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b55 and P3dv2.3


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hello purchased your Beech Baron b55  P3d v2.2 update,and when tried to run in updated P3d v2,3 ,i get told license invalid,or some such wording but it still allowed my to fly,it did not seem to have effected anything but it was a very quick flight,so just though I would pass it back to your good selves, C310 Does not show the the same issue


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Thank you for your report, Peter. I need to update the sound module to allow it to work with P3Dv2.3 now. The only affect for the time being (aside from the notice) is that you will have no 'custom click sounds' and so forth.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

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I spent yesterday afternoon installing Prepar3D v2.3 (full install) since the "Patch" failed utterly to work...


I have found no problems whatever with either the C310R or the Baron B55, but I do note that Flight1's GTN units will no longer load at all. They seem to think that FSX is running instead of P3D...


...which probably comes from looking for v2.2 instead of just v2...

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

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Just for general information, Flight1 has released the GTN750 and GTN650 gps units for use in Prepar3D v2.3.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator
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Hi just finished full install and I still have my license warning ."invalid license contact developer " not sure wording correct but the License invalid message is still there,so gents what to do the C310r is Ok so are all the other P3dv2.2 addons,I will do a fresh download and reinstall,if i remember correct Kat sent me the download link when I purchased the update so do i now just download from my original supplier? having just looked at your site I see you give  a warning to shut down virus protection,I do not remember seeing this information when Kat sent me the purchased download link,just a shot in the dark who knows sorry to be such a pain

many thanks for reading


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