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Vatsim's structure

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Why would you demand your account terminated. Just taking a break for about two months would have done the trick. I also had a run in with a certain NY_CAM_APP controller two years ago and after that my flights out of KJFK was all negative vibes. From clearance to Center. Took a break for months and came back with problems to no avail.


If you felt animosity from the beginning, why throw fuel in the fire. Lay back and keep your opinions to yourself and feel good they would have made a difference with Vatsim. These are founders decision & Upper Supv. decisions

Flightsim organization could be highly critical at times, thats part of the things you have to brace for in this hobby.


Its two sides of a story and we only heard one so in fairness, looking for shoulders to cry on would be hard to come by right now.




Kind gesture & no harm.


Regards & I'm so sorry you deleted your account.

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granted, but the rant didn't have to come out when it did, - he could have held on to it till the site was up again.


Apart from Kip, it's VERY unlikely VATSIM will respond to it here.


I don't have a Vatsim account anymore (see my original post - I had it deleted).  Kind of difficult to post up in the Vatsim forums, not to mention that even if I did still have an account, posts that were of this nature would totally get deleted by forum admins.

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I don't have a Vatsim account anymore (see my original post - I had it deleted).  Kind of difficult to post up in the Vatsim forums, not to mention that even if I did still have an account, posts that were of this nature would totally get deleted by forum admins.

My apologies for forgetting that part,


If I came on here slating avsim staff, i'm sure my post(or even my account) would be deleted.


I had a little go at pmdg (I think it was about lack of support - but that's irrelevant) on their part of this forum - pmdg do not allow any bad "publicity" - good is allowed but not bad, -  that's fair enough as its their rules, and we have agreed to abide by them.


Currently, I have a big problem with a local supermarket, - I buy buns every Friday that I religiously share with my 4 yr old daughter - one Friday when I took a second bite, I bit into a 3/4" piece of hard plastic that pierced my bottom gum  - they investigated and found it was from another piece of packaging from another type of bun made by a 3rd party supplier - point is - every time I post on their facebook page about the shocking fact they offered a £10 gift voucher for my troubles(even though that barely covered my costs to return the items and foreign object to be sent away for investigation) they delete my comment.

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My apologies for forgetting that part,


If I came on here slating avsim staff, i'm sure my post(or even my account) would be deleted.


I had a little go at pmdg (I think it was about lack of support - but that's irrelevant) on their part of this forum - pmdg do not allow any bad "publicity" - good is allowed but not bad, -  that's fair enough as its their rules, and we have agreed to abide by them.


PMDG is a business; your supermarket is a business.  In those cases, they have every reason to treat their own forums and other online places as part of their business, and so it makes sense to delete comments that paint a negative picture of them as a company.  Vatsim is not a business - deleting comments is basically a way to suppress their volunteers.  If Vatsim continues to treat its core user base as a given (i.e. they won't leave no matter how poorly treated and no matter how poor the network functions) then people should make the decision to not only leave, but request their accounts de-activated or deleted.  It's no different from not going to a business that has unsafe business practices or that treats its employees poorly (made worse because in the case of Vatsim, there's no rational incentive for the poor treatment - it's not like they make more money by treating users badly).


What it comes down to is this: The only way to fix Vatsim is to demand that it be fixed.  Quietly leaving solves nothing.  Vatsim can be a wonderful community, and when I made my decision to leave, it was a very tough decision.  That said, the world is only as problematic as we make it.  I have no patience for the people here who are saying that there will always be problems, etc..  That might be true on a very broad, global level, but surely an online organization of aviation enthusiasts isn't beyond peoples' capacity to make work!

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As a Vatsim controller I have thankfully not run into any of the power and control issues you describe, however, I have heard of them in other FIR's within my region (from controllers who have transferred out) and I have also heard some of the concerns at VATUSA.  All I can offer up is that there do seem to be some pilots and controllers with a personality that likes to challenge authority in an organization that really does not tolerate that behavior.  Those are the ground rules and if you can't live by them then Vatsim becomes a difficult place to enjoy your hobby.  The issue of disabilities is a challenging one for an online network like Vatsim as accommodation is difficult to implement.  I don't agree with your assertion that its the same thing as discrimination of the basis of race or some other factor that does not impact a persons performance as a controller on the network. 


Its too bad you just deleted your account as you could have gone back to just flying or taken it upon yourself to transfer to another region and try again.  I guess you can always sign up with a new account.  As for the overall question of Vatsim's structure, as a private network there is nothing you can do about it and I don't think user revolt is pending anytime soon.  Vatsim usage is way down from a few years ago due to the waning popularity of FSX (i.e. no new simulator for years), relative obscurity of XPX (no big ad budget) and the poor quality of the current pilot clients (FSInn and Squawkbox). When SB4 and FSInn first came out you would regularly find 1000 people connected to the network at any one time, now its 400.  That loss of use has not changed anything so that tells you all you need to know.  Perhaps the new pilot client will help but I think nothing will turn around the trend until a new Flight Simulator appears.

Mark   CYYZ      


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