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A/P semi-unresponsive... EZDOK? FS2CREW?

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Hi flightsim community!


I did quite some hours on the 777 and the 737NGX... and all of a sudden - with no apparent reason or changes to my system or the installation - the autopilot behaves erratic. It happened twice on a 3hr flight from EDDL to LGAV. At one of the last waypoints - short before reaching the T/D - the autopilot flies straight on instead of following the LNAV profile. First I thought it was FS2CREW in the 737 NGX that killed the A/P. But nah... tonight it happened again in the B777. All other applications seem to disconnect or fail. This goes for EZDOK, FS2CREW (in the 737) and TrackIR. I don't know if this is happening EXACTLY at the waypoint or somewhat before but ALWAYS at the end of a annoyingly long flight.


I usually have no OOM issues or other probs with the FSX. I used the default "cold and dark" state of the B777, on a networked PC there's FSCommander and FSACARS running via WideFS. On the Host PC OPUS, TrackIR and EZDOK.


I never had this issue before. Not with the B777 or this particular airport or any other airports.


Does anyone has the same or similar issues? I just found that guy that said, his bios-clock was off game and that this was the culprit... but mine is fine (or is it??! Damn! :( )



Thanks in advance and happy landings!




Peter Mueller

Edited by BoeingNut76

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So what is the actual issue, is the issue that the airplane stops flying the LNAV profile, or does the game crash? I have had one crash on the descent into LAX after a 13 hour flight. I'm pretty sure it had to do with the AIRAC database. I would fly a different flight and see if it happens again. I will say, I have experienced problems with heading select on occasion. The airplane with ignore a heading select command and instead just start turning for no reason. I think some of these gremlins with be resolved with SP1.

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It took up the better part of my night to look into this and it seems as if I'm not the only one having the issue... and there seems to be a solution.


The A/C folllows the designated VNAV and LNAV profile up to a certain point (in space and/or time) when the A/P stops working properly: it won't follow the LNAV profile, the A/C is not manually maneuverable along the longitudinal axis BUT along the lateral axis. A/T, LVLCHG working but no HDGSEL. Displays working fine. Saving/reloading or loading a A/C state via the FMC does not help. This occured twice into a approx. 3hr flight close to T/D once in the B777 and before that in the B737NGX - always the same picture. Oh, external view is working too, but no view in the VC wil work. Even TrackIR and EZDOK cease to work. The aircraft switches from guided flight to a braindead and straight soaring on a soft glideslope right into the ground.


What I found out so far: it seems to be an BIOS-clock issue and involves (somehow) the "live-licensing" of the A/C. Somehow a discrepancy between the HW-clock and the OS-clock causes the PMDG to kick in some sort of anti-piracy protection. I simply switched off the internet sync for my OS-clock and voila - I am about 30 seconds behind (well the OS is... I am rather far far more behind than that :D) Anyways, I will now refly the exact route (oh joy! 3hrs por nada!) and see what happens.


Oh and I unknowingly followed your advice some days earlier and took a different route to a different location: everything went well. After I have retraced the route of last night I will - given the problem persists - try your other advice and take a different route.


I will report back, in case someone else has this weird issue. Thanks a lot for your input! I shall now roam the streets in search of a very, very, veeeery strong coffee or other legal substances having a similar effect and get back to work. :)





Peter Mueller

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Geez... this whole issue is way bigger than I expected. It may not be a BIOS-Clock related issue after all... somehow the airport LGAV causes TrackIR and EZDOK to cease working... along with the aircraft. I am so absolutly clueless about what to do next... :(  I checked out other airports... they do not seem to pose a problem. I will keep searching... there's got to be a solution to this.

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I had a similar AP problem that I traced back to some settings in OPUSFSX that seemed to confuse my AP and Simconnect timings.  Newer versions of OPUS give the user latitude to adjust the amount of time that Simconnect has to reconcile calls by addons.  Here is what I did to fix my AP problem.


1. Click on the Configure button in the main OPUSFSX window


2. Next, in the Dynamic Head Movement (DHM Options) section, click on DHM-VC Views button


3. See the six sliders -  go to the bottom right slider and move it left to zero, and below this slider adjust DOF to 1, and Delay to 10


Thanks go to others that gave me this lead.  It fixed the AP problem that I had with all of my addon aircraft.  Hope it fixes your problem too.

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Found it... I think. The FSUIPC module caused the problem. Deleting it from the Modules folder all probs were gone... strange. Never ever had any trouble with FSUIPC.

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Hi winged532 and many thanks for your input! I will bear that in mind next time the problem occurs. I had to make a fresh installation of fsx... kinda sucks, but seems to be the last thing to resort to... and was kinda high time too. :) Happy landings!

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