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About hopskip

  • Birthday 02/16/1981

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    Flight Simulation, FSX, WorldFlight, VATSIM, Australia, youtube, Not being in a Virtual Airline

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    Vatsim user since vatsim wasn't Satco anymore. Joined Satco in 1999. WorldFlight participant of WorldFlight Australia QF25 (full motion 747 sim) 2011, WorldFlight Team Tasmania 737 2008 & 2009, and WorldFlight team Mangrove 737 2012 & 2013.
    maker of Vatsim FS videos, www.youtube.com/musicalaviator

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  1. Pity FSX/P3D doesn't have such amazing reflections
  2. GOL do occasionally land 737-800's on a 1300m long runway though. That'd be a flap 40 job.
  3. http://www.bom.gov.au/aviation/charts/wind-temperature/ for the parts of the world I normaly fly in.
  4. Start it in the hangar cold and dark with the steps extended. Start her up and taxi to the gate and shut it down. Happy EngineerSim 2006 (Tow truck and brake rider not included) or slew it to the right spot at the gate
  5. Nice little cross check. ie: 1: Prepare for your departure, get ATIS and clearances and stuff. Check the wind with topcat etc for V speed calculations "Hey look, runway 19, wind 180 at 10 knots" 2: Tower tells you the actual winds just before takeoff "ABC123 wind 180 at 15 knots, Runway 19 cleared for takeoff" "Hmm that didn't match, but it's still fine. Let's takeoff." or "ABC123 wind 280 at 30 knots gusting 45, Runway 19 cleared for takeoff" "hmm that REALLY didn't match at all! 280 - 190 = 90. That's all crosswind. aww this sux. or "ABC123 wind 340 at 30 knots gusting 45, Runway 19 cleared for takeoff" "hmm that REALLY didn't match at all! 340 - 190 = 250. 240>90. A bunch of that is tailwind. a 30 to 40 knot tailwind is out of limits. We might need to say no to runway 19! Why didn't they give use 01? what's going on? I want no part in this crash waiting for a place to happen! Let's say no, and run our numbers again or double-check if they want to change their runway."
  6. PMDG JS41 PMDG MD11 PMDG B744 Leonardo MD80 Feelthere E135 / Feelthere E145 Wilco E170 / Wilco E190 Qualitywings RJ1H Already in the FSX hangar and running fine A2A P28A A2A C182 A2A PA24 Realair LEG2 Realair BE60 Razbam SW4 Majestic DH8D PMDG B737NG PMDG B777 Aerosoft A320 Already in the FSX-SE / P3D hanger and operating well Majestic DH8C iTG B717 FSlabs A320 Aerosoft A330 Qualitywings B787 PMDG B744v2 Awaiting release. Xplane has a fair way to go. Especially in the "Fully functioning FMS/autoflight" department. I'd list aircraft that fit that bill as: IXEG B733 Specifically I'd put the Rotatesim MD80 in a "Still has plenty of room for improvement" category still well short of the 2008 Leonardo Maddog MD80. And from "Best to worst", IXEG B733 Rotatesim MD80 Everything else Xplane has to offer. It's good Xplane finally has 1 plane in the "Good enough to list here" category. all my opinion of course! (disclaimer: PMDG B744x, Level-D B763 and Aerosoft A320 are in my "Almost aren't good enough to list here" category, along with the RotateSim MD80) The Wilco/Feelthere products have missing details, but I find the experience of flying them close to on par with Aerosoft's A320, so if Aerosoft gets a mention, so should they. RealityXP GNS430/GNS540 and Flight1 GTN650 push the GA products well into the "very interesting indeed" category.
  7. Born in Sydney, Live in Melbourne. Still visit Sydney pretty regularly.
  8. hopskip


    Isn't computer programing a marvellous thing I'm guessing some combination of airport altitude, runway heading, latitude/longitude or something is at fault?
  9. You're posting in the 737 forum, but I know on the 777 you also need to turn the radio transmitter on, otherwise it simulates them being 'off' by locking the radio to 118.00 I don't believe the 737 does this though.
  10. Deleted FSUIPC.ini and reassigned everything from scratch. Everything back to normal again. ... now to reassign all my unique profiles again. Spent a good 2 hours on Sunday doing exactly that, Got about halfway there For those reading, FSUIPC.ini is in the (Where FSX is installed) \Modules folder. There's a file called FSUIPC.dll and FSUIPC.ini. You may need file extensions to tell the difference (or just click on the file and see the full name/type).
  11. The NAT expiry times tend to co-incide with airport curfew times with a fair bit of leeway. If an aircraft were to enter an expired track, it's arrival time is going to be 2am - 5am at the other end. In this case, the flight plan would be rejected by the system and a "non-nat" flex track would need to be filed. When ATC receives the flight plan, it will receive the notification via computer, which would check Estimated departure against the requirements for NAT expiry and accept/reject based on this. When an aircraft calls up for clearance, a slot time will be provided. A takeoff slot (Takeoff between time x and time y) and a NAT entry slot. Aircraft that miss the slot times significantly (+- 10 mins at takeoff, +- 3 mins at NAT entry) may be required to adjust their flight plan. This may be mach number, altitude, or even an entire change of the NAT - "Recleared direct abc then NxxWxxx NxxWyyy etc") Aircraft will sometimes even file off the NAT structure for other reasons while the NAT is valid, usually due to ETOPS restrictions or RVSM capability issues. In those cases the flex track requested is required to be clear of any NAT, not crossing the structure and keeping clear of it by a number of nm. ATC can modify the cleared routing if required, and this procedure is covered in the video I linked above.
  12. I'll take another look. Having a "Yoke axis" assigned to "Deploy spoiler" certainly is how it is acting. Oddly, other aircraft (737NGX for example) is not displaying this behaviour, suggesting that there isn't any spoiler axis associated with yoke in the FSX Default settings. Maybe a yoke axis got a spoiler axis in FSUIPC though. I think I'll try: 1: delete all FSUICP control & calibration profiles. 2: Check if the issue happens still if so 3: Delete FSUIPC entirely 4: Check if the issue happens still if so 5: Delete all control assignments for all FSX axis assignments entirely 6: Check if spoilers deploy with any yoke action. 7: re-assign yoke only 8: check if spoilers deploy with any yoke action. If all that works out, I'll reinstall FSUIPC and carefully 1 axis at a time and test each time a new axis is assigned. delightful hours :(
  13. Recently I was trying to add some FSUICP axis assignments to my Saitek Throttle Quadrants, the idea being that as I move across my fleet of addons, it is sometimes useful to have 2 engine throttles and 1 spoiler (777, 737NGX, Maddog, A320 etc) and at other times it is more useful to have other assignments (ie, 1 throttle, 1 mixture and 1 prop rpm for A2A C182, 2 throttles and 1 axis running both prop RPM's for the Q400, 3 throttles for MD11, etc) and found that you could assign "Aircraft specific" profiles through FSUICP. So I assigned the settings I wanted for my DH8D, worked perfect. P28A Cherokee, perfect. C172, C182, MD11 all working perfect. Now by using the default axis assignments, I had 2 throttles, and 1 spoiler axis on the yokes. Of course the Lancair Legacy has Prop RPM, Mixture, Throttle and a "Switch" for spoiler (it's either up or it isn't) but of course the clash between FSUICP and Default axis happened and "Mixture" was now a speedbrake and mixture. Mixture full rich? - spoiler open. So Deactivate the default axis. Easy. Now to make a spoiler axis for the 777 and 737. Unfortunately, now with the FSUICP axis assigned and FSX one deactivated, the spoiler axis for the 777 and 737 stopped being an axis, and started acting like a switch. The spoilers were either up, or fully deployed, with an activation point just below the "spoiler retracted" position. Move the handle an inch, FULL SPOILER. move it back the width of a human hair, SPOILER RETRACTED. I actually flew it like that a little while before I got sick of it, and decided to delete the FSUICP profile, and go back to using the default FSX assignment for spoiler. AND NOW not only does the spoiler not work at all (Spoiler is fully retracted regardless of the position of the Saitek Quadrant lever position) I'm getting a full spoiler activation when I turn the yoke left or right more than about 80% of it's travel throw. Moving the yoke left or right past 80% of travel causes full spoiler activation, including animation of the "Spoiler handle" moving to the fully aft position in the cockpit. This occurs airborne or on ground.Moving the yoke back to centre does not retract spoiler. Moving the Saitek lever through its full range of travel does not retract the spoiler (it moves slightly in 'spikes' while the lever is moving, but snaps back to full open spoiler as soon as the lever stops moving, regardless of position) The only way to retract the spoiler in this condition is the "/" key on the keyboard. Does anyone know why this would be or have any advice? I'd also be up for completely uninstalling FSUICP if need be, although I'v got lots of useful stuff in there regarding wind smoothing, VAS monitoring, etc. I'm sure I can set that up again if need be. That said, I've removed the profile I set up for the 777-300ER, and never actually set one up for the 777-200LR/F and the issue is happening there anyway.
  14. Normal operation of Takeoff mode Suggest reinstalling lol
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