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Problem About Instant Replay

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Hello Everyone,

I am new on this forum and I am very happy to be here.I have a small problem that I believe you can help me.I use a one and half years old notebook but my problem is not about performance.(Because I get around 30/40 fps with t7 on medium high scenery,bilinear flitering without aa,no traffic)My problem is about the disappearance of my beautiful T7.When I want to see my replay after landing my plane disappears or a black screen comes up.I tried it 10 times I only could see 2 of my replays.The others had problems and I had to close the game.It also happens after settings,flight analyser.I made all of the tweaks and settings in introduction like HIGHMEMFIX=1(as I remember)


Thank you for your help,

Best regards,EFE (Sorry for my bad english I hope all of you understood my sentences.)

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if you use the internal fsx replay forget about it. It doesn't work with these complex aircraft such as PMDG. Fsrecordrer works better

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FSrecorder still isn't perfect, but it certainly does alot better than the FSX replay.


Don't expect the cockpit situation to match what happened.. lots of fun stuff happening there :P

Don't 'record' an engine shut down, cos the next replay you will be flying around with engines shut down and alarms going crazy. (alarms going crazy will probably happen anyway).


External view works ok enough.

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Thank you very much for your replies and yes I use the replayer what fsx gives me.I think I should use a more proffessional recorder.I also don't care the flaps position or something in details.I just want to see my landing from external.


Thank you very much one more time.



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