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About NeilC

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  1. I have noticed that the textures (and numbers on gauges) get crisper the more you lean in. seems to happen with other aircraft too. The only one I can think of that is always crisp is the PMDG 737. Makes my G2 (run super sampled using OpenXR toolkit) seem like a $2000 Aero or Pimax, so it must be possible. also, it isn’t the heaviest in frames, but also not the best. I am getting around 25-30 on my setup. For comparison, the Longitude is worse (20) and the Maddog and 737 are better (40)
  2. Great couple of flilghts. Absolutely loving the Lear (although I am now even more desperate for them to do the FA50 😀). Couple of observations: I wish that all developers would stick to default bindings as much as possible, especially for the FD/Autopilot. Things like the speed bug and the altitude selector, would be great if you could just plug and play with your peripherals (I use the honeycomb bravo with Axis and Ohs). Also, why is there still a sound humming away when the aircraft has been completely turned off (like some sort of power source still humming?). But, I have to say, I absolutely love this jet. Flies beautifully (a really stable flight model, like the 414, none of this usual MSFS pitch twichiness).
  3. I normally fly with the Lo fuel default settings and about 8 passengers. I use 97-99% takeoff power, and always come back to 97% for the initial climb. Still, the FA50 accelerates like an F15, and then climbs at 4000+ fpm. Is this similar in the real world? Also, at higher altitudes, it then struggles to get above FL350 (even at light loads). What takeoff procedure should I use. Unless I pitch up to about 25 degrees and start retracting stuff really quickly, I struggle to keep the speed under control. Thanks for any pointers Neil
  4. Thanks Bryan, That is fantastic news! I will stick to the STEAM version only, and give it a go! Once more, I greatly appreciate all your hard work, and have had literally 1000s of hours of fun from it!
  5. I have been running your fantastic Voice Control with the Leonardo Maddog and FS9 for years. Unfortunately, I have had to move away from FS9 after a computer upgrade, and have decided to give FSX:SE a go. Is there any way of installing FS2Crew with the Steam edition? If I buy a normal version of FSX, install FS2Crew, and then copy bits across, will that work? The Maddog is the only plane I fly, and it is pointless without your brilliant addon/ Thanks Neil
  6. I was about to click the button and sign up for a 600 CAD yoke, when I noticed that it doesn't currently support FS9. Unfortunately, my flying is wholly FS9 - Leonardo Maddog. Is there any hope that this will work with FS9 as well? Thanks Neil
  7. I have been running Saitek pro flight yoke/pedals and 2 quadrants for a few years now. I got the yoke when it was first released, and there were all sorts of problems with it. I received a replacement direct from Saitek and it has been fine since. The big problem most people seem to have is with the throttle quadrants. The leavers don't line up properly (if you put the 6 leavers on the 2 quadrants to the same position, they will all give slightly different - majorly different on one of my axis - outputs). This can be fine tuned out with FSUIPC, but real aircraft throttles don't always line up giving the same power (or at least of the older generation, I know Airbus is different). This is not eh big problem. The big problem is potentiometer spiking after a while. I have had to replace 3 quadrants (a couple FOC from Saitek), and when the next one goes, I may invest in a GoFlight quadrant instead, although this is a lot more expensive. The moment your throttles start spiking, they become very annoying to use. It seams that hardware manufacturers always skimp on the most vital bits. The difference between the cost of a good quality pot and the ones fitted can't be more than a few dollars.
  8. I spend 99% of time flying the Maddog. I would purchase the MD-11 from PMDG, but only if Bryan did upgrade it to voice control. You have a prospective customer here if you ever do
  9. Hi, The CMA900 can be used in a really simple way. Just click on Company Routes and you can upload the full flightplan. You can add the SID/STARS in the DEP/ARR page. By changing the switch position from Radio to Nav, the HSI will show the coupled FMS routing. There is no VNAV, but you can use the PMS to manage your vertical profile
  10. I know this has been said many times before, but I wonder how many FS9 users (including myself) would send dollars your way if you included us! I don't want to start a discussion about FS9 vs FSx vs Lockheed Martin. I am just pointing out that there are still a large number of FS9 users (flying commercial jets such as the Leanardo Maddog) who would be worth investing in!
  11. My problem is purely that the APU produces NO bleed air. As I said previously, it seems to fluctuate on and off (milliseconds at a time - the green text on the EICAS page flickers on and off). The bleed switch shows on, but withe the orange valve warning) I have posted on the PMDG forum, but no reply
  12. I have just upgraded my computer, and finally have the 747 working. I am running into the bleed air problem as well. I managed to get it started by making sure the APU was running before starting FS2Crew, but after landing I had the same problem again. The APU starts fine, but there is no bleed air available from the APU. It seems to cycle. The EICAS says that there is no duct pressure, but when you turn on the PACKs it sort of sounds like a motorbike revving, as the Aircon turns on and off successively (in 2 second cycles). I have checked all the failures, and they are disabled. I am running FS9. The only other issue is that no one ever closes the front door before pushback, and I have to do it manually with CTR+SHFT+TAB+A. Was there any update on the APU bleed issue (I see it is quite an old thread). Thanks Neil
  13. I have always experienced this problem as far back as ASA. I have locked destination weather (which in reality should be simple, all weather gets set to destination wx when 80 miles away), tried everything possible. If you search way back through the forums you will find lots of correspondence between Jim and myself. Nothing worked!!! The work round I figured was to go to ASE Options when approaching the destination airport, and changing max visibility in options to the lowest possible. Not perfect, but better than nothing. ASE is still a fantastic bit of software (as an FS9 user I can't upgrade), but does have some limitations :(
  14. Thanks Bryan, I did try the Default Cessna, and I only ever fly in 2D. I remembered last night that I swapped my C drive last year because it started ticking, but I kept the old one, so should have a fully working version of XP and FS9. I'll try and plug that in, make a new clone of it, and try installing the 747 and FS2Crew again. Thanks again for your help Neil
  15. Thanks for trying to help, I completely uninstalled everything again, Re-installed a vanilla FS2004 (9.1 updated), and then only installed the Maddog and the 747. Everything worked fine, swapping aircraft was no problem, not CTDs at all. I then installed FS2Crew, and the problem came back. Strange. I just can't figure it
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