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About jasoncardeira

  • Birthday 12/28/1977

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    Aviation, FSX, cars

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  1. I'll try it, thank you Bryan! Cheers,
  2. Hello, I have a doubt when performing a go-around due to winshear on approach. Does FO recognize only the command "go around" instead of "go around, flaps 15" to set the item to "initial climb" ? Because with windshear we should not touch the aircraft configuration until get out of it. If not will this be updated in the upcoming version?
  3. Here you got an example from the values you must put in the red fields. This is ONLY for SBNT. The values you need are in the charts for the airport
  4. The problem of printing the manuals in black and white can lead to problems like this.. Thanks for your help, Cheers
  5. Still the same problem. TL - 4000ft (set also on the descent forecasts page), at FL130, the ATC told me to descent to 2000ft, at FL130 i said SET QHN (nothing happened), i said too SET ALTIMETER (nothing happened). I set by myself the barometer to the local pressure, at FL100, i said FL100, descending altitude 2000, TEN CHECKS. The F/O replies with Flight Level zero, two, zero, checked. Sure there's something wrong here. I followed what is written on the manual
  6. I'm reading the page 26 on manual: "Passing 10,000ft the FO will call "ALTIMETERS". Speak: FLIGHT LEVEL 100, DESCENDING ALTITUDE XXX, TEN CHECKS You say that i should only say Ten Checks. In the manual, it says that i should say all the setence above. Could you clarify this please ?
  7. So that's a correct procedure (using any SOP), can you confirm it Bryan ? Flaps rectracted to 15 degress in the "after landing flow" I think this was a bug
  8. Yep Bryan, The F/O always replies with FL below the Transition Level. This is not correct
  9. Hello, In the ten checks (approach phase), when passing FL100, i say "FL100 desceding altitude 4000ft" (the MCP ALT), note that the transition level is 5000ft in this case. The F/O replies "Flight level 040 checked" Is this a mistake? below the TL, the altitude is said in FT and not in FL Regards
  10. Hello, After arriving at Svalbard (temperature 0ºc, and light snow) with wing and engine anti ice ON and flaps 40 used for landing, the F/O puts the flaps at 15 degrees in the after landing flow. Is this a normal situation? Shouldn't he rectracted the flaps to the UP position, or leave it fully down ? According to Boeing FCOM The Cold Weather Operations Supplementary Procedure in the Boeing FCOM specifies how far the flaps may be retracted after landing in conditions where ice, snow, or slush may have contaminated the flap areas. If the flap areas are found to be contaminated, flaps should not be retracted until maintenance has removed the contaminants.Why put he the flaps at 15 degrees ? Regards, Jason
  11. El Alto airport (SLLP) has 737's flying from/to there. GOL is an example. They fly from/to there with the 737-800. Lukas, i'll do that. Sounds a good idea. Let's see if it works well. Thanks!
  12. Yes i know that. But i only want to know if there's any possibility to use or how to use sop3 in that situation. I'll wait for Bryan to answer this
  13. Hello, I have a doubt with sop 3, in the "ten checks" for high elevation airports. I read in the manual that the F/O must call altimeters to do the FL100 checks, and the aircraft must be under 13000ft and above 7000ft. The elevation of La paz airport (SLLP) is 13313ft. Will the "ten checks" be done in the TL, which is 18000ft ? How's the procedure for this, using sop3 ? Regards,
  14. Ok thanks guys, btw Bryan thanks for this amazing product, i've flown the sop1 and sop2 but the sop3 is by far the best! It has a lot of workload for the PF but it's amazing, we even learn new things! Congratulations Bryan
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