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Fraps loose contact with P3D v2.3

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Hello everyone,

Does your Fraps (3.5.99) loose "the contact" with your Prepar3D 2.3 ?


It didn't happened with the previous version (2.2). All I had to check is that I have to launch FRAPS before P3D. Unfortunetly, with this 2.3, it works fine few minutes, then I loose the fps counter and all abilities to capture pic/vidéo.

Vincent B.

Check my MSFS sceneries : https://flightsim.to/profile/vbazillio/uploads

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I had the same problem until last night. I wasn't intentionally trying to fix that issue though so I have no idea why it started working.







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Has anyone found a solution for that one yet?




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No, but I discovered that Fraps looses contact as soon as I access the drop down menu for any reason.  It works fine up until that point.







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Bumping up this old thread, looking for a solution myself. Anyone?

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Bumping up this old thread, looking for a solution myself. Anyone?


No, but I started using ShadowPlay instead of Fraps.  I have found it to be better as both a framerate monitor and video recorder.  Fraps still disconnects when I access the dropdown menu in P3D and I don't attribute this to windowed/fullscreen mode as I can run other games/software in windowed mode and Fraps works fine.







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Same here. I had Fraps working in P3D for one session and now it drops out with drop down menu access. FSX is fine.   Skip

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Fraps worked fine for me in P3Dv2 up to v2.3, but since then it's been erratic at best. I don't do a lot of video captures, but I do grab a lot of screenshots. Being unable to capture screenshots after accessing the menu or resizing the window is a real disappointment to me. I know the v key still works, but I really don't like messing with bmp files.


As an aside, you can display p3d in full screen, just tick the "blackout" option in video settings, and p3d will occupy the entire main display, but any additional monitors not part of the primary display will go black. I generally start p3d in a window, load my scenario and other ancillary apps (Opus) then maximize the window. At this point it's still in windowed mode, but the keyboard shortcut RightAlt+Enter will maximize the sim.


For what it's worth, the menu dropping Fraps into an inactive state is not a Fraps issue. I installed Bandicam to see if that worked any better. Same exact issue as with Fraps, screen captures are black and video captures are black but with full sound. Looks like this is some issue with how p3d handles the menu graphics.


Or it could be a video driver issue. I'm running the very latest Nvidia drivers (bug fix whql version 344.80 I think, not at my desktop to confirm.)

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Does your Fraps (3.5.99) loose "the contact" with your Prepar3D 2.3 ?




Same here. Very annoying indeed.




Bumping up this old thread, looking for a solution myself. Anyone?


Changing the following solved this issue for me.  I actually tried this as a suggestion to fix the flashing during camera changes and found that it solved the fraps issue.  This will bug out EzDok somewhat but a simple work around has that fixed as well.  If you're using EzDok and move to an exterior view, you have to use the Virtual Cockpit hotkey before you can select an interior EzDok view.  I set the hotkey through FSUIPC to a joystick button (default is F9).  I think you have to reasign the hotkey after you make this change anyway.


In your C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin/Prepar3d v2 folder open the cameras.cfg and change the following after backing up the file.


Title = Virtual Cockpit
Guid = {C95EAB58-9E4A-4E2A-A34C-D8D9D948F078}
Description = This is the description of the virtual cockpit view.
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
MomentumEffect =No
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 0.7
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit


Good luck!





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