC specs, Andy, but I can assure you with my i5 and GT560 card there are no stutters or drop in fps, even at a densely populated airport."


Now David Sir

There is no need to showoff.Just%20Kidding.gif


By the way when I did my brief test flt ,I did have other program's running in the background (e-mail etc ),which I never would do in a normal sim flt session ,so i have yet to try this model in a clean sim flight mode. At least the panel mode was fine ,just spot was a little jittery (not stutters as such) just not smooth either.

Anyways for all you guys and girls who have modern as opposed to iron age PCs you will enjoy this I think,


PS I believe this is a completely new aircraft ,not an updated older version.


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With 282 views as I write and only one reply I'm beginning to think that prop liners have lost out against digital age jets :P No clicking of knobs and switches or setting on-board computers in the Dash 7 - you really do have to know how to fly it. Mind you, I'm sure that there is a fascinating and absorbing level of interest punching in whatever is needed in the various computers to fly the modern jets and then sitting back and watching it all happen, but to an old timer who cut his teeth in the days before jet airlines this is not the best way to fly.


You will probably see a little degradation given your PC specs, Andy, but I can assure you with my i5 and GT560 card there are no stutters or drop in fps, even at a densely populated airport.






I think you may be right. I have to admit myself that I have always favored the passenger jets on the whole ,but I always come back to prop flying as well (which I always enjoy and then can't understand why I don't do it more often)

I think if I am in the mood for relaxing (bit of beer ,radio on in background ) then the passenger jets are good for the reasons you describe (push buttons and relax) ,the props even if equipped with modern avionics etc usually need a bit more work IE keeping throttle ,prop speed correct you have to keep concentration and constantly adjust (at least I do)to prevent stalls or over-speeding etc etc ,but its always enjoyable.

Cheers Andy


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Oohh a Dash 7?! Where can I get it from?!


Go to www.flightsim.com. Go to their library files for FS2004 and then look under new files. It was released about four days ago. But beware, for some people getting into that website is a nightmare as it seems that Google have slapped a "there are nasty things on this site" block on it. It is possible to get round this but that depends on your browser.



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Guest ram1220

I downloaded the plane and flew it for a short flight. While I love the looks and handling I too am seeing bad stutters while changing views. Seems ok on the 2d panel view. But anything else takes a while to load textures and I see stutters. I do have a pretty powerful computer. May or may not try it again.



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I downloaded the plane and flew it for a short flight. While I love the looks and handling I too am seeing bad stutters while changing views. Seems ok on the 2d panel view. But anything else takes a while to load textures and I see stutters. I do have a pretty powerful computer. May or may not try it again.





I am surprised you get the same sort of issues as I am having with my old P4 setup .

Just as you have described ,I get rather slow performance in spot mode ,(not stutters exactly ) just sort of jerky progress in flight. When I switch back to the panel mode everything is fine.

PS have you converted the 32 bit textures to dxt3 ?

I will hang fire for the moment on this aircraft ,before I undertake the long and fiddly (must get fs panel studio)business of adding all my favorite (of which there are many) third party gauges.

cheers Andy


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I downloaded the plane and flew it for a short flight. While I love the looks and handling I too am seeing bad stutters while changing views. Seems ok on the 2d panel view. But anything else takes a while to load textures and I see stutters. I do have a pretty powerful computer. May or may not try it again.






I have an i5 running at 3.2 Ghz and an nVidia GT560 Ti card. Most of my sliders are pretty well maxed out although I don't run any AI. Nevertheless, I don't have any of your issues so I don't think it's anything to do with the Dash 7 itself.



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Well, I've had a chance to test this version out, as well as compare it to the previous version I already had installed (2a, I think?).


I have absolutely no issues with performance on this plane, in any view, spot, VC, 2d panel. None of the stutters or jerkiness that was mentioned.


On comparison to the previous version, it seems that there are improvements to the model, and were I to be more experienced with the plane, I'm sure there's lots of improvements 'under the hood'. A second flight model by Bernt Stolle is provided, I haven't tried it out yet. The model is noticeably different in the VC - more correct perspective perhaps?


As much as one might wish for more 3d switches, etc (I'm primarily a VC flyer), this is still an amazing rendition of a really neat aircraft, and I am extremely grateful for Milton Shupe and everyone else involved in the project for bringing it to us for free. It's always so amazing to see such amazing work being given to the community!!

Jim Stewart

Milviz Person.


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Now lets be honest, who in their right mind wants to sit at FL300 + when a superb Dash 7 sits at your airport begging for a real hands on flyer, and this is a cream aircraft, thank you to all for it's latest development. O.K., there are hundreds if not thousands who like to be at FL300 +, but give this a try, it is a great piece of work deserving recognition.

The "funny" people are at it again, as in Google. There is no viruses or any other bugs on premier sim websites, just go direct and download. It would seem that just lately other developers are giving Avsim a miss, is there a reason , I hope not .

Have got the FS9 version, now off to download the, if the word can be used in this forum, FSX....

Have a great New Year


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Guest ram1220



I just have the stock Dash 7. I haven't converted any textures. I did use the plane at a 3rd party add on Boston airport. Not sure if this is why I got stutters or not. But I tried again a few minutes ago and the stutters are still there. My computer is using an AMD Phenom II at 3.84ghz, 8gigs of RAM, and an ATI 4850 video card. Most sliders are to the right in FS9. This is the only plane that gives me stutters. I usually fly the HJG 727-200, HJG DC-9, or the PMDG 737-700. Other than the stutters I love the plane.



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