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Is GEX P3D compatible/allowed?

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If so, how do I install in P3D if FSX is installed as well? (I don't want to install it in FSX)

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Great, I'll wait for the release. Seems like its a little behind schedule though.


Thanks for that,



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Just to be fair and balanced;


While interesting, I'm not sure what you're trying to balance.  What I linked to (without comment, by intent) is the developer's stated stance.  This link certainly points (albeit with uncorroborated  evidence) to a disturbing incident, but doesn't change the facts of the developer's stance on P3D support.


Not trying to stir any pots at all - just don't understand what this has to do with the question or my response.



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There was no intent regarding your linking of the post at Flightsim, other than that posting contains some comments that are slanted and directed at the developer of the migration tool. Also, the link I gave gives a different insight into what is or is not allowed, as per the prior EULAs. So it's up to each person to look and decide as to what they can do. I post only as a user, albeit one that does read EULAs and does feel comfortable with the mumbo-jumbo contained within the document. Fear mongering on some developers part doesn't have much effect on me.


Plus, I just think it funny, in a sad kind of way, what some people will do to masquerade. Comment based on corroborated evidence...

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From flight1 


UPDATE ON GEP3D: We are in process with this product however development time with the interface control and installer system had to be shared with several other Flight1 products and we are running a little behind with completion and packaging for the Ground Environment Prepar3D product. Hopefully this will be sorted over the month of April with a good shot at a May release.

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By the time that they figure this out, FTX Global will be available.


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Fear mongering on some developers part doesn't have much effect on me.


Nor me. It's just that the issues behind this have been debated half unto death and I had no wish to re-open that can of worms. Regardless of the EULA issues or the threatening to revoke silliness (which I absolutely will not discuss), the important point to me is that the developer will not support you should you have any issues.


In retrospect, and after re-reading the link you provided however, I agree that it was entirely appropriate information to provide. Sorry if I over-reacted to the "balance" part, but I was trying to be clear that I was simply presenting a pointer to the developer's position in answer to the OP's question, NOT supporting it.



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Having purchased Orbx UK and Wales now about to purchase USA and Alaska  ,I think i will be stopping with Orbx for all my scenery from now on ,I dont know if it is position/detail/ perfect and all that .but It simply looks great,certainly better than I have ever seen fsx / P3d looking  before ,and it chugges along at 29.9 fps ,it as if  Orbx  scenery is just  made for P3d .,make me wonder if Orbx have some tie in with L M ,just imagin ony Orbx scenery good enough for P3d when  v2 finally realeased ,

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Having purchased Orbx UK and Wales now about to purchase USA and Alaska ,I think i will be stopping with Orbx for all my scenery from now on ,I dont know if it is position/detail/ perfect and all that .but It simply looks great,certainly better than I have ever seen fsx / P3d looking before...


Orbx makes great stuff, but their regions still only cover a fraction of the world.  For larger coverage in FSX, I've used UTX and GEX.  As another poster mentions, however, GEX will have some pretty stiff competition with Orbx "FTX Global" coming soon.  From a P3D perspective, Orbx' clear and unambiguous support of P3D certainly makes FTX Global a product to consider.



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Sorry if I over-reacted to the "balance" part,...


There's no need to apologize, as I took no offense to your comment. I should have been clearer in my posting, so that what I was trying to link to and why was more easily understood. But I have a strange sense of humor and thought the Fox News tag was funny.


What I am waiting to see from someone is a set of ground textures specifically for Prepar3d. In that 4,096 textures would be used, instead of the 1,024 size that FSX is limited to. Then again, distributing an 80gb texture replacement package might cause some concerns! Thank goodness for my fast (for me) cable connection! ^_^

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