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About ger

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    eindhoven netherlands

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  1. ger

    saitek calibration

    Hi all, thanks for all suggestions, since i mainly will fly the pmdg planes ,i m going to try to calibrate in p3d to see if that works and like Dan said ,if this doesn't work i can allways do it in fsuipc , thanks again
  2. ger

    saitek calibration

    Hi guys , I just bought a saitek yoke with throttles wich i m planning to install tomorrow . Spent some time time today reading about all the install options and calibrating the different axes in fsuipc and P3D . My question , Is is best to calibrate everything in fsuipc or in P3d , i m asking this because i m not sure when i calibrate the axes in fsuipc the 777 FBW system gets messed up. Hoping someone can help me with this Thanks
  3. Hi guys, a few days ago i bought a MSI GTX980 Ti 6G gaming card for my 4K Samsung television. I still run FSX together with P3d v3.1 . For P3d i use the Nvidia control panel but for fsx i use Nvidia inspector for dx10 . . Inside Nvidia Inspector there is also a standard profile for P3d , do i need to delete that profile in Nvidia inspector or do i need to leave it inside inspector and leave it at default ?. Thanks in advance, Best regards ,
  4. Hi guys, This morning i installed my new Samsung 4K 40 inch curved tv , replacing my 24 inch monitor. I m using P3d and FSX , for FSX and P3D i used nvidia inspector with the 24 inch monitor , do i need to use this also with 4k , if not do i need to delete the standard profile in Nvidia inspector or do i leave all the settings in the in NVI P3d and FSX profile at default ? Thanks in advance , Best regards ,
  5. Hi all , Hope someone can help me with this , I m having troubles running the 777 in P3D v3 ( flights of 8 hour and longer)and totally no problems running it in v2.5. I have v2.5 and v3 installed and was wondering if it is possible to install the 777 in v2.5 and the 737 in v3 , i know that it can't be installed in v2.5 and v3 together but don't know if it is possible to have the 777 installed in 2.5 and the 737 in 3. Hope someone can help me with this . Have a great saturday and thanks in advance . Best regards , Gérard van Veldhoven
  6. Hi all , Hope someone can help me with this , I m having troubles running the 777 in P3D v3 and totally no problems running it in v2.5. I have v2.5 and v3 installed and was wondering if it possible to install the 777 in v2.5 and the 737 in v3 , i know that it can't be installed in v2.5 and v3 together but don't know if it is possible to have the 777 installed in 2.5 and the 737 in 3. Hope someone can help me with this . Have a great saturday and thanks in advance . Best regards , Gérard van Veldhoven
  7. Hi guys, Thinking about buying a 28 or 32 inch 4k monitor ,currently i have a MSI GTX 980 card with a normal 24 inch monitor , would this be enough or is it better to get a second GTX 980 in sli with a 4 k monitor ,or is even a second 980 card not enough , it s for P3D v3 Regards Gérard
  8. Hi Rob, did you change any settings in the CFG or in Nvidia ontrol panel, i use 8 SGSS with 4 or 8 msaa ( no difference ) in the ni at this moment and my displays are not so crisp..my card is a GTX980 and cpu 4790K oc to 4.9 so i have the room i think ...when i disable NI and use 8 msaa and ultra it s getting even worse ..monitor is 1920 32. Thanks in advance , Gérard
  9. Hi, Yes , with FTX GLOBAL I know it isn't officially supported with a new installer but it is possible ...Traffic is with vatsim , road traffic 10%, lod 6.5 in the CFG wich is default and graphics 2048 , i m getting better results with P3dv3 than with fsx dx10.. and P3D 2.5... At this moment i have P3Dv3 running and placed my PMDG 77W at gate A7 at KSFO , departing tonight at 0045Z back to EHAM , and see what the VAS does after 11 hours at the gate and after that a flight of 9.35 hours into Ams Gérard
  10. Hi just made a flight EHAM KSFO with all settings to the right , AEROSOFT EHAM and FB KSFO , ORBX FTXG (yes ) , and ASN weather , PMDG 777 with HD KLM textures The total flight duration was nearly 10 hours , real time , and VAS with landing was 3.1. , frames locked and steady at 30 , AA settings in NI inspector . very very happy, Best regards Gérard
  11. Hi Manny , just took off KIAD with the PMDG 777 bound to EDDM and hadn't had any problems when loading , VAS usage was 2.6 , this is with ASN and settings way up , now 1 hour into flight VAS still 2.6
  12. ger

    AA settings

    Hi Jeroen, just took off from kiad and in the climb i had some heavy clouds and had the same , heavily reduced frames , so next flight i m gonna try without ni.
  13. ger

    AA settings

    Hi, Thanks all , @ ryan ..gonna try the same settings as i had in 2,5 wich are the same as yours, Thanks again
  14. Hi guys , just installed the V3 version and trying to get the AA settings right, In the past i used nvidia inspector for this but don't know if i still need it or should the settings be made within P3D . My system is a 4790K at 4.7 , with a GTX980 lightning card so performance shouldn't be a problem , Can someone give me some advice wich settings i need to change , in P3D or in inspector or in both to get the best AA, Thanks in advance, Best regards, Gérard van Veldhoven
  15. Hi Sir , maybe you should have a look at the following link , page 2 at the bottom of it ,this solved the crash problem for me at vtbs , when i replaced the main terminal.bgl file the problems were gone http://forum.avsim.net/topic/420361-fsx-crash-on-reverse-thurst/
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